We have a laser jammer and a radar detector (not a V1)...and found out that when I was behind a friend driving his Viper, his radar detector kept going off (and you know who you are...lol)...finally figured out (took me long enough!) that it was MY LASER JAMMER making his radar detector go off. Just thought I'd throw that in there as another source of info~! ~juli
Uhh... so how well does it work?
Works extremely well~! Just don't be AHEAD of me with your radar detector on....
We have the Passport 9500i radar detector and the Phazer II laser jammer.
bluesrt: We were on the Northway/I-87 here, speed limit 65, but we also got off the highway and where my Viper friend (he still knows who he is...lol...Mike does too, BTW!)...was still getting zapped...that's when we figured out it's the laser jammer setting off his radar detector, why I didn't just unplug it, I have no idea~~. ~juli
seems like urs may be working good?sounds good!
I've been picking up speeding tickets lately and slowing down is obviously not an option. Who make the best radar & laser jamming/detecting devices out there?
Yeah, we got these just because we don't drive enough to warrant the laser jammers that you hard-wire in. Works fine for us! ~juli
Who needs a laser/jammer when I've got a broken speedometer. Works every time.
I guess that wouldnt work to well if the speed limit is 65 and your going 130
I'm gonna +1 you on this Dom.The best bang for your buck is a Belltronics Vector 955. It has comparable performance to the top dogs(Valentine1/BelRX65/BelGX65/BelSTI/Escort9500) for half the price.
As for radar/laser jamming, the jury is still out. The general opinion is that those that are available to the general public are mostly ineffective. The cost of a seriously effective unit (at least to the best of my knowledge based on information posted here) would make it somewhat prohibitive.
Agreed on the radar jamming, but from what I've read, laser jamming seems to be effective with costly systems (e.g., $1200?!).
a Bearcat scanner
Agreed on the radar jamming, but from what I've read, laser jamming seems to be effective with costly systems (e.g., $1200?!).
There are so many different ones, which is the best to use? What are the limitations on their use (e.g., are there states that don't use detectable technology, etc.)?
From a little reading, the BCT8 BearTracker sounds good, and maybe even better, the BCT15...
A little update for ya, Steve:I don't argue that good laser jammers may be very effective. I just think the odds of being hit with laser (they must be stationary and typically shoot at 90 degrees...out the window) as opposed to being shot by regular radar are very small. ...No where near enough times to justify the cost of getting one.
A little update for ya, Steve:
- There are 0.0 radar guns in Hawaii. They are 100% laser.
- Ohio has about 75-80% laser (Columbus PD is almost fully laser and state troopers are well above 50%).
The guys I see on the highway are NOT PLAYING AROUND. Shoulder stocks on a laser gun? That might be taking the job a little too seriously.
Agreed on the radar jamming, but from what I've read, laser jamming seems to be effective with costly systems (e.g., $1200?!).
Even with a scanner, you would need to be very vigilant in listening to police conversation as to where they were set up/and/or traveling.