How much of attention getter are Vipers?

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Jul 29, 2010
Reaction score
Back to the attention part, I had not quite figured it out I'll detail the Viper and take her for a cruise and it's like I am invisible? Other days I'll take her out and it's like I am driving the first and only Viper ever made, Pictues, questions, people running red lights, etc. :dunno:

Maybe your cologne?

All kidding aside...that happens to me as well. Not sure why....maybe global-warming related?:cool:


Jun 5, 2008
Reaction score
This thread is actually quite entertaining, I must say.:eater:
While the attention that one garners while driving a Viper can be flattering, it can have its drawbacks. Sometimes I want to take the Viper out to do errands because it's fun to drive, however, many days I don't care to be noticed, and so I take my invisible truck instead. Sometimes at red lights you can feel the eyes on you from all angles, and some stares are unfriendly. Some people think you are cool, and some people hate your guts. You gotta take the bad with the good. As hinted at in an above post, I never park the Viper in the driveway - in fact, I exit and return to the garage as fast as I can..... again, some attention is not wanted. The longer you keep your Viper out in the open, the more likely some unfavourable person will try to muck with it. But then again I am super paranoid.......:)


Viper Owner
May 6, 2010
Reaction score
There will ALWAYS be haters out there. I haven't experienced any of it yet, probably because I've only had the Viper a little over a month now. But I know I'll catch unnecessary flack down the road simply because of my age.

I don't mean to get all philosophical and political here, but I see this virtually non-stop in the business I am in. A lot of the negativity some of you receive comes from people who think they are self-entitled to everything... An anti-capitalist belief to a degree. It seems to be very common these days with the amount of people out there suffering financially. If you have something nice, people think they are entitled to it as well despite their financial or lifestyle situations that say otherwise. There's just this sense of belief in people that we should somehow live in a Utopian society where there is enough money and luxuries to go around for everyone. We obviously do not though. And for that reason, people develop jealousy and outright hate. According to some, the money we "blow" on cars should instead be going to those with less. I'm not talking actual purposeful charities, I am talking about people who want everything handed to them for no reason other than self-entitlement. If you have something they can't have, you are considered an a$$hole for depriving them of it. In their view, you are somehow trying to show them up by owning something like a Viper. It's similar to the tax break arguments. The more you make, the more you should give back for the simple reason to make things more equal for everyone... Regardless of how hard you worked to earn your keep.

It's just this warped view of society a lot of people seem to have. Obviously not everybody, but enough so you notice it. The amount you experience it depends largely on demographics of where you live.
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Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
Spring, Texas
Houston must be different from where you guys live because I rarely get attention in mine. Or maybe I am just ugly and scare people off. :dunno:

So far I have never had anyone talk to me or take a picture of it while at the gas station. Don't get me wrong, I do get some attention but very little. Like today I drove around for 2 hrs and all I saw was nod from a corvette owner, but then again I don't care if people look. I am having too much fun driving. :drive:
Agree for the Houston area. Too many exotics floating around here, ala Lambo's and Ferrari's !!


Oct 7, 2007
Reaction score
Winter Haven, Florida
Been driving mine for almost a year and in Central Florida it is a mixed bag. I get a lot of thumbs ups and people in my blindspot on the interstate but no fanatics yet.

I have this car because I wanted one and have for years. I think there are few cars on the road that look or perform as well. I don't really give a S#!T what others think, as I didn't buy it for them.

I don't really care for people with class envy either. I have earned every dime that I have. No handouts or programs got me to where I am. If people don't like me or the car because it is excessive, then they are welcome to buy a Prius and move along.

And sorry, Saxon, nobody here believes that you have a Viper. One of the first things an "enthusiast" does after buying a Viper is provide a VIN to this forum or the VCA and have your classification changed to "Viper owner" or "VCA Member", neither of which you have done.

And please, when using the English language, begin each sentence with a capital letter. It will at least make you appear a little educated and somebody might actually take you seriously.:lmao:



Viper Owner
Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
Harvey, La.
I his defense, I have provided my VIN to the forum and was once listed as an owner. The forum underwent a change of somesort and we had to remind the mods of our ownership status. My VIN is still listed but my status was never changed back to owner. I just never wanted to bother the mods about it.


