However, it is very expensive.....
More expensive than what? Lets compare apples to apples. A clamshell hood
Includes the front fenders.
A hood AND two front fenders all done separately in CF would cost more than just doing them in one mold with one support.
Sure the original 1990's clamshell hood was expensive to make for many reasons but remember that technology has significantly progressed since then. I was talking to the president of the carbonfiber manufacture that makes our new hood at the unvail gala. I should have brought up the original 90's process to make the clamshell, Im sure he would have had a good laugh...
I did try to convince him to make a CF hood for the Gen2 for us. As far as i know the G5 design is superior to any aftermarket offering for the Gen1/2's. The thin CF shell over a CF support allows everything to be very thin and light.
none of us will appreciate the higher insurance premiums this design will incur.
I think the high insurance premium comment is a myth.
Take a 2002 GTS and compare an insurance quote to a 2003 with the same book value... You think the GTS insurance will be more expensive cause it has a clamshell?
Also, to put thinks in perspective. I pay more to fillup my GTS's tank than it costs for my monthly insurance(full coverage).
Then again... that might not matter to some of you who just stare at your pretty cars sitting in your garage with year-old fuel.