Is there a problem with the Search? I select "Search", get the drop down to enter search criteria, but when I move the cursor into the drop down, it disappears, thus cannot type in search criteria.
That is correct. This is actually a whole new board, it was completely updated a week or so ago when we added the blogs and a few other things. Any time a complete new board is installed you can get a small glitch like this. Unfortunately both our progammers have had health issues in the last week so we are being patient. Probably not a good idea to mix serious pain medication with programming.
If you right click on the Search button and click "open in new window" the feature works just like before.
Here's another trivial item related to the search. I was searching for something related to a 97 Viper. Instead of entering "1997" I just typed "97", along with 4-5 other keywords. Below is what it said:
The search term you specified (97) is under the minimum word length (3) and therefore will not be found. Please make this term longer.
I think the thing that threw me off is the minimum word length. Shouldn't that say minimum letter length?