My Observations about VCA - This is NOT Good


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score

We will have to agree to diagree about the timing.

My perception is that when the club went into crisis mode to try and figure out how to survive without the financial support of Chrysler when Chrysler filed for bankruptcy in 2009 and it also became apparent that the Viper was not going to be continued, decisions were made to take steps which at that time seemed appropriate to save the club and the Viper heritage.

One of those steps was to form VPA which immediately became the repository for the Viper Heritage parts and equipment tranferred to it by Chrysler.

It is no secret that Jon would have loved for Parts Rack to have received the Viper heritage parts and equipment and there certainly was nothing wrong with the fact that he desired same. It would have been good for his business and he, as an astute business person, knew that just as he knew that it was a good deal to buy out the assets of the entity that went out of business that used to do the same kind of work that Prefix does.

Remember that entity? It produced the wild white Viper Raffle car with the six stacks sticking up through the hood. I do not remember the name of the company. It is also no secret that the VCA wanted to participate in the purchase of those assets but, for whatever reason, the VCA was not given a chance to do so. That caused some bad feelings toward Jon at that time by some of the VCA's then Board.

With the above said, I agree with you that the leadership had gotten a bit entrenched and cliquish prior to 2009 but that happens perioodically in every organization. I also agree, in part, with some differences, on your view of the formation of the new club.

As I have said before, the Regions could have, and for that matter, still could help solve all of the alleged VCA problems. It is not too late for the Regions to reverse their course. They owe nothing to the new club. It has no history and heritage. I am sure that if they decided to come back into the fold, all would be forgiven and forgotten by all concerned very quickly over a few beers ( Wine in some cases. LOL.) and some car talk.

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Feb 13, 2010
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
You asked if the VCA would be in the shape it's in of the VPA had never been formed?
There were still issues, but yes, the VPA, it's secrecy, and the person running it are a major part of the problem. A lot of the transparency issues, outright lies, and cover-up maneuvers all have to with the VPA.
Here's the kicker for you though. JONB DID NOT START THE VPA.

Every question that I have asked (and many other people also) have never been answered, and they have nothing to Jonb.
It's tiresome to continue repeating the same thing to you, since all you can do is ignore the questions about actual facts, and instead go off on some tangent to throw blame somewhere else.
As far as what Jonb HAS said that the VCA (more-so your) claim is damaging the club for revenge, has actually been the truth. They tried to keep him quiet because they knew what he was saying was true and they had to do everything they could to keep that information from getting out. Once the roof really blew off this whole thing and it became much more public knowledge, people started realizing how bad things really were, despite the lies they were constantly told about how everything was great and the club was in the best shape ever.
So if you want blame Jon for letting people know some of the shady things going on (that have either been proven true, or refused to be answered by the VCA), then you can blame him for that if you wish. The fact remains that all he did was tell the truth.


Viper Owner
Jul 30, 2013
Reaction score
Willis, Tx
It is not too late for the Regions to reverse their course. They owe nothing to the new club. It has no history and heritage. I am sure that if they decided to come back into the fold, all would be forgiven and forgotten by all concerned very quickly over a few beers ( Wine in some cases. LOL.) and some car talk.


I'm sure they would. Thats a lot of money out the Marshal's pockets and I bet they will miss it. :)

Keep droning on Bob. You are helping the other club more and more.

Viper #53

Viper Owner
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
Los Altos, CA
As a member of this club since it's inception in 1995, it pains me to read this thread. I've met many of my close friends in this club and I look forward to meeting many new ones. I believe a solution to some of the key issues raised in this and other threads is to formally split VPA off as a standalone for profit business.


Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
A bit of hissstory to give you some TRUE perspective.

5/20/10 .......................... VCA Long-Term Vendor Letter to VCA ***

To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]............................................

