I'm signed up and car approved for the D.A.R.E. event on 9/22. Who else is going ?
Every so often, we like to inform the C&C community about interesting automotive events. The DARE event detailed below has been held for a few years. If you would to display a car or get further details, please RSVP directly to drivenbypurposeevent@....
abi & Kirk
Save The Date! September 22, 2013
That time of year is coming soon! The biggest and most concentrated event including only THE best and most exotic cars in the world is being scheduled once again. This is absolutely our biggest event of the year! The event will be on a beautiful Sunday morning - September 22 from 10am - 2pm - in lovely Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Last year over 200 exotic cars united for this spectacular event. This year will be bigger and better than ever as we are looking for a turnout of 300 exotics. Driven by Purpose is teaming up with other organizations to make this the biggest exotic event in New Jersey! People will be driving from all over the northeast to attend this event in Upper Saddle River. As those of you who attended last year will agree - this is an event not to be missed!
The event will include live music, great food and beautiful cars as far as the eye can see. The first 200 cars to arrive will receive gift bags full of great gifts. Trophies will be awarded for the best cars. As you may remember from last year - some of the trophies were so big you could not get them home!
As with most of our events this is by invitation only. If you would like to attend please send your car information for consideration. Once your car is approved you will be added to the guest list. Only those on the guest list will be allowed in with their cars so be sure to register!
Go ahead and mark those calendars – this is an event you do not want to miss!
More info will follow as the event details are finalized. As always - if you know any other exotic car owners who would like to attend please have them contact us.