I received two in my envelope!Went to open envelope with new issue of VIPER magazine only to find ...NOTHING. They forgot to put magazine in envelope. It was sealed but nothing in it.This happen to anybody else?
Went to open envelope with new issue of VIPER magazine only to find ...NOTHING. They forgot to put magazine in envelope. It was sealed but nothing in it.This happen to anybody else?
You can use the VCA Membership Portal area to update and check your own address anytime.(and renew your VCA membership too!)I haven't recieved one in a while, I wonder if my new address was recieved.
Every time I receive my magazine, it has been opened and used like some knuckle head at the US mail took a lunch break and flipped through the pages. I have not received a new issue yet. I guess he took it home and is in the crapper!
You can use the VCA Membership Portal area to update and check your own address anytime.(and renew your VCA membership too!)
The Viper Magazine was mailed to whatever address was listed in your profile at the time of shipping.
Please write directly to [email protected] and we will take care of your missing Viper Magazine.
I just received a box of 20 issues of the new Viper magazine... Been a bad week for somebody!
I just received a box of 20 issues of the new Viper magazine... Been a bad week for somebody!
Sorry Nambo, I thought you were trolling. Welcome to the club. I'm going through Viper withdrawal.You are a subscriber from our records and a pleasure to talk with.
Please write to [email protected] directly anytime
I think I know who got it.
at least you got something!nothing here
i got 3 in my envelope
Got mine yesterday. I know this because my wife came over to me, pointed to my DIY article said "SO THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED MY TURKEY BASTER!!!"She "lost" it 4 years ago but it's been in my tool chest all along.