My Observations about VCA - This is NOT Good


Oct 2, 2000
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Funny. Cheers!

The litigation comment went more to your style than your substance. I assume that you like most of us profer these posts for others to express your opinion, or to comment on another's opinion. To put you on ignore would be analogous to a starving man turning down a free meal. ;)


Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
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Columbia River Gorge
Sorry Jon. I forgot something. Just one more question.

You said above:

In order to protect stockholder asset value, Chrysler policy is to liquidate surplus items by sealed, secret bid. At a time when assets were protected by bankruptcy, Chrysler did NOT do a bid.....but gave the assets to the VPA for ~$36k, far below what a bidder (including PartRack) would have paid Chrysler (and creditors.)

So if I understand you correctly, VPA got a terrific bargain when it paid the amount you posted - 36K - for what I have referred to as the legacy parts and equipment.........................................................

EXACTY BOB, a HUGE and Generous and OBVIOUS INSIDER bargain! Duhhh. [But YOU Bob referred to it as legacy parts and equipment, I did not. Those 'tools etc' were a later, separate scrap deal. ] The seated VCA *** at the time knows exactly why they loaned VPA ~$36k for surplus 'scrap' parts and ~$14k for legal and startup costs. They saw a partial list of parts at that meeting! IRS Tax returns reference the $50k loan as an Account receivable. Later returns call it an investment. {no repayment} I reluctantly tell these truth again, because you distorted the facts and distorted the true story. AND I DONT INTEND TO TELL IT AGAIN, HERE.

DrBob: Of course Chrysler 'chose' to whom to grant these parts in an insider deal. Prior liquidations were by sealed, secret, competitive bids. Do you think that Chrysler has any regrets about their generosity now? Duhhhh. No Good Deed Goes Unpunished.

BobB is simply regurgitating partial truths as they were very belatedly told to him, by those with a clear track record of distortions, self-serving-secrecy, and spreading lies and innuendo to cover their conflicts and deeds.

With the exception of BobP, we all appear to be trying to MOVE ON. Help the club or clubs of your choice. Require and Reward transparency and openness. Shun censorship.

AS I STATE ABOVE: Please Embrace the positive changes brought about by BOTH clubs. Please STOP spreading the falsehoods and partial truths of those past bozos who eliminated free speech, censored truth, kept secrets from *** and members, stifled competition, and blatantly attacked the manufacturer who was SO GENEROUS as outlined above. LEARN FROM THEIR MISTAKES.... instead of touting them as your heroes.

I am trying to do that myself. The BODs of both clubs seem to be trying to as well. Only BobP wants to rehash and incorrectly spin the past for some weird self-gratification. And to bring up Chrysler people BY NAME at this juncture and on this forum is simply uncalled for and DUMB. Ask your VCA president his opinion on this point?


Newport Viper

Oct 17, 2000
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Newport Coast, CA
I do not think that any of this is old news. The details posted above by Jon Brobst, to my knowledge, have never been all put together in one place. It is particularly interesting to me that if the 36K Jon is referring to above, that Jon says was the approximate amount paid to Chrysler for the heritage parts and equipment, came out of the 50K initial VCA investment into VPA, that it then means that it only cost the VCA, 14 K to start VPA outside of the purchase. Jon states above that the puchase was a bargain and that what was purchased was worth far more.

So doesn't this mean that all of the allegations thrown around about Chris allegedly misleading the National Board and somehow scamming the Board into investing the 50K in VPA are false? Because it sure looks that way from the data disclosed by Jon above. Jon also has indicated that he thinks Chrysler's management did something wrong in doing the very favorable deal with VPA and that MOPAR's managment did not know what it was doing when MOPAR authorized VPA as a MOPAR dealer. But the VCA and its more than 3000 members clearly benefitted from both decisions.

Jon, in another thread a couple months ago, made it clear that he has been a supplier to Chrysler on a number of occasions. So tell me, who is biting the hand of who?

Everyone can read the above detail and decide for themselves. I hope that the posts are left intact and not removed or altered.

Here is the most salient one for ease of reference:

Hi Jon. I hope all is well. I do not think that what I posted is inconsistent with the above. To my knowledge, and please correct me if I am wrong, you were the only vendor who chose to go the "insult" route - particularly on the other Forum.

Bob, my telling the truth of the club's problems may indeed have been insulting to some. But true nonetheless, as for the most part now proven. I posted them, and factual backup, the only places that free speech were allowed (at that time.) ............................

