Saw it online, never seen orange with black stripes ever anywhere, thought it looked cool.
Called the company that leases me equipment for my business, said 'I need a vehicle for my company, it costs $80K' they said 'Give us the VIN and the vendor contact, we'll FedEx you the paperwork, return with a check for 10% down'
7 days later car was at my door.
If you own a business and have relationships with the banks, you can get ANYTHING you want. At ANY price. Often times most commercia banks won't talk to you unless you want to do at least $100,000 worth of business. i.e. there is no approval for any less.
Case in point, walk into any Best Buy store and see how much credit they'll give you on their credit card. what, maybe like $5K-$10K. If you own a business call any commerical lessor and say 'I'm expanding my business into audio/video, I need [insert pile of equipment here]' and for anything under $250,000 they'll simply say to send them your bank statements and even if your FICO ***** they don't care. As long as you MAKE MONEY and imply that what you're leasing will be used to make you MORE MONEY, they'll give you anything you want pretty much.
In fact I was watching an investment show the other night talking about all the banks in the toilet because of sub-prime mess, and they mentioned a bunch of banks doing very well and haven't been touched in the slightest by any credit crunch or defaults, and they were all commercial banks doing commerical mortgages and equipment leasing.
After you establish a relationship they will call and try and give you more money on a consitent basis. They'll be like "So how is that [Viper, Ferrari, HD Broadcast Camera, Forklift] working out for you? Well great because as you've been with us a year we've doubled your credit line to $500,000 just let us know if you need anything else"
Tell me the last time Chrysler Financial called and told you fact you know those stupid no interest and deferred payment deals like at Best Buy? They have those in the commerical world too. I've leased $150,000 worth of equipment for no money down and no payments for 6 months. In fact could have done it with the Viper but it takes longer and as I wanted the car immediately and cheaper payment and a better buy-out option I settled for 10% down.