Oct 4, 2002
Reaction score
I've been a member here since 2002 and am on my 2nd Viper, but just got my status changed to owner about 3 days ago, so yea I think it happens a lot. However, in this case, no, I don't believe he is a Viper owner or he wouldn't have behaved the way he has or asked the questions he asked.


Jul 9, 2008
Reaction score
Forum candy.... :eater:

I'd be a shame to see it end with you guys running off a an owner (and a fun read to boot). Usually this is such a friendly place!


Viper Owner
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Detroit Michigan
I am a therapist by trade and this thread is really ironic in a way. At least the OP stated the obvious (he likes attention). If anyone thinks they bought this car strictly just for performance reasons; they are delusional. I don't care what dissonance you are trying to alleviate by saying otherwise, this car evoked some kind of visceral passion upon first glance. I am talking the pure instinctual FIGHT, testosterone (or other hormones depending on gender) and other biological responses that occur when seeing this car. Babies love looking at beautiful pictures of people and dislike ugly pictures of people. This is fact. Fact is, this is a beautiful car. Some people will say it is a "love or hate" and I raise the "bs flag" when I hear it. It is naturally beautiful based on the curves and natural design (Of course I am referring to Gen 1 and 2 here:rolaugh:)

This car is, hands down, the most beautiful car for the money right now. OP, because you are an honest and instinctual creature that is in touch with your natural instincts you would be pathetically weak and inhuman to not buy it if you can afford it. If you are trying to be blinded by pure media rag influence then you will have already bought your corvette Grand Sport or you BMW M series. You will justify your dissonance by hanging Motor Trend magazines through your garage and your ***** to ameliorate any of that dissonance of previously wanting a viper. That will become a memory. Like Bladerunner quotes, "eventually all memories fade like tears in rain." This will not allow you to ever cast your correct instinct into oblivion. You will have to buy the viper. The viper caters to a discriminating crowd and you better just buy it or run to a Vette dealership and get yourself a nice therapist to help convince you that you are in the right car and made the right decision. So go buy the damn car and save yourself years of therapy and have the Viper be your own tool to continue to validate your manly existence in this terribly Green/sensitive world we live in. :2tu:


Oct 4, 2002
Reaction score
Furthermore, the passion transcends emotional bounds that utter sheer bliss across the universe's horizons as raptures of joyous grandeur congregate the inner beings of our souls as we gaze upon the veloptious parabolas that even heavens grandest architects could not fathom orchestrating into fruition. The Viper Gen I and II.

Dr. Cratica (I won't even bill for this session)


Oct 3, 2009
Reaction score
Yeah! Too much attention... it burns/itches now and I get endless phone calls about being a father.


Aug 17, 2010
Reaction score
Well I am the red headed bastard offspring of the Viper DNA having a Viper truck.

If I lose another 57 pounds I might get my not as fat ass and 6'4" frame in a bubbletop SRT-10.Now if I want to get gas in under 30 min. I don`t pop the Lambo doors or answer if that thing`s got a Hemi in it.........


Viper Owner
Aug 12, 2010
Reaction score
Northwest Ohio
I am a therapist by trade and this thread is really ironic in a way. At least the OP stated the obvious (he likes attention). If anyone thinks they bought this car strictly just for performance reasons; they are delusional. I don't care what dissonance you are trying to alleviate by saying otherwise, this car evoked some kind of visceral passion upon first glance. I am talking the pure instinctual FIGHT, testosterone (or other hormones depending on gender) and other biological responses that occur when seeing this car. Babies love looking at beautiful pictures of people and dislike ugly pictures of people. This is fact. Fact is, this is a beautiful car. Some people will say it is a "love or hate" and I raise the "bs flag" when I hear it. It is naturally beautiful based on the curves and natural design (Of course I am referring to Gen 1 and 2 here:rolaugh:)

