Well I picked up my 2000 steel gray silver strip GTS on Friday the 8th. I had a long road trip home to get to know it. I'm not gonna lie I was a bit intimidated, seeing how I've never driven one before. I had the former owner with me for my first drive. Needless to say I took it very easy. We did some around town and highway driving. Then we took the car to a big open parking lot. I had to know how fast the car would "step out"(loose traction under throttle and spin out) as I like call it. So during A low speed 1st gear turn I gave it A sudden throttle input. Well the A$$ snapped right around spinning the car out. That was all I wanted to know. Now that I knew how fast this car could step out on me. I was ready for my 800+ mile road trip home. Well I have put almost 1,000 miles on it and all I can say is I really love driving this car. The car is easy to drive and very rewarding if you use your head when applying the throttle.