I got my new 08 delivered late yesterday. I really like the Black/White. 

The trailer does not belong to me. It belongs to the delivery co. It was a 3 axle 48' trailer, really niceLooks great! I hope you enjoy your new toy.
Where did you get those extentions for the ramp on your trailer? I need to get some for my enclosed car trailer. The incline on my trailer ramp is a little too steep for some of my cars. It looks like we might even have the same trailer.
The trailer does not belong to me. It belongs to the delivery co. It was a 3 axle 48' trailer, really nice
Thanks Mopar488, I have been looking for some ramps like that so I can reduce the incline into my trailer. I guess i'll have to keep looking. Good luck with you new toy.
Check out a company called "Pit Pal", they have an assortment of ramps:
Pit Pal Products - The Original Organizers: Ramps
I have set and they work great. Good luck.
Will post more when I figure out how to add more than 1 picture/post.That is real sharp
i have an 04 black vert ,with white stripes in mind.
I have just got a hardtop.
If it looks anything like that i will be well pleased,love the black and white.
ps if you get time,grab your camera again.
thanks mate.