: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Dear VCA Board:

The undersigned long-term VCA Vendors, Sponsors and Advertisers are concerned about the evolution of Viper Parts of America. VPA was initially presented by VCA as a way to protect and sell only surplus factory Viper parts. Now, VPA also offers several brands of tires for Vipers and other vehicles; performance brands of headers; clutch and gear items, and the list is growing. These are our bread-and-butter products.

We have all supported the VCA for well over a decade. Now, during our worst economic period, VPA is poised to erode our already-thin margins. Despite recent statements that 'only 1 vendor is concerned', the undersigned want the VCA Board to be aware of our own growing concerns as well.


Archer Racing - John Archer - 218 727 4806
D-C Performance - Dan Cragin - 310 841 6996
Macedo Moorsports - Larry Macedo - 407 323 8191
PartsRack Inc. - Jon Brobst - 360 837 3937
Roe Racing - Sean Roe - 904 230 5422
Snake Oyl Products - Kurtis Anderson - 608 849 9878
Tator's Garage - Chuck Tator - 914 763 3136 ..........
Unitrax Drivetrain - Devin King - 714 630 4327


Note- Vendors of record as of 5/10 with LESS than a decade of club support were -and are- also concerned. But this letter was co-authored, edited, and signed only by 10+ year sponsors. One notable: TireRack.

Additional perspective: This letter was sent BEFORE Mopar ill-advisedly granted a contract to VPA, THEREBY ALLOWING VPA TO ALSO COMPETE WITH CHRYSLER-SRT-DODGE DEALERS. Some of them are now concerned, as well they should be.

Bob Panoff, still on his 'Blame it all on JonB' tirade is (again) not being truthful or even historically correct.

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Dec 29, 2010
Reaction score
Northern Delaware
A bit of hissstory to give you some TRUE perspective.

5/20/10 .......................... VCA Long-Term Vendor Letter to VCA ***

To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]............................................

: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Dear VCA Board:

The undersigned long-term VCA Vendors, Sponsors and Advertisers are concerned about the evolution of Viper Parts of America. VPA was initially presented by VCA as a way to protect and sell only surplus factory Viper parts. Now, VPA also offers several brands of tires for Vipers and other vehicles; performance brands of headers; clutch and gear items, and the list is growing. These are our bread-and-butter products.

We have all supported the VCA for well over a decade. Now, during our worst economic period, VPA is poised to erode our already-thin margins. Despite recent statements that 'only 1 vendor is concerned', the undersigned want the VCA Board to be aware of our own growing concerns as well.


Archer Racing - John Archer - 218 727 4806
D-C Performance - Dan Cragin - 310 841 6996
Macedo Moorsports - Larry Macedo - 407 323 8191
PartsRack Inc. - Jon Brobst - 360 837 3937
Roe Racing - Sean Roe - 904 230 5422
Snake Oyl Products - Kurtis Anderson - 608 849 9878
Tator's Garage - Chuck Tator - 914 763 3136 ..........
Unitrax Drivetrain - Devin King - 714 630 4327


Note- Vendors of record as of 5/10 with LESS than a decade of club support were -and are- also concerned. But this letter was co-authored, edited, and signed only by 10+ year sponsors. One notable: TireRack.

Additional perspective: This letter was sent BEFORE Mopar ill-advisedly granted a contract to VPA, THEREBY ALLOWING VPA TO ALSO COMPETE WITH CHRYSLER-SRT-DODGE DEALERS. Some of them are now concerned, as well they should be.

Bob Panoff, still on his 'Blame it all on JonB' tirade is (again) not being truthful or even historically correct.


Damn. Stop making sense!


Oct 2, 2004
Reaction score
I can see how this came to a head due to the creation of the VPA. I also understand from a vendors point of view that the VPA would appear to be a problem. I also understand that most of these businesses soley run on Viper based profits. Certainly from a vendors point of view this must have been very disturbing, especially since they paid for advertising here and were competing against a business with an inside edge.

