Got a Fricking Ticket yesterday

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Aug 6, 2007
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Fight the ticket most donut eaters don't show up for court.

Sweet Ride

Feb 1, 2008
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Denver, CO
What... Are we ALL alcoholics?

In a word, yes...

As for the ticket, I am fighting a speeding ticket in Gonzales, TX right now. My lawyer says he can at least get it reduced (85 in a 65) but hopefully get it thrown out. The officer that wrote the ticket neglected to write "yes" in the "CDL" portion of the citation. Even after I told him and the dispatcher confirmed it.

Check that ticket for any mis-information. Anything like that should place doubt on your side and it should be thrown out.

BTW, I must say thank you to the Florida Highway Patrolman that gave me a warning for the 88 in a 70. He totally could have nailed me, but let me off with the warning and an improper display of tag ticket (no plates). :cool:

Oh, and what are these "puddles" you speak of? Sounds interesting... If I am ever somewhere where it rains I will have to look for one...:)


Feb 23, 2007
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Northern California, USA
Your one-sided mentality shows through, your only reading a disgruntled version from someone that got a ticket, whose to say that the cop is the only one lying here? There are two sides to every story.

I agree, a lot of jumping to conclusions here without hearing both sides of the story.


Damn sure did - Shiner gone mainstream man !! look at that........hmmmm, I'd probably like that Munich Style, and the Black Lager sounds wicked - maybe like a Guiness ? Love the Shiner brand though, Heineken Lite is where it's at for me right now.....they nailed it.

Oh, the Ticket........whatever - just another bash a Cop , I got a ticket for no good reason Thread......same ol sh**, over and over. Kiddies whinin about getting a ticket once every few years, give it a rest. As you can see, just as many " I wasn't cited going 90 or 88, or 130 and Cop gave me a helluva break" posts.

Those Cops are drinking coffee in the Dunkin Donuts, by the way - those donut jokes are out-dated, sorry to say. Most Cops I see these days would whoop most of your butts on this site, I'd bet on that. You can't hunker down and hide in that Viper seat forever - then run to your computers......eventually it catches upto you - and for some, it's very deserving!


Oct 17, 2006
Reaction score
venms96....How was the original poster "bashing the cop"? What does it matter what other people got a break for? Careless ticket for swerving?! A puddle here in Michigan this time of year is NOT just a puddle!!
And I'm sure you(venms96) drive like a perfect angel, never exceed the posted speed limit, come to a COMPLETE stop at every stop sign, signal every lane change, and by your extensive knowledge of alcohol have never driven with ANY alcohol in your system.


Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
Those Cops are drinking coffee in the Dunkin Donuts, by the way - those donut jokes are out-dated, sorry to say. Most Cops I see these days would whoop most of your butts on this site, I'd bet on that. You can't hunker down and hide in that Viper seat forever - then run to your computers......eventually it catches upto you - and for some, it's very deserving! never gets old.


venms96....How was the original poster "bashing the cop"? What does it matter what other people got a break for? Careless ticket for swerving?!

I didn't say the original poster was bashing, just the usual follow-up bashing that occurs, ridiculous really. And below is what the original poster said......

So im cruising along doing the speed limit and i swerve to miss a puddle, i just barely cross the center line then i did it 2 more times jsut for kick.

.......and I think I am correct in assuming that he meant, after the ONE puddle he swerved to miss, which is understandable, he "did it two more times", but this wasn't to miss any puddles, this was the Nascar - heat the tires up swerving movement, towards or over the center lines. This type of stuff draws attention to yourself, as minimal as it may be - I can see how some Cops would call it Careless Driving.

And the original poster said, he has a "perfect driving record", and hasn't had any tickets in 6 years. To me, that's a pretty good driving record, especially if a person has committed, what - let's say a conservative 50 more violations and never got caught. My point is, you win some - you lose some. If you do something that you know will draw attention to yourself with a Cop, and you get caught, then **** it up once in awhile and don't whine about getting a ticket every 6 years. My point was, look at what you got away with for those 6 years, quit yer cryin........sure, it would have been nice to have received a warning, but he didn't. Big deal.........


Oct 27, 2000
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Madison, WI
Plain and simple. Cops LIE and then they don't want to pay tickets they themselves get when off duty and caught by red light cameras.

This is not speculation, it's experience and readily reported in the news.

They are human which means they experience all human emotions and actions!

My 02. cents.


Oct 17, 2006
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Venms96.....Ok, I understand your view/tone of it now. Sorry for mistaken your intentions, I apologize.


Sep 26, 2001
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In a nut shell-===COPS SUK. Watching COPS on TV drives me nuts-- all that effort to arrest some poor slob with a joint or a residue of a drug--the war on crime is a total waste of our taxes.


Viper Owner
Sep 7, 2007
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Harrison Twp MI
Well i have been really thinking about this, just because the whole situation ****** me off. What if there was someone riding a bike or walking down the road and i had to swerve to miss the person, then would i be cited for careless driving as well? its the same situation.

