ACR steve
Please let us know when she's back in her bikini
Anyone here remember seeing the "original" Snow Viper ACR at the Ohio Holiday Party in Dayton March of 2010? It was a factory mule ACR with "dualies" for joke.
Bob, I know that you were present...but, so far, I have not found a photo of that car to post. Maybe someone else has one. COOL idea that worked in the snow!!
Of course, I would NOT recommend that anyone else try this...especially as I do recall a "misadventure" experienced by one member in another state who tried to eliminate the hydroplane effect of heavy rain on a Gen IV Viper by installing 275's on all 4 corners...BAD IDEA !!!!
Ask and you shall receive. Believe it or not these are the only two shots I have of the car. That was a great night. Ralph had come down to the party.
I'm all for driving these cars, but do not approve!
How's this for salt??
Yeah why????