This car is, hands down, the most beautiful car for the money right now. OP, because you are an honest and instinctual creature that is in touch with your natural instincts you would be pathetically weak and inhuman to not buy it if you can afford it. If you are trying to be blinded by pure media rag influence then you will have already bought your corvette Grand Sport or you BMW M series. You will justify your dissonance by hanging Motor Trend magazines through your garage and your ***** to ameliorate any of that dissonance of previously wanting a viper. That will become a memory. Like Bladerunner quotes, "eventually all memories fade like tears in rain." This will not allow you to ever cast your correct instinct into oblivion. You will have to buy the viper. The viper caters to a discriminating crowd and you better just buy it or run to a Vette dealership and get yourself a nice therapist to help convince you that you are in the right car and made the right decision. So go buy the damn car and save yourself years of therapy and have the Viper be your own tool to continue to validate your manly existence in this terribly Green/sensitive world we live in. :2tu:

Psycho-babble, great!


Sep 19, 2010
Reaction score
Is that the best you can do? A spring break comment and the "listen" comment? Wow, you are much farther below the average comprehension in the US then I thought. Was that last sentence a better and more gentle way of saying you are an idiot? I hope so, I'm sorry you got so upset. :lmao:

Yes, I live in Panama City, FL. I am in the military and stationed down here. I am originally from Columbus, OH, which is close to near your liberal Ivy League Schools. BTW, which one did you attend? Oh and BTW, maybe you should turn the TV on and watch the news sometime before you make assumptions about the oil spill. There were about 10 tar balls the size of golf balls found on our beaches. There were no fishing restrictions, no closed beaches where I live. Once again you fail. Maybe you should just be quiet or strike up a conversation with someone on here that you can keep up with.:)

As much as I would like to continue this exchange with you I have other things to do. Unlike you I am not on call 24/7and my boss was not born in Kenya (not that there is anything wrong with it). Since there was more than boot camp and a GED diploma needed in order to have my position I need to devote part of my day to get my financial obligation taken care of. So please go enjoy your pristine beaches next to the oil spill and enjoy sleeping with 80 other young men under the same roof (not that there is anything wrong with it as long as you do not tell and they do not ask LOL). Have fun squeezing your gun!!! LOL:rolaugh:


Sep 19, 2010
Reaction score
First off,put on your glasses, they're not naked, they have bathing suits on. That's not my red coupe and I didn't even take the picture. That avatar is widely enjoyed by most of the men here who love women, sorry you don't like it. Unless they are bolting on a supercharger, those girls won't make my car any faster. The fact is,I'm ugly enough to land the blondie in the background. She's a great looking, hard working attorney mom.It's just funny how you get bitter because the "USS IGOTSMACKEDDOWN" is sinking.Just jump off while you can. It's very entertaining.

Well, next time, make sure all the regular folks in the background are off the picture. I think I speak for majority of men here that If we are to enjoy those two lovely women all the granades should be cleared.

Lawyer you said --- yep there is a profession we all admire and like. They are the finest individuals who work day and night for their money making sure we all have the right to sue doctors, nurses and other hard working folks. :2tu:


Sep 19, 2010
Reaction score
Either that, or some of us just like a fine fast rare automobile. I could not care less what any one else thinks of my Viper. I like it. If I wanted to show off I would have bought an AM or Lambo.

You mean that black/red with red wheels combo color was done for the purpose of blending with the local traffic?

I am glad you could afford Lambo since it is 2.5 times more expensive and the parts are both mucho dinero and time consuming to get. Most folks get loans to buy their vehicles you on the other hand could spring that extra 150K without a blink but decided to go with a Viper since it is not a car one would show off.


Sep 19, 2010
Reaction score
Well put... many on my local forum think that Viper owners only buy them because of the attention. I bought my GTS because it was my dream car and I think it is of the sexiest cars on the road. I can remember going to the Dodge dealer and staring in the showroom...


Please define ****. You guys have a problem with me seeking attention via ownership of a Viper. Yet there are those who find a car ****. :dunno:


Sep 19, 2010
Reaction score
Been driving mine for almost a year and in Central Florida it is a mixed bag. I get a lot of thumbs ups and people in my blindspot on the interstate but no fanatics yet.

