Last weekend my Son and I were getting ready to wash the Viper when the Wife came out and said before we started she was going to see what all
the fuss was about. She then got in to drive . I got in with her and we took off . She drove it about 15 miles down the highay. She was careful the
whole time and only hit the gas a couple times on a straight section in 3rd gear. When we got back our Son was waiting . He looked at Mom and asked
what she thought. Her answer " I'm want one of my own, and I'm going to drive mine instead of leaving it covered up in the garage." She also reminded
me our 30th wedding anniversary comes up next March
the fuss was about. She then got in to drive . I got in with her and we took off . She drove it about 15 miles down the highay. She was careful the
whole time and only hit the gas a couple times on a straight section in 3rd gear. When we got back our Son was waiting . He looked at Mom and asked
what she thought. Her answer " I'm want one of my own, and I'm going to drive mine instead of leaving it covered up in the garage." She also reminded
me our 30th wedding anniversary comes up next March