[h=2]IN/KY VCA Mtg...NOON EST... Sat. Mar. 10, 2012 at Lincoln
Square Restaurant, Westfield, IN:[/h]
Square Restaurant, Westfield, IN:[/h]
This month's IN/KY VCA Meeting will take place at NOON EST Saturday, March 10, 2012 at Lincoln Square Restaurant , U.S. 31, Westfield, IN.
Lincoln Square Pancake Restaurant is located on US 31, about 1.3 miles NORTH of Ind. State Rd. 32 (approximately 10 miles NORTH of the I-465 beltway that encircles Indy).
PLEASE consider attending this meeting as we will continue the ever evolving process of planning our Club's 2012 schedule of meetings, events, and activities. The Viper season is about to "heat up".
ALL Viper owners are welcome to attend this meeting.
The Club will buy lunch for the 2012 IN/KY VCA Members in attendance.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: The cooler temperatures mean MORE HP and LESS traction...so be VERY CAREFUL if you are driving your Viper!!! Do not fall prey to the infamous "Snake Bite" spinout. Salt, sand, snow, and sleet are negative impactors on Vipers...so weather updates will be forthcoming as per usual.
Have questions or need help? Call ME!!
Steve Fess, Membership Coordinator, VCA IN/KY Region, Inc.
Lincoln Square Pancake Restaurant is located on US 31, about 1.3 miles NORTH of Ind. State Rd. 32 (approximately 10 miles NORTH of the I-465 beltway that encircles Indy).
PLEASE consider attending this meeting as we will continue the ever evolving process of planning our Club's 2012 schedule of meetings, events, and activities. The Viper season is about to "heat up".
ALL Viper owners are welcome to attend this meeting.
The Club will buy lunch for the 2012 IN/KY VCA Members in attendance.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: The cooler temperatures mean MORE HP and LESS traction...so be VERY CAREFUL if you are driving your Viper!!! Do not fall prey to the infamous "Snake Bite" spinout. Salt, sand, snow, and sleet are negative impactors on Vipers...so weather updates will be forthcoming as per usual.
Have questions or need help? Call ME!!
Steve Fess, Membership Coordinator, VCA IN/KY Region, Inc.