Here's my take on this whole deal. I was really excited that the VPA recieved all factory molds and parts. From a long term perspective, I'd rather see a club with a long term history with the manufacturer get those parts rather than a small company who may or may not stay in business over the long haul. I also feel that competition is a good thing, from the vendors perspective I can see how they would not like that at all.

It really brings up an interesting question, should the club never have any vendor in any way connected with the organization? I feel that the VPA is a huge asset to the membership. The reason being, it brings another trusted vendor in the community that has direct ties with the manufacturer. They pass on great deals on certain parts to Venom members. I for one became a Venom member specifically for that reason. In fact the only reason why I've rejoined for many years, is that specific benefit. I've never cared about the magazine, because it's all fluff, always has and probably always will be. My only interests are technical in nature.

I'm one of the members here that doesn't make a boat load of money. I work long hours to earn my cash, and yes I will shop around for good pricing. It's just the way it is. I always made small purchases from DC performance whenever I could, because I really valued Dan's technical expertease. With everyone else I just shopped for pricing, never wanting any additional info. just pricing. So because of that, I like the VPA because I can just browse the site, and see what deals are coming up. I don't need to talk to any one, and I can make purchasing decisions without speaking to someone who's looking at my purchasing history while I call him or her.

So in a nut shell, yes I think the VPA is a great asset for the VCA members, yes it's a very small threat to other vendors. However the other vendors have had years to build up their relationships and most have a very loyal following.

Hopefully we can all move on as Viper enthusiats and enjoy our machines, be it technical enthusiasm or just social based. There are two clubs now, and really no reason why both can't exist and move forward. Have a Merry Christmas or great Holiday season and a Happy Safe New Year.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Hi Jon. I hope all is well. I do not think that what I posted is inconsistent with the above. To my knowledge, and please correct me if I am wrong, you were the only vendor who chose to go the "insult" route - particularly on the other Forum.

If you read my recent post closely, it states that your view of VPA being a threat to your business was a credible view. It also stated that the fears of the VCA Board at the time regarding the financial viability of the VCA after the bankruptcy of Chrysler was filed and the "End of the Line" on July 1, 2010 were also credible. I also suggested that it would have been best if the parties had gotten together at the time and tried to iron things out.

The bottom line is that the situation was unnecessarily escalated by public posts that served no purpose but to inflame emotions and injure the VCA. So other than not mentioning the other vendors, which it is certainly proper to mention, and if I had known about the above email, I would have mentioned same, I think that what I wrote as the history is pretty accurate.

Jon. Are you saying that you did not buy the assets of the business that preceded the role of Prefix that went out of business and that the VCA did not have any interest in participating in that with you? Are you also saying that you did not want the opportunity that Chrysler gave to VPA when it transferred all the legacy parts, etc.? Please clarify.

I am also a bit surprised at your attack on MOPAR's judgment. "Additional perspective: This letter was sent BEFORE Mopar ill-advisedly granted a contract to VPA, THEREBY ALLOWING VPA TO ALSO COMPETE WITH CHRYSLER-SRT-DODGE DEALERS. Some of them are now concerned, as well they should be.

VPA's gross sales, as I understand it, were less than one million dollars per year prior to this year. On a nationwide, aggregate basis, that is a fly spec. I doubt it means much to a local dealer with an active service function. I applaud MOPAR for their decision. It was the right thing to do. Especially after Chrysler had to cut off its support when the bankruptcy was filed.

Also, I am a bit confused about the vendor VPA issue. If the VCA now decided to sell VPA to a large, well funded third party who would put in capital to expand its business ( assume that the party is not you) just how would that help you and any other vendor? It seems to me that the only thing that might help you is to shut VPA down and that is just not a realistic alternative. I say " might help" because there are more vendors now in the discount Viper parts space than there were in 2010 including some dealers ( One less than ten miles from my house does so.). It is not clear to me that your competition would end up being any less intense than it is now.

