The adhesive that holds the metal to the glass is coming apart at both sides. Anyone else had this happen? What kind of adhesive is used and has anyone had any luck with making it stick again?
I bet 3M or Permatex makes a product for that. Have you tried a body shop or automotive glass shop?
I did speak to him about it many years ago when I first had the problem. His suggestion was the same as some of what's been listed above. Let's see if he anything has changed since.Glad to hear that it is not just me. I don't want to just pile on something that won't work and I'll have to remove.
Wizard, any of this make sense to you?
It would have to be something that can withstand a lot of direct heat. I'm in Florida and glass down here gets HOT. I have found that a lot of different adhesives that normally work will become soft in high heat.