As I read Russ's account, it appears that maybe the Ferrari driver didn't know how to extract the full potential of his machine. Don't forget that not every exotic owner is as willing or skilled at racing, as maybe you are. You know some F-car owners are office types, and they treat their cars like precious garage queens. (I would too, if I owned a Ferrari) They may not know how to rev it just right.
Also-Maybe his car was not broken in yet, or maybe it had a problem of some sort. He might have had a full tank and Russ might have been light on fuel. That could make a few hundred pound differential.
Russ is not the kind of person to fabricate stories to impress anyone, and I beleive he only reported what happened. Notice that he didn't just assume the F-car driver was committed to having a go. (Like every Mustang and ricer owner out there, that blows by a Viper, they always think the Viper was at full tilt, and always assume it was a kill, even when the Viper was just sort of cruising, or not trying 100%)
Someone who makes up stories doesn't include fair judgements like that, they just spout off about how fast they are, like an arm-chair hero.
Regardless, the Viper has the edge, if the car mags are to be believed. But I wouldn't think it was so much an advantage, and I am puzzled by Russ' account. The Viper shouldn't have done that well.
All that aside, I'd love to have a 360, they are beautiful, stylish, and exciting machines.