I have been to ALL 11 VOI's, and this one was......

Ronald L. Cypher

Viper Owner
Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score
Butler, PA
fantastic! My wife and I have been to all eleven VOIs, so we can compare. The team that put this together is to be congratulated. We were a little concerned with Dodge not running it.....but we need not have worried. The VCA did an INCREDIBLE job. The hotel was superb, the organization of the events was amazing, the food was an significant upgrade over the past couple of VOI's. The staff that was helping were everywhere and very pleasant. The Park City event was amazing. So well organized. Seeing all the cars in the street, the coupons for eating, etc.....all well thought out. I really enjoyed the scenic tour and seeing the Olympic facilities. The track was also very organized.
THANKS to all that worked on this.....it is VERY much appreciated. And thanks to Dodge for being such a class act for a company. Letting us see the new cars....what company does that???? They deserve my business!


Jul 15, 2001
Reaction score
GREAT APPLAUSE to Chris and Mary and all the others who did all the work!!!
:2tu: :2tu: :2tu:
This VOI-11 was in line or as good as in Nashville or Las Vegas.


Jun 1, 2008
Reaction score
Viper Lane, Arizona
I alread personally thanked Chris and Mary for all their time and effort, but my experience wasn't the greatest...I was in the B2 group and only got 1 autocross run and 1 run on the road course...how many runs did you guys get?


Jun 1, 2008
Reaction score
Viper Lane, Arizona
I was in B1 and got 3 runs, did you get to the auto cross on time?

Just so that there's no misunderstandings, I was sharing my car with my wife. The idiots running the autocross neglected to let us know in the driver's meeting before we got started that we shoudn't go back to the end of the line after the initial run...that screwed us out of a run :rolleyes:. My wife got 2 runs, but I only got one. It was our first event of the day and we were there on time.

As for the road course, the guys running that made it clear ahead of time how the two driver car situation was handled. I got 1 run and my wife got 2, she barely got the 2nd run because our regional president put pressure on the track guys to make sure that our sub-group got it...and some of those drivers only got 2 laps on that final run :confused:.

I don't know the exact numbers, but our group was like 40ish cars with a lot of 2 driver cars and 10ish drivers that had to share the corporate cars. I don't begin to have the answers, but I'm not sure that the number of 2 driver cars were taken into consideration when formulating the groups. I guess groups with predominantly 1 driver cars would get in a lot more runs :dunno:. I don't remember that being an option on the registration. It only asked for driver information on the primary registrant.


Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
Mansfield PA
fantastic! My wife and I have been to all eleven VOIs, so we can compare. The team that put this together is to be congratulated. We were a little concerned with Dodge not running it.....but we need not have worried. The VCA did an INCREDIBLE job. The hotel was superb, the organization of the events was amazing, the food was an significant upgrade over the past couple of VOI's. The staff that was helping were everywhere and very pleasant. The Park City event was amazing. So well organized. Seeing all the cars in the street, the coupons for eating, etc.....all well thought out. I really enjoyed the scenic tour and seeing the Olympic facilities. The track was also very organized.
THANKS to all that worked on this.....it is VERY much appreciated. And thanks to Dodge for being such a class act for a company. Letting us see the new cars....what company does that???? They deserve my business!

Well said Ron! Ditto on everything!

Viper ACR

Mar 26, 2004
Reaction score
Alberta Canada
This was my first one so didn't know what to expect . But it was well above my expectations . I regret not going to the last two since owning a Viper . I hope to not miss another, I had an amazing time thank you to everyone who put in such an effort for a fabulous event .

Jerz Viper

Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Bergen County,NJ,USA
Sorry to hear that, but at registration we asked everyone if they planned to run the road course and the auto cross. We did this so we would have some idea of attendance at each venue.

Please do not refer to Jeff or any of the other staff as an idiot, he may have forgotten to state that point, but some times you have to ask the question. I was in B1 and there were two cars sharing drivers. They each pulled in after the first driver came in and then went right back out.

