Fast Viper Dan
So, have you called Arrow yet?
I hate to say it, but you might need to lawyer up...just something to think about.
So, have you called Arrow yet?
Look at it this way! The situation is going to cost you "out of pocket" money either way. If you pull it and send it back to Arrow, at least you have a glimmer of a chance that they discover the problem is in fact theirs and it is their mistake. At that point, it is reasonable to expect that they will pick up the tab for the repairs (as a professional organization should), but more than likely not the shipping, from my past experiences with similar engine builders. You are discounting that when you get the motor back, the problem will in fact, be fixed.
One way is abandoning all hope, while the other keeps hope alive and allows for a fighting chance. I hear what you are saying and have been there before with other builders, but the reality is parts fail, it happens everyday. It could be a ring issue or a piston issue or whatever, parts fail.
If it were me, I would just contact Arrow, provide everything you can as to what happened, follow the procedure for sending it back and carrying it through. I mean they could say it is not warrantied then turn around and agree to go 50-50 on the rebuild costs to keep their name in good standing. You don't know. All you know for sure is you have a problem, and it will cost you all the money to fix if you go it alone outside of Arrow. I think I would still go to the source for problem resolution, but that is just me.
In the end, you just have to make the best of the situation for what it is and get through it. The blame game, NEVER works for anyone but the lawyers and it does not fix the problem. Hope that helps! Believe me, I know it is hard to swallow pride, bite the tongue and suffer through it, I am a type A personality so it was hard for me in the past too. The process quickly tells you who to work with and who to not in a real hurry for future projects. Good luck and hope it works out!
I have to agree with LifeIsGood. IMO Arrow should pay for the engine to be pulled, pay for the shipping and FIX the engine.
Good luck Mike.![]()
Have you done a leak down yet? As it was mentioned by a few others the first thing you should do is a leak down test. That way you have a baseline before you ship it off to anyone.
My money is on the rings as well. PM me if you like the name of my engine builder. He's worked on Viper engines since the beginning and is very knowledgeable.
Reading threads like this remind me of why I love underground racing.
With issues like this, its best to not to lose faith and see the repair through in a positive manner. The goal is to fix the car. Once you have all the information, then you should talk to the folks involved. A teardown will show you what happened.
dont mean to bring this back up but any new news?
Whoa, they are going to charge you 5k but won't say what is wrong?
Whoa, they are going to charge you 5k but won't say what is wrong?
That seems a bit ridiculous. If you sent your motor there for a "diagnosis", they should tell you what is wrong with it and what caused it.
Glossing over the failure and the cause, and jumping straight to charging you does not sound right to me at all.
It almost sounds as if they don't want you to know what went wrong because they'd be on the hook for it.
Sorry to hear that, Mike.
I'm with 1FAST400 on this one. I'm glad I get everything taken care of at Underground Racing.
Are you going to bring the Serpent to the Lake next month?