Well, I had a little more negative input myself this weekend. While at a neighbors house my wife brought me the Sports Illustrated Swim Suit edition that they had on the table as a joke, she & I paged through jokingly and I saw an ad for the new Viper, it's the first one I've seen. It was a very old guy with a knock-out babe on his arm with the viper in the driveway behind them, tag line read "Need we say more?". I noted to my wife it was the first new viper ad I've seen in print & I thought it was kinda nicely done, she actually said, "what? that's not a viper, that (pointing with her finger)?", I confirmed it was the new "hot" viper coming next year, and she went on to express her dislike for the design, quote -"it looks like a regular car", "you're not getting rid of the (our) viper to get that are you?!" I said that it was a beast, with more power, etc., she responded with "can't you make ours faster than?!" She then proceeded to go around to the couples at the party and ask, what do you think looks better, Dave's viper or this car, needless to say no one favored the "other car" (and no one knew what the other car was). It occurred to me that up to that point I had never told her the new viper I was ordering was a body redesign, only that it had a lot more power and she WAS cool with it, up to that point, no matter now. I still have to decide, of course now I have just a little flack to deal with on top of it. Whew.