Sorry, this is one needing some clarification. "Making good on a debt" is not paying cents on the dollar...
Since when isn't a settlement a settlement, Jay? How many cents on the dollar did investors get from WorldCom? Zero? How many cents on the dollar did lenders get from WorldCom - 2 or 3? Are they still in business? Yep. I'd suggest that anything is better than nothing and at least making the effort is better than packing up and leaving.
Seems our opinions will just have to disagree on this one. Mine is that when a person is taken for $50,000 and gets $25,000 back, that is wrong and not "Making things right".
As for the taxes issue - sounds like more mud slinging to me. Since when are Houston tax issues in any way related to the VCA and/or your work for this website?
You brought up the fact he is "making good" not me. This is one of the examples raised as "Making Good"about this, I was pointing it out where there is more to the story, what's wrong with that?
It may sound like I am defending JH and his action - and JH will be the first person to tell you this is hardly the case. The difference is,
I told him to his face what I thought and gauged his response for myself.
I have talked to him in first person too, and have much corrospondance from him stating that he would be paying such and such what he owes.... and then does not follow through. You made your decision based on a salesmans face, I base mine on actions, which speak louder than words Michael.
Jay, you obviously have issues with John, but your role here isn't judge and executioner. Why not ask the members how they feel about this kind of censorship and actually listen to what they think this time around? Nobody is saying forget what John did or not learn from it, but if you can't even type his name without mis-spelling it, then you deprive new Viper owners of the chance to even do basic research.
Micheal, don't make assumptions about relationships between people. It is easy to try and make me the scapegoat. I've said often in this thread, I am the one responsible for executing the policy that is in place, VCA members can contact their officers if they would like to suggest changes the policy. This is the VCA's site.
The facts are the facts. Things have not changed, about a month ago I got a call from a satisfied Venom TT buyer..... AFTER his car had been fixed by another shop. John could not make it run right after it was returned by the customer three different times over a nine month period. The customer finally gave up and had it fixed by someone else. Oh, when the shop got into the car, they found it did not have the head and intake work done the customer had paid for. You know this is true, if it wasn't, I could not type it here. Wanna hear the funny part, the fellow who deliverd the car (he delivers for all the Houston Tuners) told the owner. "John told me he had always intended to "Make things right" with you."
As for blanking out a name, it is a standard practice on most forums, go to the TDR forum, the Corvette forum and look for yourself. A forum can decide on it's policies, you have decided differntly for your forum, that's your decision.