I have this car because I wanted one and have for years. I think there are few cars on the road that look or perform as well. I don't really give a S#!T what others think, as I didn't buy it for them.

I don't really care for people with class envy either. I have earned every dime that I have. No handouts or programs got me to where I am. If people don't like me or the car because it is excessive, then they are welcome to buy a Prius and move along.

And sorry, Saxon, nobody here believes that you have a Viper. One of the first things an "enthusiast" does after buying a Viper is provide a VIN to this forum or the VCA and have your classification changed to "Viper owner" or "VCA Member", neither of which you have done.
And please, when using the English language, begin each sentence with a capital letter. It will at least make you appear a little educated and somebody might actually take you seriously.:lmao:


I never mentioned that I was an owner. I had a Vette but never a Viper. I am thinking of purchasing one and hence my original question: How much of an attention getter are they? Would I ask a question like this if I were the owner?

BTW You should not start a sentence with "AND". You managed to do that twice in rather short response. I would hate to see how many boo boos of similar caliber you would have made if this was a longer answer. Then again, I would not want you to apper "a little educated". :lmao:


Sep 19, 2010
Reaction score
I am a therapist by trade and this thread is really ironic in a way. At least the OP stated the obvious (he likes attention). If anyone thinks they bought this car strictly just for performance reasons; they are delusional. I don't care what dissonance you are trying to alleviate by saying otherwise, this car evoked some kind of visceral passion upon first glance. I am talking the pure instinctual FIGHT, testosterone (or other hormones depending on gender) and other biological responses that occur when seeing this car. Babies love looking at beautiful pictures of people and dislike ugly pictures of people. This is fact. Fact is, this is a beautiful car. Some people will say it is a "love or hate" and I raise the "bs flag" when I hear it. It is naturally beautiful based on the curves and natural design (Of course I am referring to Gen 1 and 2 here:rolaugh:)

This car is, hands down, the most beautiful car for the money right now. OP, because you are an honest and instinctual creature that is in touch with your natural instincts you would be pathetically weak and inhuman to not buy it if you can afford it. If you are trying to be blinded by pure media rag influence then you will have already bought your corvette Grand Sport or you BMW M series. You will justify your dissonance by hanging Motor Trend magazines through your garage and your ***** to ameliorate any of that dissonance of previously wanting a viper. That will become a memory. Like Bladerunner quotes, "eventually all memories fade like tears in rain." This will not allow you to ever cast your correct instinct into oblivion. You will have to buy the viper. The viper caters to a discriminating crowd and you better just buy it or run to a Vette dealership and get yourself a nice therapist to help convince you that you are in the right car and made the right decision. So go buy the damn car and save yourself years of therapy and have the Viper be your own tool to continue to validate your manly existence in this terribly Green/sensitive world we live in. :2tu:

I feel like I just stepped into a dark apartment and a certian Austrian is trying to hypnotize me.
For the less privileged I am talking about Freud not ******. :nono:


Viper Owner
Aug 12, 2010
Reaction score
Northwest Ohio
You mean that black/red with red wheels combo color was done for the purpose of blending with the local traffic?

I am glad you could afford Lambo since it is 2.5 times more expensive and the parts are both mucho dinero and time consuming to get. Most folks get loans to buy their vehicles you on the other hand could spring that extra 150K without a blink but decided to go with a Viper since it is not a car one would show off.

Reread my statement, Einstein. I like the color combination because it is UNIQUE. Not every one with a Viper has your reasons for driving it. My last car was a white BMW, wow, showy. It blended in with all the other cars. Don't get defensive if others are in a different financial situation than you. Enjoy what YOU have, and don't chase what others have.


Sep 19, 2010
Reaction score
Reread my statement, Einstein. I like the color combination because it is UNIQUE. Not every one with a Viper has your reasons for driving it. My last car was a white BMW, wow, showy. It blended in with all the other cars. Don't get defensive if others are in a different financial situation than you. Enjoy what YOU have, and don't chase what others have.

