Funny you should mention that, as the reporter and I were yukking it up for a while. At one point it went down like this:
ACE REPORTER: So how does it feel to be king and all?
VCAP: Well, I am reading the Journal as I fluff my robes and polish my scepter...
And the rest, as they say, is history.
As far as the rest of the article (which I thought was pretty darn good), I don't think that the media is trying to shine light on the Viper to help the pending sale, nor is Chrysler. If you read
the article that came out on Tuesday you will find that they are apparently in the "due diligence" phase and already have three offers locked in. So other than reassuring the bidders (unlikely to be a factor at this stage or for such a huge deal), Chrysler has no real reason to add more press to the model. The truth is, this writer really likes the Viper, has visited CAAP, and was astounded when he heard that little factoid (74%
increase) when the rest of the industry tanked. Newsworthy? You betcha!
To quote the great ***** Wonka, "So shines a good deed in a weary world..."