Well the car was delivered this morning just before I has to leave for work. So it came off the truck and into the garage and off to work I......... Well not so fast I am just going to have to be late today. Time to take it for a test drive.
So when the car was dropped off the driver explained how the boost controller worked and how to change the boost settings. Sure yup I got it no problem now where are the keys.
I hop in the car check the controller to see what setting it is at. HMMM maybe I should have actually paid attention on the instructions for its use!!! Oh well here we go.
Through the neighborhood it acts just like stock. Out on the street one, two, three 40 mph no big deal still feels like stock. Okay highway time one two three 40 mph okay lets play half throttle boost sets in 70 mph car looses traction and there goes the rear end... WOO HOO!!!! This setup works awesome and wow 720 RWHP feel pretty damn good. I did this a couple times never much more than half throttle in any gear. Okay gotta go to work. Well those Nitto drag radials i ordered need to get put on asap. Lets get tires off the car before I go to work. Into the truck they go along with the Nittos. Okay now its time for work. So I call Sean and asked what did you do to my alignment ( in a serious and concerned tone) Sean nothing why. Well Sean I am not going to send the final payment until we straighten this out. Very concerned he says why whats wrong. I told him when I go down the road the rear of the car is constantly pulling to the right!! He then laughed realizing I was joking. So I asked about the controller and how to determine the setting and change the settings. Well to my surprise the car was at its lowest setting. Are you kidding me the car pulled that hard half throttle with only 4.5 psi of boost??? Oh baby wait till I set it to 7.5 psi.
Well short day at work gotta those tires mounted. So back at home now Nittos go on the car. Time for another test drive. Ah much better half throttle no slip.
Okay now lets change the boost setting and see what happens. 6 psi first. Getting more comfortable with the power curve now going 3/4 throttle tires are still sticking and the car is pulling so hard. Okay 7.5 psi lets hit the thruway and see how it goes. Third gear about 50 mph half 3/4 throttle and the car quickly revs and bang 4th gear before i know it 120 mph and the tires held tight. Okay lets try that one more time full throttle though. When I say it revs up fast.... I mean fast it felt as if I just laid my foot to the floor and I immediately had to bang 4th and quickly approaching 140 mph tires still holding tight.
Back on the town roads secondary highway. Lets try a standing start, light throttle to get rolling the BANG to the floor one two three i flew through the gears so fast front end raised the entire way and the tires held in there like a champ. I have had some damn fast cars in the past always supercharged. My first experience with a TT setup and all I can say is WOW!! The tires are a definite though without traction the car would be in the tulips or no fun to drive due to not being able to use the power.
Sean did an awesome job with this TT setup. Very neat and professional looking as you would expect. I cant say enough positive things about the power and driveability of the car. Next stop the is the drag strip to see the true test of the power.