So I was parked in a parking lot and a guy came up to me asking about the car. I got the usual "what year?" "how much?" etc. Then he said "you know, I always liked yellow on these and the S2000s. They have such similar engines. Know what I mean?" At this point, I was stunned and couldn't think of anything to say other than yep. I didn't want to come off as being mean by correcting him as he was obviously excited to see the car.
This comment has been haunting me all day. I can't even fathom how he could see any similarity between a big, American V10 and that little, high-revving, Japanese 4 ******. Maybe he wasn't sure what kind of car the Viper was? I really have no clue what he could have meant. Do any of you?
This comment has been haunting me all day. I can't even fathom how he could see any similarity between a big, American V10 and that little, high-revving, Japanese 4 ******. Maybe he wasn't sure what kind of car the Viper was? I really have no clue what he could have meant. Do any of you?