Harpoon Brewery Tour
Sunday June 5th
Ever wondering how beer was made. The mystery will come to an end on June 5th. We will take a nice scenic drive through the mountains to Windsor Vermont to the Harpoon Brewery and do a plant tour.
We will make multiple pick up points. First stop will be at the first rest area on Rte 93 just over the N.H border heading north. We will meet for 10:00 and leave for 10:15 sharp. We will then proceed to the Hooksett rest area for 11:00 and depart at 11:15 sharp. We will then take a nice scenic cruise through the mountains to Windsor Vermont. We should arrive around 12:30 and we will have lunch at the Beer Garden/ Restaurant. They seem to have a pretty good menu, you can check out their menu at: . After lunch we will proceed to do a plant tour thereafter. This should be a great event with a nice scenic drive, great lunch and a plant tour of Harpoon Brewery. We have had a lot of rainy days lately so we are hoping that the weather is nice out that day.
We need to make reservations for the restaurant and the plant tour. They told me that the weekend is very busy for them and they will try to accommodate us. So when you respond back to me, let me know which pick up point you meet us at, how many are going and if you will do the plant tour with us. We hope you can make it, and enjoy the ride with us.