Jon. Are you saying that you did not buy the assets of the business that preceded the role of Prefix that went out of business and that the VCA did not have any interest in participating in that with you? Are you also saying that you did not want the opportunity that Chrysler gave to VPA when it transferred all the legacy parts, etc.? Please clarify.

CLARIFICATIONS: PartsRack successfully acquired the surplus parts inventories of TWO of the vendors prior to Prefix. The VCA had ZERO financial interest in any of that, just a misplaced pipe-dream-wish. The full story of ASC was posted on this site, visible here for almost THREE YEARS. It was also published in several Regional newsletters. It was titled "Now It Can Be Told- PartsRack's ASC Acquisition." Try and SEARCH IT!

Perhaps as an insider, someone will let you see it. It was mysteriously censored just TWO DAYS after VPA debuted here. ****! [Note to VCA's Don Boston. I have the censored link. And Don recently found and saw the censored story.]

When the VCA told PartRack that 'the club has an exclusive on the ASC parts' we foolishly believed the officers. After the buy went nowhere, SRT told us that there was NO club exclusive, and to give one would violate Chrysler policy. Why?

In order to protect stockholder asset value, Chrysler policy is to liquidate surplus items by sealed, secret bid. At a time when assets were protected by bankruptcy, Chrysler did NOT do a bid.....but gave the assets to the VPA for ~$36k, far below what a bidder (including PartRack) would have paid Chrysler (and creditors

PartsRack bid competitively with the ASC Bankruptcy Court, with ZERO interest or participation from the club. My unimpeachable witness: VCA VP George Farris. Ask him. He was pushed aside (retired) due to his truthfulness.

PartsRack within 2 weeks offered a commission to VCA on these parts in exchange for advertising "a portion of the profit to the VCA." But 2 VCA top officers refused, saying "PartsRack just wants to market themselves." They would accept the donation only if it was not dislocosed to the buyers. They wanted a 'war chest' of (secret) funds!

I am also a bit surprised at your attack on MOPAR's judgment. "Additional perspective: This letter was sent BEFORE Mopar ill-advisedly granted a contract to VPA, THEREBY ALLOWING VPA TO ALSO COMPETE WITH CHRYSLER-SRT-DODGE DEALERS. Some of them are now concerned, as well they should be.

Hardly an attack. Especially since I also told Chrysler in writing almost 2 years ago. Don't we all agree? Mopar and SRT almost certainly rue the day that an insider parts deal was granted to this conflicted non-profit? That generous and ill-conceived act is a textbook example "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished."

Also, I am a bit confused about the vendor VPA issue........

Are'nt we all......... Years ago I told the VCA how to engage and enroll its sponsors-vendors-members in a 'joint venture' for member benefit and sponsor profit. Using Sponsor money!
However, another trait of the past bozos you now defend: They micro-managed everything for personal glory, perks and entertainment. If an idea was not THEIR idea, it was dismissed-censored-ignored.

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Dec 20, 2002
Reaction score
Time for fun now. Nice to heard from you Jon.....missed all of those personal attacks. Hopefully, most people have figured out that your spin on things is only self serving. I am sure Ralph appreciates that you consider him part of the "Gestapo " when he chose the VPA (3000 members) over the greed of one. Now that should light some fireworks! Looking forward to the arrogant, self serving, and usual response.....some people are so predictable.


Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
Dr. Bob,

Are you for real? If you re-read your posts, it appears as though you are the antagonist on the responses. Man the VCA seems to have accumulated the worst Bob's in the car hobby. I am sure there is a joke here about a Doctor and a Lawyer walking into a bar in Newport. What a voice for the VCA!

You invite someone to speak, then chew down on them when the do. As I and others consider renewal options, you guys are really, really not making it any easier to accept. If any of the current *** want to have decent renewal and join numbers, you better put some of these dogs back on the leash.

Don't want to judge an entire club by some of these individual's attitudes and actions however aside from positive VPA moves in operations and the open and decent Q&A letter from the board, the negative attitude around here is very prevalent in the posts in this thread and for whatever reason allowed to prevail. Not sure why? Come for the car, stay for the Friendships? Doesn't come through these days, if you see these actions.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Differing opinions are allowed because it was determined by the new Board that censorship was excessive under the old Board. In a more free speech oriented posting environment, opinions you like as well as those you do not like are allowed. Allowing this was one of the major requests of those who were complaining. Less than four months ago, the discussion that Jon and I just had would not have been allowed. Jon was able to say what he wanted to say without any interference from a moderator. That is progress.