We will make a note of this and script it for VOI 12, I'm sure our second shot at running a VOI will be better :)




VCA Venom Member
Venom Member
Oct 20, 2000
Reaction score
Owings Mills, MD, USA
This was my second VOI - number 10 in Detroit was great..
second to all the kudos for VCA and all the work to make it happen.
and happen it did ! go and throttle up for 2012 Viper - GTV ??
VOI 12 in 2012.. at Indy ???? WOT !
I still cannot believe they had THE Nurburgring car there for those of us without cars there to
take out on the open track and drive ! What a TRIP ! ( with an instructor - they also did
a great job with all of us. )


Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
Sterling, VA
Like Zoomie, this was #2 for me, with VOI-X being my first. This event was every bit as fun, organized, and exciting as the last. After VOI-X, I stated that without a doubt if there was a VOI-11, I would be there. I'll make that same proclamation now....if there is a VOI-12, I will be there with my car.

To all the VCA volunteers, vendors and paid staffers who made this event happen, thank you for all your hard work and dedication. I know that Chris and Mary were exhausted and got to do almost nothing event wise, so this wasn't really a VOI for them. That's a big sacrifice considering how much fun it was.....Thanks guys, you are awesome!


Jan 26, 2003
Reaction score
I also have been to all 11 VOI events. This one rates right up there with the best if not THE best in my opinion. It was very well organized in every detail. In the VCA notes Chris listed the things that required attention. To have organized this event in your "spare time" is almost incomprehensible to say the least.

At Satuday nights banquet my wife and I chose a table about 2/3 of the way back and were joined by two other couples. Who took the last spots? Chris, Mary, and there two sons. Mary said they spent 1 1/2 years planning this event. Chris's chair was empty when the salads were served and his salad went uneaten. Then the same with the main course and the same with desert. No Chris, too busy taking care of things. Even though we didn't get to talk with Chris it was a real reat to talk to Mary and the boys.

I enjoyed every aspect of the event. The VCA, it's officers and all the volunteers deserve a huge, huge thank you!!!!! Oh, and Dodge didnt do too bad a job either:).

Looking forward to many more.

Bill Pemberton Woodhouse

VCA Member
Supporting Vendor
Jul 25, 2000
Reaction score
For those of us that have been to previous VOI's it is a revelation to understand that this was done with a minimal staff and without the bulk of the work being done by JR Thompson. No slight to them, but to think that folks in our own Club did all this with no departure in quality or content , blows me away. Were there a few areas that could be improved on, sure, but that has always been the case. Kind of fun to have gone to an event that many have said was the best ever.

Fun items to remember -----

1. Park City ---- that was what is should have been called with hundreds of Vipers parked on Main St.
2. Breakfast at the Vendors --- small idea but what a great way to start the day and I bet the Vendors really appreciated the extra exposure?!
3. Less money but still great food, great goodie bags, and what about that phenomenal auction/auctioneer?!
4. Best and safest track in the US , designed by Alan Wilson for Vipers ---- his own exact words!
5. Racing, racing, racing --- wow, fun to watch all the excitement and I personally appreciated seeing the CEO of Dodge out there dicing it up ( can't see Ford, Chevy, Hyundai, etc. CEOs racing with their customers ). That's my kind of leader for a car company --- way cool !!!!
6. Superb Hotel and so much fun to see all your friends from across the Globe!

I could go on, and on, but what a great experience and when you throw in the excitement of the unveiling, I too will go with some many others comments..............best ever!:headbang:

Willie Da P


Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
I did think that the road course on the track day seemed a little short with 2 runs of 7-8 laps, but they did need to get quite a few people through that day. The lead and follow on Sunday made up for it. I showed up an hour late and still got 3 runs of 6-7 laps in the lead and follow. I like that they had a Fastest, Faster and Fast set of driver lines. If everyone kept up with the pacer, then the pacer would go faster. The Faster line was shortest so I was there and it was plenty fast enough for me at a little over 120 on the straights. Only once did we have a car in the pack lagging out and after 3 laps they exited.
:clap: Hats off to the driver who knew he was in the wrong group and exited.