There is no tirade at all about or against you Jon. If that was the case, I would not have complimented your skills as a business person.

Parts Rack has been, and continues to be, a valuable source of information and parts to the Viper Nation as are all the other vendors listed above and any others who are kind enough to advertise on this site and in the VCA magazine.

I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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Dec 20, 2002
Reaction score
Bob, I respect your acts of diplomacy.......however it was first be understood before it can be perceived.:santa2:
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Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
Bob, in 20+ years I have never seen you at a club *** meeting or conference; I have not seen or heard of you serving your region in any way; I have not seen you HELP any owner, other than offering your own self-entertaining commentary here; No articles in Viper Quarterly, Viper Mag, or VCA Notes. NOTHING but your blind defenses of the secretive fallen few and of their gestapo tactics. But you baited me again (and on a Monday!) into replying IN BOLD to your inquiries below:

Hi Jon. I hope all is well. I do not think that what I posted is inconsistent with the above. To my knowledge, and please correct me if I am wrong, you were the only vendor who chose to go the "insult" route - particularly on the other Forum.

Bob, my telling the truth of the club's problems may indeed have been insulting to some. But true nonetheless, as for the most part now proven. I posted them, and factual backup, the only places that free speech were allowed (at that time.) ............................

Jon. Are you saying that you did not buy the assets of the business that preceded the role of Prefix that went out of business and that the VCA did not have any interest in participating in that with you? Are you also saying that you did not want the opportunity that Chrysler gave to VPA when it transferred all the legacy parts, etc.? Please clarify.

CLARIFICATIONS: PartsRack successfully acquired the surplus parts inventories of TWO of the vendors prior to Prefix. The VCA had ZERO financial interest in any of that, just a misplaced pipe-dream-wish. The full story of ASC was posted on this site, visible here for almost THREE YEARS. It was also published in several Regional newsletters. It was titled "Now It Can Be Told- PartsRack's ASC Acquisition." Try and SEARCH IT!

Perhaps as an insider, someone will let you see it. It was mysteriously censored just TWO DAYS after VPA debuted here. ****! [Note to VCA's Don Boston. I have the censored link. And Don recently found and saw the censored story.]

When the VCA told PartRack that 'the club has an exclusive on the ASC parts' we foolishly believed the officers. After the buy went nowhere, SRT told us that there was NO club exclusive, and to give one would violate Chrysler policy. Why?

In order to protect stockholder asset value, Chrysler policy is to liquidate surplus items by sealed, secret bid. At a time when assets were protected by bankruptcy, Chrysler did NOT do a bid.....but gave the assets to the VPA for ~$36k, far below what a bidder (including PartRack) would have paid Chrysler (and creditors

PartsRack bid competitively with the ASC Bankruptcy Court, with ZERO interest or participation from the club. My unimpeachable witness: VCA VP George Farris. Ask him. He was pushed aside (retired) due to his truthfulness.

PartsRack within 2 weeks offered a commission to VCA on these parts in exchange for advertising "a portion of the profit to the VCA." But 2 VCA top officers refused, saying "PartsRack just wants to market themselves." They would accept the donation only if it was not dislocosed to the buyers. They wanted a 'war chest' of (secret) funds!

I am also a bit surprised at your attack on MOPAR's judgment. "Additional perspective: This letter was sent BEFORE Mopar ill-advisedly granted a contract to VPA, THEREBY ALLOWING VPA TO ALSO COMPETE WITH CHRYSLER-SRT-DODGE DEALERS. Some of them are now concerned, as well they should be.

Hardly an attack. Especially since I also told Chrysler in writing almost 2 years ago. Don't we all agree? Mopar and SRT almost certainly rue the day that an insider parts deal was granted to this conflicted non-profit? That generous and ill-conceived act is a textbook example "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished."

Also, I am a bit confused about the vendor VPA issue........