Let me get this stright. You bought a very unique car: a Viper and then decided to get that color combination to get it even more unique? OK whatever floats your boat. Enjoy your ride. :drive:


Mar 26, 2009
Reaction score
Panama City, FL
As much as I would like to continue this exchange with you I have other things to do. Unlike you I am not on call 24/7and my boss was not born in Kenya (not that there is anything wrong with it). Since there was more than boot camp and a GED diploma needed in order to have my position I need to devote part of my day to get my financial obligation taken care of. So please go enjoy your pristine beaches next to the oil spill and enjoy sleeping with 80 other young men under the same roof (not that there is anything wrong with it as long as you do not tell and they do not ask LOL). Have fun squeezing your gun!!! LOL:rolaugh:

The fact that you are making fun of military proves just how pathetic you are. But thats okay, we defend your right to sit behind a computer and run your mouth like you are a tough guy. But we both know that you would never say that to a member of the military (especially me) in person unless you wanted free dental work.
GED? Thats funny. I have 2 A/S, a B/S, and a dual MBA/MSM. I also sell real estate on the side.
Again, you don't listen. Did you miss the part where I said there were less than 10 tarballs found on our beaches?

One more thing, I have never lived with 80 guys. I live in a house in a nice neighborhood...always have.

Well, I see you fail at multiquote, didn't answer my question about the Ivy League, and have raged and raged again quoting everyone.:lmao:

Now run along you Obama supporting liberal hippie.
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Nov 26, 2007
Reaction score
I just never wanted to bother the mods about it.
How do they know there's a problem if you don't tell them. I doubt they will mind.

@saxon.... just buy one. It's a great car and you won't regret it.

SR 27

Viper Owner
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score

Yeah, I hate attorneys too, but judging by your superior intellect I'm sure you could "hold your own" in a court room without one. I can see now that you don't agree that people should be held responsible for their actions when they refuse to make a situation right which was caused by thier lack of judgement or professionalism. Judging by your attitude, I'm guessing you've been on the receiving end of some lawsuites.I'm a 25+ year Dodge mechanic. If I didn't torque the lug nuts on a car and the wheel fell off causing an accident that killed someone, then I would expect to be dragged into court.There are the "ambulance chaser" types out there, but not all attorneys roll like that. It's not the attorneys who gave us the right to a trial, it's the government.
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Viper Owner
May 13, 2010
Reaction score
Naples Florida
As much as I would like to continue this exchange with you I have other things to do. Unlike you I am not on call 24/7and my boss was not born in Kenya (not that there is anything wrong with it). Since there was more than boot camp and a GED diploma needed in order to have my position I need to devote part of my day to get my financial obligation taken care of. So please go enjoy your pristine beaches next to the oil spill and enjoy sleeping with 80 other young men under the same roof (not that there is anything wrong with it as long as you do not tell and they do not ask LOL). Have fun squeezing your gun!!! LOL:rolaugh:

Saxon, you should never disrespect anyone who dedicates thier time and lives to OUR armed forces. Thats just bad taste. Keep up the humor but leave the references to the status and living conditions about our soldiers out.. Thanks


Sep 19, 2010
Reaction score
The fact that you are making fun of military proves just how pathetic you are. But thats okay, we defend your right to sit behind a computer and run your mouth like you are a tough guy. But we both know that you would never say that to a member of the military (especially me) in person unless you wanted free dental work.
GED? Thats funny. I have 2 A/S, a B/S, and a dual MBA/MSM. I also sell real estate on the side.
Again, you don't listen. Did you miss the part where I said there were less than 10 tarballs found on our beaches?

One more thing, I have never lived with 80 guys. I live in a house in a nice neighborhood...always have.

Well, I see you fail at multiquote, didn't answer my question about the Ivy League, and have raged and raged again quoting everyone.:lmao:

Now run along you Obama supporting liberal hippie.