This was my first event and I was worried that it was going to be an organized mess with bad food. The food was great and the organizers did a great job at correcting the things that were kinds of messy. It was really a great experience and well done and any complaints are just small details.

A car wash clinic may have been a great idea and way for a vendor to sell off cleaning wares, but I'm sure that had been done before at some other VOI. There was one great tech clinic held a couple of days, and there could have been a couple more for those tired of driving, or on Sunday for those that didn't want to do the track again. These are just suggestions, and nice to haves as the event and location was awesome.

Also, the weather was outstanding and we couldn't have had a nicer weekend.

Flying Viper

Jan 3, 2002
Reaction score
Yes, it was our favorite VOI also, and we have attended 7 now. The amount of work by Chris, and his wife Mary was truly amazing. Their induction to the Hall of Fame still falls short for all they have done for the Viper club. Personally all I can do Chris, is to say THANK YOU. Big thanks to Mary, Bobby C. and all the others involved as well.

Choice of 2 Hotels was great.
Park City and $25. gift cards were great.
Lowest priced VOI we have attended.
Great food.
Perfect track.
The Gen 5 unveiling.
The Olympic Sites.
The stunning beauty of Utah.

The list can go on for some time it all adds up to be our best yet.
Thanks Again


May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Omaha, NE
This was my first VOi as well. My girl Carmen had to run to the local drug store to get me Goosebump medication since my hair was standing on ends all the time. It was one of the most incredible experiences I have attended.

Last edited:


Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
Sterling, VA
This was my first VOi a swell. My girl Carmen had to run to the local drug store to get me Goosebump medication since my hair was standing on ends all the time. It was one of the most incredible experiences I have attended.


LOL...that's funny. I suffered the same affliction during the dang banquets.


Apr 24, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Colorado
Yup, Sunday was the better day for track/autoX. I got so many runs on the autoX and like Milkman, showing up late, still got 3 track runs.

With the exception of breakfast, the VCA organized VOI was better than the corporate sponsored one.

A huge thumbs up to Chris, Mary and the rest of the gang that made this possible.


Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score
Overland Park KS
This was my 3rd one and would have to say my favorite. Dallas was pretty fun but something about this one seemed different. Had more of a family or unity atmosphere to it or something like that. I liked the Dodge evening dinner better than at Las Vegas, that one seemed like an infomercial. This Saturday night Dodge dinner seemed like it was real from the heart, the ups and downs of everything, not a preplanned sales pitch. Very cool. Also having all the racing there was way cool.

If there isn't a thread started already I would vote for the next one to be in the midwest so more people could attend/drive to it, like Omaha, tulsa or KC/Topeka.

Paul Hawker

Oct 1, 2000
Reaction score
San Diego, Calif, USA
With the Spirit and organization shown by the Kansas City club members I would expect their region to receive strong consideration for the next VOI.

Class act for the Colorado/Utah host regional club. The final dinner (open to everybody as are all their events) was a blast. Over $10,000 in raffle prizes were distributed to the attendees. Almost everybody seemed to walk out with some SWAG.

This event was a great way to cement further the relationship between Dodge and the VCA.

For this event the Dodge employees were just like the VCA members. They mingled freely, shared experiences, and both came away from the VOI with a better understanding of the thinking of the other. The barriers were broken down, and the two became one, if for just a few days.

The Dodgies will go back to their work realizing that their customers are real people with a passion that is similar to their own. This is rare in the business world, and a real accomplishment at the VOI.

Long live the Viper, and long live the VCA.


Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
I have been an Owner-attendee all 11, and a sponsor of events within quite a few of them. I think it was stated that only 30 folks or so have been to all 11 ?? Maybe Ron could Cypher it for us?!?