Are'nt we all......... Years ago I told the VCA how to engage and enroll its sponsors-vendors-members in a 'joint venture' for member benefit and sponsor profit. Using Sponsor money!
However, another trait of the past bozos you now defend: They micro-managed everything for personal glory, perks and entertainment. If an idea was not THEIR idea, it was dismissed-censored-ignored.

So Bob, do the NEW clubs a favor: Stop defending the bozos who kept the secrets, censored truth, prohibited questions, eliminated discussions, attacked the manufacturer, spread numerous lies and 10%-truths, and quashed competitors. Embrace the positive changes of both clubs and stop defending the mistakes of the past. LEARN FROM THEM. And with all the time this frees up for you, why not host a Viper event for the clubs in your area? Happy New Year to all................. JonB~~~:


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Thank you for your post Jon. I am sorry that you seem a bit upset. It was not my intent to cause you any discomfort.

I have defended , and will continue to defend, the VCA as a valuable institution. Many individuals have passed through the leadership of the VCA. Some have had better leadership skills than others. All have been volunteers. The VCA is more important than its leaders - past, present or future.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.


Dec 20, 2002
Reaction score

1. I do not care if it a Monday or is a day of the week
2. The pattern of personal attacks related to perceived insults persists. If you are looking to put things in the past move on or spend your time were your opinion is valued.
3. Fact: There are two clubs. Support one or both in a positive manner.
4. Learn from your past and realize there are other viewpoints than your own


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Sorry Jon. I forgot something. Just one more question.

You said above:

In order to protect stockholder asset value, Chrysler policy is to liquidate surplus items by sealed, secret bid. At a time when assets were protected by bankruptcy, Chrysler did NOT do a bid.....but gave the assets to the VPA for ~$36k, far below what a bidder (including PartRack) would have paid Chrysler (and creditors.)

So if I understand you correctly, VPA got a terrific bargain when it paid the amount you posted - 36K - for what I have referred to as the legacy parts and equipment. And since the VCA owns 100% of the stock of VPA, it sounds like the initial 50K that was put into VPA as an investment, part of which was evidently the 36K, was a very shrewd thing to do and was clearly to the benefit of the more than 3000 members at the time and the members now.

As for Chrysler's actions, the VCA was, and still is, a fly spec compared to Chrysler and certainly did not in any way control Chrysler's decision. So, who in Chrysler managment at that time are you accusing of what?


Dec 20, 2002
Reaction score
Hmmmmmm......that brings up one other point. Chrysler CHOSE who they wanted to receive those assets. Obviously, the VCA was their choice.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
True. And since the parts and equipment were apparently all from, for or used to make SRT products, SRT had to have participated in that decision. So whoever ran SRT at that time must have agreed with the transfer.

I think that it was a gracious and generous act by Chrysler and SRT to do what they did at a time when things looked dire for the VCA and the Viper was thought to be dead.

As for the bankruptcy issue, I believe, if I correctly remember the terms of the bankruptcy plan (which I took a look at for a dealer on a pro bono basis who was very upset at the time) that certain assets did not go to the "new Chrysler" in the reorganization and were, in essence, abandoned inside the old Chrysler for disposition. I would guess that the legacy parts and equipment were basically considered to be of insufficient value in the overall scheme of things to spend any time on disposing of them. ( Keep in mind when Chrysler went into bankruptcy many people left. It was a somewhat skeletal crew who were left to tend to things. They had to allocate their time and efforts to more important matters so that Chrysler stood a chance of surviving.) So when the opportunity arose to help the VCA out and, at the same time, get rid of the stuff, it made sense. Just a guess on my part.

Hmmmmmm......that brings up one other point. Chrysler CHOSE who they wanted to receive those assets. Obviously, the VCA was their choice.
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Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Just to be clear, are you saying that Ralph made, or participated in, the decision to give the legacy parts and equipment to VPA? I ask because SRT, which was not a brand at the time, and Chrysler were not ever bitten. The "peculiar behavior" mentioned in the Chrysler letter was toward Ralph. And as we all know, Ralph was there at the time. He was one of the loyal people who weaathered the Chrysler reorg storm. A very brave and honorable thing to do.