Dr. Bob,

Are you for real? If you re-read your posts, it appears as though you are the antagonist on the responses. Man the VCA seems to have accumulated the worst Bob's in the car hobby. I am sure there is a joke here about a Doctor and a Lawyer walking into a bar in Newport. What a voice for the VCA!

You invite someone to speak, then chew down on them when the do. As I and others consider renewal options, you guys are really, really not making it any easier to accept. If any of the current *** want to have decent renewal and join numbers, you better put some of these dogs back on the leash.

Don't want to judge an entire club by some of these individual's attitudes and actions however aside from positive VPA moves in operations and the open and decent Q&A letter from the board, the negative attitude around here is very prevalent in the posts in this thread and for whatever reason allowed to prevail. Not sure why? Come for the car, stay for the Friendships? Doesn't come through these days, if you see these actions.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Jon said:
"EXACTY BOB, a HUGE and Generous and OBVIOUS INSIDER bargain! Duhhh. [But YOU Bob referred to it as legacy parts and equipment, I did not. Those 'tools etc' were a later, separate scrap deal. ] The seated VCA *** at the time knows exactly why they loaned VPA ~$36k for surplus 'scrap' parts and ~$14k for legal and startup costs. They saw a partial list of parts at that meeting! IRS Tax returns reference the $50k loan as an Account receivable. Later returns call it an investment. {no repayment} I reluctantly tell these truth again, because you distorted the facts and distorted the true story. AND I DONT INTEND TO TELL IT AGAIN, HERE."

Jon. You have told it again here and thank you for doing so. I am glad that we agree that it was a "huge and generous bargain". That should put to rest all of the allegations that the formation of VPA was somehow tainted. Based on the data that you have posted, it clearly was a very good deal for the VCA and its more than 3000 members and I would say that it still is.

As for the 50K, since the VCA owns 100% of VPA, it does not really make much of a financial difference how the 50K is/was booked. The VCA still owns 100% of VPA. This is a completely different situation than the money the Viper couple provided to form the new club. They do not own the new club. They are third party lenders. So the liability is external and not just between a parent entity and its wholly owned subsidiary. ( And before you say it, I know the Viper couple offered it as a gift but the new club insisted that it be a loan.)

Lastly, no falsehoods are being spread since my analysis is based on your data and your statements posted above and anyone who reads this discussion can see that.


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
Bob and Dr Bob. You have driven me away. I am out! I get far more value from a relationship with JonB than I do from this sinking ship.


Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
Time for fun now. Nice to heard from you Jon.....missed all of those personal attacks. Hopefully, most people have figured out that your spin on things is only self serving. I am sure Ralph appreciates that you consider him part of the "Gestapo " when he chose the VPA (3000 members) over the greed of one. Now that should light some fireworks! Looking forward to the arrogant, self serving, and usual response.....some people are so predictable.
I would like to say I whole heart-idly agree with you.........

But then we'd both be wrong.


Dec 20, 2002
Reaction score
Sorry if I offended anyone. I am speaking from my prior observations when JonB was on this forum. I am not saying anything about his expertise on vipers or his business. I respect and appreciate that but the VPA does exist and a Mopar supplier, and the VCA has the legacy of the legacy parts and equipment. There are two viewpoints here and realize these things happened as Chrysler was going bankrupt and the VCA was looking at options to continue forward.

Realize also this thread was started by an individual who is a VOA advocate ( I have no problem with that) but you would think all of this is a rehash but some interesting information has come up by one other individual who has an ongoing angst about past events.
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Dec 20, 2002
Reaction score
Coloviper, I sincerely hope that my posts do not drive you away from the VCA. Two clubs are a fact and the reasons why it transpired are quite evident. In retrospect you are right that I have become somewhat antagonistic and that's not good but I am so tired of the ongoing repetitious anger directed at the VCA. Changes are finally coming and I think they are all for the better. I would not want the job of the current volunteer officers because the attacks have been relentless. My apologies.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
I have nothing against Jon. I have previously posted that I think he is witty, a good businessman and that Partsrack has provided a valuable service and advice to members. I even recommended that Partsrack be contacted about a part a few days ago in a thread.

Jon is not made of glass and certainly likes a good debate/argument as much, if not more, than most. I do not think he sees himself as fragile or needing anyone's coddling.

So what does your relationship with JonB have to do with anything? Who is telling you not to have one?

Bob and Dr Bob. You have driven me away. I am out! I get far more value from a relationship with JonB than I do from this sinking ship.