Car: 95 RT/10, 2K miles
Symptom: Speedometer on rare occasions bounces all around from current speed to zero.
- Never does it when I first drive car. Has not done it this entire year.
- Appears to only do it after car has been driven for at least an hour and has been started and stopped. (This might not be 100% but I'll start keeping records)
- Hitting bumps seems to affect it once it has started but it doesn't make sense that it doesn't start right when I drive it if it was something like an electrical short.
Actions so far: Checked connection at trans. Replaced speed sensor. Checked wires over trans with no fraying. Added plastic wrap around wires going over trans toprevent future problems there. Checked connection at speedometer but this was difficult to get to so I'm not sure how well I did.
What is left? Electrical(I know nothing about electrical), bad speedometer? Where does the speed sensor wire go before it gets to the speedometer?
Symptom: Speedometer on rare occasions bounces all around from current speed to zero.
- Never does it when I first drive car. Has not done it this entire year.
- Appears to only do it after car has been driven for at least an hour and has been started and stopped. (This might not be 100% but I'll start keeping records)
- Hitting bumps seems to affect it once it has started but it doesn't make sense that it doesn't start right when I drive it if it was something like an electrical short.
Actions so far: Checked connection at trans. Replaced speed sensor. Checked wires over trans with no fraying. Added plastic wrap around wires going over trans toprevent future problems there. Checked connection at speedometer but this was difficult to get to so I'm not sure how well I did.
What is left? Electrical(I know nothing about electrical), bad speedometer? Where does the speed sensor wire go before it gets to the speedometer?