That would be rather ironic considering the fact that the VCA members who wrote the letters that constituted the "peculiar behavior" attacked Ralph for allegedly aggressively inserting himself into the fray on the side of Jon B and insisting that Jon be reinstated. In fact it would be just weird. You could not make up such a story.

And then the VCA chose to bite the hand that fed them.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
I do not think that any of this is old news. The details posted above by Jon Brobst, to my knowledge, have never been all put together in one place. It is particularly interesting to me that if the 36K Jon is referring to above, that Jon says was the approximate amount paid to Chrysler for the heritage parts and equipment, came out of the 50K initial VCA investment into VPA, that it then means that it only cost the VCA, 14 K to start VPA outside of the purchase. Jon states above that the puchase was a bargain and that what was purchased was worth far more.

So doesn't this mean that all of the allegations thrown around about Chris allegedly misleading the National Board and somehow scamming the Board into investing the 50K in VPA are false? Because it sure looks that way from the data disclosed by Jon above. Jon also has indicated that he thinks Chrysler's management did something wrong in doing the very favorable deal with VPA and that MOPAR's managment did not know what it was doing when MOPAR authorized VPA as a MOPAR dealer. But the VCA and its more than 3000 members clearly benefitted from both decisions.

Jon, in another thread a couple months ago, made it clear that he has been a supplier to Chrysler on a number of occasions. So tell me, who is biting the hand of who?

Everyone can read the above detail and decide for themselves. I hope that the posts are left intact and not removed or altered.

Here is the most salient one for ease of reference:

Hi Jon. I hope all is well. I do not think that what I posted is inconsistent with the above. To my knowledge, and please correct me if I am wrong, you were the only vendor who chose to go the "insult" route - particularly on the other Forum.

Bob, my telling the truth of the club's problems may indeed have been insulting to some. But true nonetheless, as for the most part now proven. I posted them, and factual backup, the only places that free speech were allowed (at that time.) ............................

Jon. Are you saying that you did not buy the assets of the business that preceded the role of Prefix that went out of business and that the VCA did not have any interest in participating in that with you? Are you also saying that you did not want the opportunity that Chrysler gave to VPA when it transferred all the legacy parts, etc.? Please clarify.

CLARIFICATIONS: PartsRack successfully acquired the surplus parts inventories of TWO of the vendors prior to Prefix. The VCA had ZERO financial interest in any of that, just a misplaced pipe-dream-wish. The full story of ASC was posted on this site, visible here for almost THREE YEARS. It was also published in several Regional newsletters. It was titled "Now It Can Be Told- PartsRack's ASC Acquisition." Try and SEARCH IT!

Perhaps as an insider, someone will let you see it. It was mysteriously censored just TWO DAYS after VPA debuted here. ****! [Note to VCA's Don Boston. I have the censored link. And Don recently found and saw the censored story.]

When the VCA told PartRack that 'the club has an exclusive on the ASC parts' we foolishly believed the officers. After the buy went nowhere, SRT told us that there was NO club exclusive, and to give one would violate Chrysler policy. Why?

In order to protect stockholder asset value, Chrysler policy is to liquidate surplus items by sealed, secret bid. At a time when assets were protected by bankruptcy, Chrysler did NOT do a bid.....but gave the assets to the VPA for ~$36k, far below what a bidder (including PartRack) would have paid Chrysler (and creditors

PartsRack bid competitively with the ASC Bankruptcy Court, with ZERO interest or participation from the club. My unimpeachable witness: VCA VP George Farris. Ask him. He was pushed aside (retired) due to his truthfulness.

