Viper Owner
For $200 I'll install an opening in your hood.
I'd rather have my aluminum and plastic cool slowly than too fast.
Regardless of what everyone says on this forum, I'm still going to open the hood on the Viper before I park it in my garage. Not only does it help remove heat faster from engine components, but it prevents my insulated garage from warming up to ~80 because of the 250 degree space heater in it.
As an engineer you should know that after you turn off your car, it doesn't gain a single degree of heat. It's losing heat every moment.
Which means, whether you open your hood or not, your vehicle has the exact amount of energy in heat to dissipate into your garage.
Opening up the hood just heats up your garage quicker and allows it to come back down to a normal temp sooner, but won't be that much of a difference. Thinking about this a step further, opening your hood should actually result in a higher peak garage temp than keeping the hood closed.
I like the the box fan in front sound good cfiiman
Even better, strap the fan to the front of the viper so when you are at a red light for days, waiting for idiots to turn on the green light your Viper will stay cool. =D
SERIOUSLY, your car is off and not generating any more heat. Why are you paranoid then and not while sitting in traffic idling? Do you get out and pop your hood at every red light? HAHAHAH SUCKERS!!