Couple points...MBCCENTER is NOT a VCA sponsor, he's not even on the expired list from last year.
Love to talk to him and happy to sign him up again so he can enjoy the 7 million views a month our other site sponsors enjoy. 99rt10 if you could give him a shout that would be great, he's a good guy I know.
If you're going to put these on a gen 4 you need to check out DOCUMENTED numbers. Treesnake put the MM on a Gen 3.
I have a Gen 2 with Belangers, I had an 06 also that I did not mod, but more importantly after buying an 08 ACR my learning experience with the Belanger has demonstrated that there is something in the area of a 70HP gain on a Gen 4.
Not sure of the exact number but either do some searching or call Mark Jorgensen at Woodhouse, who gave me those numbers when my ACR passed through Woodhouse.
I have never heard any numbers from MM's.
You could also call JonB or Chuck Tator regarding this.
And I have played no favorites here, just mentioning dealers who are site supporters, Belanger is not, MM is not. Woodhouse, JonB and Tator are.