The best part of it was when he gave me the ticket he put on there i went by him At high rate of speed. Where he was sitting was right behind the stop sign that i took off from. Yes i did accelerate fast but nothing to lose the rear end or spin the tires. He also said that the only way he noticed me was from the sound of the engine when i hit the gas. Also as he was approaching me he was on his cell phone and got off of it 30 secs before Turing on the lights. He was just bored at 9 30 in the morning seen a nice red sports car and said oh he must be speeding because his engine made some noise. the whole ticket is BS.

AS for me not getting a ticket for 6 years is because i dont drive like an ass. i see to many recked cars everyday (manage collision shop) i know better. So no i didn't get lucky for the past 6 years.

I drive over 25,000 miles a year either the viper or regular ram truck or driving around the country towing a 30ft enclosed trailer. so I'm sure i cant be that lucky to not get tickets.

I am going to fight this. The officer even said just because i was so cooperative that if the judge lowered the the ticket he would totally agree. So in short he was just looking to get the money for the county police.

Yes i am whining because now i have to shell out some moeny and waste my time from work going to court for this. He owuld have pulled me over wether i swerve once or twice.


Jan 26, 2008
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Haverhill, MA
Well i have been really thinking about this, just because the whole situation ****** me off. What if there was someone riding a bike or walking down the road and i had to swerve to miss the person, then would i be cited for careless driving as well? its the same situation.

The best part of it was when he gave me the ticket he put on there i went by him At high rate of speed. Where he was sitting was right behind the stop sign that i took off from. Yes i did accelerate fast but nothing to lose the rear end or spin the tires. He also said that the only way he noticed me was from the sound of the engine when i hit the gas. Also as he was approaching me he was on his cell phone and got off of it 30 secs before Turing on the lights. He was just bored at 9 30 in the morning seen a nice red sports car and said oh he must be speeding because his engine made some noise. the whole ticket is BS.

AS for me not getting a ticket for 6 years is because i dont drive like an ass. i see to many recked cars everyday (manage collision shop) i know better. So no i didn't get lucky for the past 6 years.

I drive over 25,000 miles a year either the viper or regular ram truck or driving around the country towing a 30ft enclosed trailer. so I'm sure i cant be that lucky to not get tickets.

I am going to fight this. The officer even said just because i was so cooperative that if the judge lowered the the ticket he would totally agree. So in short he was just looking to get the money for the county police.

Yes i am whining because now i have to shell out some moeny and waste my time from work going to court for this. He owuld have pulled me over wether i swerve once or twice.
EDIT.. Watch the language please
not that this would have necessarily mattered in your situation but do you use a radar detector? :confused:
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Viper Owner
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Harrison Twp MI
I totally agree with you dude... he's a F****** dick...

not that this would have necessarily mattered in your situation but do you use a radar detector? :confused:

no i do not. I half assed thought about it but i really dont speed that often or go that high rate of speed. i just usually do the stop to 60 runs.


Sep 26, 2001
Reaction score
Cops do not prevent crime--they take reports after the fact. Cops are nothing more than revenue generaltors for the area. Dui laws are joke. It's all about the money. If cops were smart--which they aren't, they would have better jobs and stop pimping for lawyers. If they had any skills== they would do better in life.


Jan 26, 2008
Reaction score
Haverhill, MA
no i do not. I half assed thought about it but i really dont speed that often or go that high rate of speed. i just usually do the stop to 60 runs.

Yea I dont plan on speeding either.. I'm just buying one so I will know in advance when there are cops in the area so I can be on my guard with anything really..


Aug 21, 2005
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You are taking this way too personal, relax, you obviously have your head screwed on right and think with both sides of you brain. You are in the system now, pay for a mouth piece, pay the fine save the points and your good to go. Its about the money not you. Stop playing it over and over again in your head it won't change a thing.
You were driving erratic and drew attention to yourself the officer did his job.
What if you were the car theif who just stole your car and did the very same thing and the officer did the very same thing with the outcome being you getting your car back before any damage could have been done then what would your reaction be to him just doing what he does.


Sep 26, 2001
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Right now, there are two cycle cops and two car cops in my parking lot waiting for some poor sole to go over the limit by 10 mph. Meanwhile---up the road about one mile are hundreds of illegal aliens with no license or insurance and no proof of citicenship. Ahhh but a speeding ticket is so much easier than realy do a job well done----COPS STILL SUK.


Viper Owner
May 24, 2007
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Jacksonville Fl
Do you... the cop bashers on this site realize that there are cops that are on this site and are reading your dumb responces? I dont understand how you guys can say that "cops ****". For you to be making a statement like that shows a lot about how you think. That would be like me saying that female teachers ****** little boys. A statement like that is just stupid. Many cops do a very good job and then there are the ones who are ***** and do a terrible job. So I dont get how you guys can just say cops **** in general. I do agree that the one who pulled him over was being a dick but there are many good one who would not have worried about that petty ****. And for the guy to say that DUI laws are a joke how about you ask all the people that there family members were killed from some ***** drinking and driving. And for bandwith to say that we do not have any skills you are dumb... I would like to see you get out and some of the things that a police officer would do... Oh wait you just like to complain about a police officer until something happens when they save your ass.