PartsRack within 2 weeks offered a commission to VCA on these parts in exchange for advertising "a portion of the profit to the VCA." But 2 VCA top officers refused, saying "PartsRack just wants to market themselves." They would accept the donation only if it was not dislocosed to the buyers. They wanted a 'war chest' of (secret) funds!

I am also a bit surprised at your attack on MOPAR's judgment. "Additional perspective: This letter was sent BEFORE Mopar ill-advisedly granted a contract to VPA, THEREBY ALLOWING VPA TO ALSO COMPETE WITH CHRYSLER-SRT-DODGE DEALERS. Some of them are now concerned, as well they should be.

Hardly an attack. Especially since I also told Chrysler in writing almost 2 years ago. Don't we all agree? Mopar and SRT almost certainly rue the day that an insider parts deal was granted to this conflicted non-profit? That generous and ill-conceived act is a textbook example "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished."

Also, I am a bit confused about the vendor VPA issue........

Are'nt we all......... Years ago I told the VCA how to engage and enroll its sponsors-vendors-members in a 'joint venture' for member benefit and sponsor profit. Using Sponsor money!
However, another trait of the past bozos you now defend: They micro-managed everything for personal glory, perks and entertainment. If an idea was not THEIR idea, it was dismissed-censored-ignored.

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Dec 20, 2002
Reaction score
See my previous posts. I am an independent thinker and we all know every party in this situation had their hands dirty. I agree with you Johniew.....however, I am tired of the toxic behavior. Closed minds and the continued negativity is getting old. The VCA officers who are reorganizing the VCA have posted the future position of the club. Embrace it or not...that is a personal choice.


Jul 1, 2013
Reaction score
Lots of speculation from someone always demanding facts and data from everyone else


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
As I suggested, people can read Jon's detailed answers and decide for themselves. How do you interepret the facts that Jon disclosed? Do you think there is a way to view the terms of the purhcase of the legacy parts and equipment as anything other than a great bargain after Jon's post? If so, are you saying Jon is either not correct or being untruthful? Are you saying that Jon did not state that MOPAR's decision was wrong in granting the dealership status or that he did not say that Chrysler did something wrong? Where is the speculation here?

Just to make it clear, this is history. Jon is very knowledgable and PartsRack has provided great service and help to many members over the years and I am sure they will in the future.

Lots of speculation from someone always demanding facts and data from everyone else
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Jul 1, 2013
Reaction score
As I suggested, people can read Jon's detailed answers and decide for themselves.

Then let them. You do not need to speculate and spin every topic on the VCA to how you see fit. If you haven't figured it out yet you are not helping the VCA in any way shape or form here in ANY of these threads.


Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
As I suggested, people can read Jon's detailed answers and decide for themselves. How do you interepret the facts that Jon disclosed? Do you think there is a way to view the terms of the purhcase of the legacy parts and equipment as anything other than a great bargain after Jon's post? If so, are you saying Jon is either not correct or being untrutrhful? Are you saying that Jon did not state that MOPAR's decision was wrong in granting the dealership status or that he did not say that Chrysler did something wrong? Where is the speculation here?
Just to make it clear, this is history. Jon is very knowledgable and PartsRack has provided great service and help to many members over the years and I am sure they will in the future.

Bob, why do you tell someone to read Jon's detailed answer and decide for themselves, then pepper the reader with questions tailored to your agenda? Most that read this don't want your .02 in their ear if you want them to come to an independent conclusion. Try presenting the facts as you see them, and hold your opinion until it is asked for. Your obviously not a litigator.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
No one is forcing anyone to read my posts and each can put me on ignore as they see fit. BTW, this is not litigation. It is just a forum on a car club site with people posting what they wish to post subject to the forum rules. Nothing more. Nothing less.


Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
The litigation comment went more to your style than your substance. I assume that you like most of us profer these posts for others to express your opinion, or to comment on another's opinion. To put you on ignore would be analogous to a starving man turning down a free meal. ;)