Lowest Mileage GTS\'s??
I purchased a 96 GTS about 9 months ago, and spent a few months looking for a super low mileage Blue/White GTS. I couldn't afford the car back in 96 and wanted to get one as close to "new" condition as possible. The car had 748 miles when I picked it up and currently has 860 miles.
I'm sure this has been asked on here in the past, but just curious about some of the other low mileage GTS's that are out there?
I'm sure someone will rip me a new one for not driving it, etc... and "these cars should be driven",etc, etc but all you low mileage GTS owners post your mileage.
I purchased a 96 GTS about 9 months ago, and spent a few months looking for a super low mileage Blue/White GTS. I couldn't afford the car back in 96 and wanted to get one as close to "new" condition as possible. The car had 748 miles when I picked it up and currently has 860 miles.
I'm sure this has been asked on here in the past, but just curious about some of the other low mileage GTS's that are out there?
I'm sure someone will rip me a new one for not driving it, etc... and "these cars should be driven",etc, etc but all you low mileage GTS owners post your mileage.