I do not make fun of the military just you. Both my grandparents and my father served so I know a little bit about soldier's life. Next to them you are just an FNG fighting bad weather and empty beaches in Panama City. If it was not for Rambo you would not know what a jungle looks like not to mention the valleys of Afghanistan. LOL

As for defending my right to run my mouth. Well, you are there because I am paying my taxes and this is how you get paid. Without people like me, you would have to do that real estate gig and couple others just to stay above water. Also, the constitution still contains the righ to free speech. If you do not like people excercising it I hear North Korea is looking for few good men (I know I wrote good, but try anyway).

As for saying what I wrote to you. LOL Of course I would and guess what right after that free dental work, I would sue you, your employer, and anybody who's got the dough on your side of the fence and guess what, that Viper I always wanted plus a healthy chunk of $$$ would be parked right in front of my house all shiny and ready to have fun. (Whoever said that lawyers are crooks, heartless, greedy ********?)Of course this scenario would be contingient upon you getting a weekend off, having enough spare change for a bus fare and being strong enough to complete the task. We both know you are much better at maximizing your experiences and pleasures while experiencing communal accomodation and all male ensemble provided by your employer.

As for your education, what the heck are those acronyms? AS, MSM? I have heard of BA, MA and PHD, but AS and MSM? Perhaps you misspelled AS and wanted to write ass. You major in ASS? No wonder spending time with the guys is on top of your list (or perhaps bottom LOL).I am confused as to that MSM? Are those acronyms used in special education for delayed kids? Or is MSM like a night school diploma for bilingual students? BTW I admire you for having a second job. Nothing spells success like having two low paying jobs to make ends meet.

As for stating that you have never lived with 80 guys. I did not ask and you did not have to tell, but it is good to know you got your story straight in case they come knocking at the door. I am sure during boot camp you asked yourself many times. Why am I showering, ****ting and spending the best years of my life when my ****** drive is at its peak with a bunch of guys? Look at the bright side of this sad equation. At least you got to have fun squeezing your gun (or your mates, but since nobody asked no need to tell LOL). :lmao:

Weekend is coming up. Time to spend some time ..... showing open houses. :rolaugh:
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Jul 29, 2010
Reaction score
Looks like the housing market is still slow in Sexton's 'hood. Wayyy too much time spent on your sub-100 IQ'd responses.

Dude - take a hike. We're getting tired of your repetitive, meaningless posts.

Sell a condo or two, save some dinero, buy a Viper, and then check in again.

See you in 2014.


Sep 19, 2010
Reaction score

Yeah, I hate attorneys too, but judging by your superior intellect I'm sure you could "hold your own" in a court room without one. I can see now that you don't agree that people should be held responsible for their actions when they refuse to make a situation right which was caused by thier lack of judgement or professionalism. Judging by your attitude, I'm guessing you've been on the receiving end of some lawsuites.I'm a 25+ year Dodge mechanic. If I didn't torque the lug nuts on a car and the wheel fell off causing an accident that killed someone, then I would expect to be dragged into court.There are the "ambulance chaser" types out there, but not all attorneys roll like that. It's not the attorneys who gave us the right to a trial, it's the government.

It is not me who gave the lawyers a bad name it is the attorneys themselves.
BTW. You are not going to send me a bill for answering my post are you? :omg:


Sep 19, 2010
Reaction score
Looks like the housing market is still slow in Sexton's 'hood.

Dude - take a hike. We're getting tired of your repetitive, meaningless posts.

Sell a condo or two, save some dinero, buy a Viper, and then check in again.

See you in 2014.

Look Zorro, go provide some water to all the tourist without visa crossing through your neck of the woods. LOL

Yeah, last time I checked the property prices were so much lower in good old NYC than in Arizona.

Say hello to the maverick and his girl Palin for me aka dumb and dumber. :2tu:

Guess what, you don't like reading them, turn the page and move on, preferably south of the border where you could practice that "dinero" more often.


Sep 19, 2010
Reaction score
Saxon, you should never disrespect anyone who dedicates thier time and lives to OUR armed forces. Thats just bad taste. Keep up the humor but leave the references to the status and living conditions about our soldiers out.. Thanks

I would never do that but this fella has as much to do with military and what it represent as a thirsty illegal crossing the border claiming to be a citizen. LOL
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