Short and Sweet:
-Most of the venues were better or best in class: Hotel, Track, 2 of the meals, parking.
-Some of the entertainment-video was TOPS ever: Dodge commercials, and welcome vignettes. VCA should SELL THOSE as a fundraiser, I would buy 2-3 for friends who missed it.
-The few elements that some say fell short did not matter much: eat your doughnut and enjoy it.
-Audio snafus for VOI song and Mopar reveal were vendor issues.

Of all eleven, my personal opinion says it was a podium finish.


Jun 1, 2008
Reaction score
Viper Lane, Arizona
Sorry to hear that, but at registration we asked everyone if they planned to run the road course and the auto cross. We did this so we would have some idea of attendance at each venue.

Please do not refer to Jeff or any of the other staff as an idiot, he may have forgotten to state that point, but some times you have to ask the question. I was in B1 and there were two cars sharing drivers. They each pulled in after the first driver came in and then went right back out.

We will make a note of this and script it for VOI 12, I'm sure our second shot at running a VOI will be better :)



Thanks, but whether Jeff is an idiot or not doesn't really make me feel any better about it..still got only 1 run. You state that I should have asked the question :confused:. I've never been to a VOI, never been to an auto-cross, never been on a track...I don't know what questions to ask. I can't believe your group only had two 2-driver cars...future VOIs really need to look at handling that better. How about a beginner's guide to a VOI. It could include the defintion of a VOI breakfast buffet...that would be a continental breakfast :smirk:.

Hey, I enjoyed the VOI, but there were a number of issues...I don't know how previous VOIs were done, but the only way to make future one's better are to collect all the information, not just the praise ;).

2001-V10 Power Nut

VCA Venom Member
Jun 30, 2006
Reaction score
This was my 2nd VOI, and it was great, what really amazes me is that the VCA did this event on a budget $800,000+-, so I heard, when Dodge typically spent $2,000,000 plus, wow what a job

Thanks again to all who helped put on the "show":D


Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
Without a doubt one of the best car events my wife and I have ever attended. I only got one run in at the track but it was a 12 minute run. First time I had ever been on a track with my car (or any car) and the Barber School instructor had me up to 120 mph on the straight aways and going into corners at 80 mph. I have never driven my car like that before. He had me drifting around some of the corners at around 70 mph. I am still shaking my head in disbelief that I was the one out there doing that.

All I can say is I have a totally new respect for the Viper. I never felt scared or unsafe even for a second. I felt like a little baby back in the womb, safe and content. WOW!

As far as the VCA, I also have a new found respect over the previous respect I had for the club and the members after attending VOI11. All I can say is "I get it!" now. Had to be there and experience it to believe it.

Will NEVER miss another one.

Thank you


Jun 21, 2001
Reaction score
Big thanks to all in the VCA who had a part in this great event. It was great to see some old friends and great to make some new ones. There are always going to be some improvements at any event but it was a fantastic event put on by some great people.

Loved the track! I had more fun on the go karts than on the track but I can go there anytime.

It was great to have the CEO there in attendance and racing. It just doesnt get any better than that.

Thanks again!

Jerz Viper

Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Bergen County,NJ,USA
Thanks, but whether Jeff is an idiot or not doesn't really make me feel any better about it..still got only 1 run. You state that I should have asked the question :confused:. I've never been to a VOI, never been to an auto-cross, never been on a track...I don't know what questions to ask. I can't believe your group only had two 2-driver cars...future VOIs really need to look at handling that better. How about a beginner's guide to a VOI. It could include the defintion of a VOI breakfast buffet...that would be a continental breakfast :smirk:.

Hey, I enjoyed the VOI, but there were a number of issues...I don't know how previous VOIs were done, but the only way to make future one's better are to collect all the information, not just the praise ;).

Agreed, and thanks for the input:2tu:

Ronald L. Cypher

Viper Owner
Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score
Butler, PA
Lots of great comments here. I would love to purchase the video that was presented the first night with all the interviews (Lutz etc). Does anyone know how to get that?