Viper Owner
Dec 21, 2004
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Harvey, La.
You're supposed to adjust your speed for prevailing road and weather conditions. Not hold your speed and swerve. If it would've been a person you could've easily justified a swerve. I've given breaks and reduced speeds on tickets before as sort of a reward for being a good sport about getting a ticket. Cops can have nice cars too so don't go there. ;)


Nov 18, 2007
Reaction score
Jacksonville, FL USA
Cops do not prevent crime--they take reports after the fact. Cops are nothing more than revenue generaltors for the area. Dui laws are joke. It's all about the money. If cops were smart--which they aren't, they would have better jobs and stop pimping for lawyers. If they had any skills== they would do better in life.

Don't bother to call the police after you get car-jacked and watch your viper driving down the road. Don't bother calling after your house gets broken into. Certainly don't bother calling after someone smashes into your car while driving around in GA. Since we only respond to report crimes your wasting your time, am I correct.

LIFE was just served down to a 20 year old punk who car jacked two 14 year old girls who were in the drive way listening to the radio in their mother's car. The alert skilled officer anticipated the method of escape and cut the suspect off. Additionally this unskilled nonathletic officer ran the suspect down after crossing several fences.

Yup, you've got the right point of view :2tu:



Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
by the way - those donut jokes are out-dated, sorry to say. Most Cops I see these days would whoop most of your butts on this site, I'd bet on that. You can't hunker down and hide in that Viper seat forever - then run to your computers......eventually it catches upto you - and for some, it's very deserving!
LOL most of us do other stuff than just drive and sit at a computer. Not speaking for everyone, but I know lots that have regular memberships at gyms, not saying thats the number one ticket for whooping a cop, and of course would never unless was wrongly provoked and attacked, all he has to do us pull the tazer out and a 500 pound guy will go down. Just dont assume people only sit at their computer or drive. Gym is part of my DAILY routine.

Ok sorry for the rant, I just find that comment presumptuous. About the ticket, that really ***** man and I hope it works out for the better, it does seem he was being unfair.
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Aug 14, 2005
Reaction score
Do you... the cop bashers on this site realize that there are cops that are on this site and are reading your dumb responces? I dont understand how you guys can say that "cops ****". For you to be making a statement like that shows a lot about how you think. That would be like me saying that female teachers ****** little boys. A statement like that is just stupid. Many cops do a very good job and then there are the ones who are ***** and do a terrible job. So I dont get how you guys can just say cops **** in general. I do agree that the one who pulled him over was being a dick but there are many good one who would not have worried about that petty ****. And for the guy to say that DUI laws are a joke how about you ask all the people that there family members were killed from some ***** drinking and driving. And for bandwith to say that we do not have any skills you are dumb... I would like to see you get out and some of the things that a police officer would do... Oh wait you just like to complain about a police officer until something happens when they save your ass.

Thanks for the back up. It is sad that folks see a couple of bad examples but never see or think about all the good things cops do. Alas, I am growing accustomed to all the cop bashing that goes on here.


Aug 14, 2005
Reaction score
LOL most of us do other stuff than just drive and sit at a computer. Not speaking for everyone, but I know lots that have regular memberships at gyms, not saying thats the number one ticket for whooping a cop, and of course would never unless was wrongly provoked and attacked, all he has to do us pull the tazer out and a 500 pound guy will go down. Just dont assume people only sit at their computer or drive. Gym is part of my DAILY routine.

Ok sorry for the rant, I just find that comment presumptuous. About the ticket, that really ***** man and I hope it works out for the better, it does seem he was being unfair.

And NOS I agree with you...I am a relatively small guy 5'10"/185 (everyone in my academy class was at least 4 inches taller, 30 lbs heavier and 7 years younger). Yeah we get training in ju jitsu and krav maga and the like, but it doesn't guarantee my safety. I wasn't paid to fight, so I would much rather pull my taser or gun and get someone to comply with my orders than get in a fight I would HOPE to win. I have seen pictures of some of you guys...I know I don't wanna fight ya


Jul 18, 2007
Reaction score
Explaining Viper things to you
Do you... the cop bashers on this site realize that there are cops that are on this site and are reading your dumb responces?

That is the point.

I dont understand how you guys can say that "cops ****". For you to be making a statement like that shows a lot about how you think. That would be like me saying that female teachers ****** little boys. A statement like that is just stupid.

Many cops do a very good job and then there are the ones who are ***** and do a terrible job.


So I dont get how you guys can just say cops **** in general.

I think that most references are to specific events, not generalizations.

I do agree that the one who pulled him over was being a dick but there are many good one who would not have worried about that petty ****. And for the guy to say that DUI laws are a joke how about you ask all the people that there family members were killed from some ***** drinking and driving. And for bandwith to say that we do not have any skills you are dumb... I would like to see you get out and some of the things that a police officer would do... Oh wait you just like to complain about a police officer until something happens when they save your ass.

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