Badgts why don't you go to the forum for the gen you own you seem like a key board tough guy just here to stir it up and add completely nothing. Helping 50 vipers sell is not you buying 50. Get on with your life.
Carl Burgers in San Diego had 5 Vipers a week ago, but now down to 3. Think they just sold their base white SRT. The rest are GTS.
They said they are having better luck selling the SRT's and do not need to discount them too heavily, but the GTS model has bigger discounts to move them.
Think this is the current marketplace.
Heavily optioned GTS = Biggest discounts.
Lightly optioned GTS = Not as much
Heavy optioned SRT = Less discounts
Bare bones SRT = Little discounts.
T/A = Little discounts
Not sure what the marketplace is on the fancy paint models.
Seems like everyone wants a base SRT in the color of their choice, but with huge discounts. Have not seen that happening yet.
Very fluid out there right now. After a long hard winter, lots of east coast buyers are waking up to some real deals at a time when prices are usually firming up.
Think this is the current marketplace.
Heavily optioned GTS = Biggest discounts.
Lightly optioned GTS = Not as much
Heavy optioned SRT = Less discounts
Bare bones SRT = Little discounts.
T/A = Little discounts
Not sure what the marketplace is on the fancy paint models.
Very fluid out there right now. After a long hard winter, lots of east coast buyers are waking up to some real deals at a time when prices are usually firming up.
Where were you in 94 when i bought my first Viper Where were you in 96 when i bought my second (and won 5 Mopar National Mopar Events =fastest NA Viper in NE REGION . That car was sold to the PRES of The VCA )Mas y third was a modded Gen 3 My fourth was an early Gen 4 often used in Mc Mullen Argus Tests .Your new to this as if i have the expertise to move -help facilitate the sale of 50 Viper i must( kind of )KNOW THE MARKET FOR TJHEMBadgts why don't you go to the forum for the gen you own you seem like a key board tough guy just here to stir it up and add completely nothing. Helping 50 vipers sell is not you buying 50. Get on with your life.
Peter the rhyme reason is this as of today there are close to 800 Gen 5 avail (approx 500 have been sold .The majority of sales happening in the fall )Dealers selling 10-20 a week are not putting a dent in the 800 out there (Some of the 800 are 2013s )inturn something MUST HAPPEN SOON .If there is going to be a 15 no dealer is going to order it if they cant more the 13-14 If there is not going to be a 15 the dealers still have to clear floorplan .The only way out of this is to dramatically reduce the price of the car to a point that it sells(HENCE THE TOPIC OF THE THREAD ) In Viper sales history back in 09 the Viper was included in the employee rebate and sold at approx 35k off So far the dealers have be losing tens of thousands just to move them off their floorplan inturn they are letting their zone reps know of this On top of everything in a few months your going to have Z06 test data hitting the market and that aint exactly going tpo help move Gen 5s The plant closed because theres enough 5s on hand (AT THE CURRENT SALES RATE )to last for yearsSo what is the bottom line here? There are no rebates anywhere and no rhyme or reason to dealer specific discounts, with pricing all over the board. The dealers that have the car I want to buy are real jerks amounting to a GTS costing about the same as the very basic SRT which I want to buy. This whole thing with current Viper and its marketing really *****. In between all this bickering, there are sales that are lost, including mine.![]()
You mean to say the higher priced cars have bigger discounts?
Holy revelation Batman. Who woulda thought that.
Wow thats a cool car, but thats alot of bread, well if you have the money, might as well get what you want.![]()
What I see, especially lately, is that there is a very faint difference in pricing between SRT and GTS which at least for me, not only makes no sense but also serves as a very effective brake in considering a purchase. I hope I am in minority here, for Viper's sake. After seeing Burger knocking off about 20k off 2014 SRT, there is no way I am going to pull a trigger on 2013 with asking prices being higher.Sorry that I did not state it more clearly. You might get 10% off on a GTS, while only 5% off on a SRT ( Not real % numbers, just an example)
The SALES DATA CLEARLY indicates its not 100 k car (its irrevelant what the SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE IS because DODGE cant come near that price .Much like the Gen 4 could not come near that MSRP )If we want to keep the car alive IT MUST SELLBadgts. Glad you don't work for Srt. You think a 100k car or more should sell for 50k it seems. Since you want to tell me what you did in 94 I was still in high school. Have had a Viper since I was 26 as a daily driver. You are a lot of noise thinks the car is not worth the money we get it stop posting and stop being a nay sayer to the ones in the market or who have a purchased a gen v since obvious the price you want to pay will not come around till 2020 on a 2013 if not latter.
yeah...what year f430. Go to Ferrari central of NJ and see how much these fairly new F430 are going for. Would take a brand new Gen V ANY day of the week.Its not the car thats holding it back ITS THE PRICE When a buyer has the choice between a near new Ferrarri 430 or Ford GT at thens of thousands of dollars less than the MSRP of a Viper the Viper will have sales issues .Since OCT i must have reached out to 50plus high end contants to help facilitate the sale of 2 Gen 5s my buddy has . I recieve the standard answer ever time =For that kind of money i can buy a Lambo Muri ,or near new Ferrarri 430
As much a some may not want to believe it,the Gen.5s are way,way over priced.At the most it is worth is 90s loaded/80s Basic car..This close to 150,000.00 for a Dodge is why their are hundreds not selling.The Gen.5s are fine performance car,it is the greed of SRT and the dealers that are the issue.
1 Bad Gts is correct on the pricing issue...
Since my business partner brother is partners with Mark Penske( FAMILY OWNS CJ FERARRI )i know the 430 market Since you would take the Gen 5 why dont you buy the 800 out there sitting on dealer floorplan that they cant give away The point is your way is not working IF THE CAR IS TO CONTINUE IT NEEDS TO SELL FASTyeah...what year f430. Go to Ferrari central of NJ and see how much these fairly new F430 are going for. Would take a brand new Gen V ANY day of the week.
You may think its insane apparently the thousands of people who buy them a year dontAnd hey, lets stack up opini ons. I think $100,000 for a stripped base 911 is absolutely insane.
But hey, plenty of people drop coin on those.
What i paid low 50s for my Gen 1 Low 60s for Gen 2 new mid 50 Gen 3 (1000 miles )high (60s for my Gen 4 10 miles on it )You confusing MSRP with what they actually sell for .In 09 i brokered 2 DODGE EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT Gen 4 Coupes One had a 93 k sticker that sold for 61 the other had a 96 k sticker that sold for 63 (both had under 40 miles on them )Yeah, the Viper with the most goodies ever should be $15,000 cheaper than any Viper ever produced.
Please. You guys. Get real. Viper have never been cheap. They have always been in the mid 90's when you look at what money is now worth.
Yes, the decked out GTS at dealers ARE a problem, but to say the base SRT is over priced is just nonsense.
yeah...what year f430. Go to Ferrari central of NJ and see how much these fairly new F430 are going for. Would take a brand new Gen V ANY day of the week.
The SALES DATA CLEARLY indicates its not 100 k car (its irrevelant what the SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE IS because DODGE cant come near that price .Much like the Gen 4 could not come near that MSRP )If we want to keep the car alive IT MUST SELL