VCA Venom Member
The post I referred to was apparently deleted--Dave
The post I referred to was apparently deleted--Dave
You will be happy to hear, that the VCA has just decided to include Viper Trucks. All details still need to be worked out, but it looks like our family is going to become just a bit bigger.
More inclusive of "those guys with the big trunks :>)
Also, it looks like there will soon be 3 levels of designation. Member, Owner, Enthusiast.
Looks like the NEW VCA is listening to their membership.
Congratulations to all who have been pushing for these changes.
Actually, there is Viper Truck Poll in the members only section. The national board is wanting the membership to weigh in with their opinion . The members will be making the decision from what I understand.
.........I'm all for expanding membership to Viper truck owners and see it as a good way (along with VPA) to vertically integrate our way out of the recent civil war. BUT, if the past is any indication of the future...one day, if the Viper truck owners felt even the slightest bit alienated...would flee in droves. Just food for thought.