I read the recent 5 page thread on electronic stability control, and was absolutely amazed at the the vast amount of replies, that were adamantly against it! So amazed, that I felt a separate post in favor was necessary, based on my first hand experience this past Sunday....although I'm sure I'll be condemed in one form or another, certainly for lack of concentration and/or poor judgment, however **** happens!
When shifting into second at approx 30mph, I popped the accelerator a tad aggressively and went into an immediate violent 360 deg spin out crashing both sides of my 09 Viper, so damn fast...and with no time and/or room to react. Had there been someone walking a dog or riding a bike, etc., they would have been crushed. As it is the damaged estimate is $55K. With electronic stability control, this almost certainly would not have happened, assuming of course that the switch was on

If I'm not totalled out by insurance, guess what I'm having installed...beside PS2 tires? I left my machismo back in the bush a long time ago.
P/S: In my opinion, "Cop Magnet" had the best common sense response in favor of ESC, in the original thread, page 4.