I wanted to inject the fact that many people drive slow on the freeway every day and don't get rear ended. The logic was severely flawed in your argument; try again.
Agreed, to an extent. The empty freeway thing is fine by me. Keyword: empty. What bothers me is when you hurt or kill an innocent person. I don't give a damn how rich someone is if they kill a loved one of mine. A few years back, 2 idiots were racing and a friend's wife pulled out from a side street (I'm sure they thought they were on an empty road. The sidestreet wasn't). She got t-boned with their baby in the backseat. My friend said many times had he got there before the cops, he would've probably killed the guys racing. Can't say I blame him. Can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing if it had been my wife/baby.
I think it would be safe to say there would never be any Viper drivers on it.
First off, even if one of us were involved in a accident while street racing, no one would ever admit it.
And second, I like to think we as Viper owners are far more responsible and skilled, both in normal driving and racing, than your average driver.
The civil money means nothing, but if that's your only recourse, you will make sure the guy can never afford a bicycle, let alone another Viper.Wow, I don't know, but if you kill my family by your own negligence while "street racing" against some other *******, I would have no problem putting a bullet in your ass no matter if I got there before or after the police arrived.
The civil money to me means nothing and is secondary, my family is more important, revenge will put me away, but I will shoot your ass just as easy as taking my next breath.
How can one make a decision that it is alright to street race and determine no innocent person can possibly get hurt or killed? Yea, right.
The true skillz come into play street racing at 175 while talking on the cellphone.![]()
Wow, I don't know, but if you kill my family by your own negligence while "street racing" against some other *******, I would have no problem putting a bullet in your ass no matter if I got there before or after the police arrived.
The civil money to me means nothing and is secondary, my family is more important, revenge will put me away, but I will shoot your ass just as easy as taking my next breath.
How can one make a decision that it is alright to street race and determine no innocent person can possibly get hurt or killed? Yea, right.
Sarcasm aside, of all types of racing, street racing proves the least of any of them. So you got a car that can run 50mph to 150mph faster than another, it doesn't mean you have any skill. .
C'mon.... let's be fair here. It WAS a Viper racing Nick Hogan when he wrecked, wasn't it? Owning a Viper doesn't make you an angel nor does it make you free from making dumb@$$ judgements. Maybe members of the VCA might be a bit more skilled because there are more people to learn from, but a very high number of Viper owners are NOT members and are just as stupid as any ricer owner.
Wow, I don't know, but if you kill my family by your own negligence while "street racing" against some other *******, I would have no problem putting a bullet in your ass no matter if I got there before or after the police arrived.
The civil money to me means nothing and is secondary, my family is more important, revenge will put me away, but I will shoot your ass just as easy as taking my next breath.
How can one make a decision that it is alright to street race and determine no innocent person can possibly get hurt or killed? Yea, right.
To be clear, I was talking about the Fast and Furious style dragracing. Swerving in and out of traffic at night in busy areas.
How can you make statements that you are 100% sure street racing was what caused this to happen? If someone was going 70mph down the interstate and had a blow out and flew across to oncoming traffic and killed a family memeber, would you kill them too?
Chad, to address your question...
Gambling is illegal in most states and so is street racing. Just don't judge those that do it.
of course
revenge and personal justice overrules all moral and social laws
I did 22 in a school zone once.
That's nothing... the women here do all that while putting on their makeup.![]()
Please read my post again before you reply with a poor example of someone going 70MPH and having a blowout.
I was very specific in my remarks. If you are street racing against some other *******, and one of you kills a family member because of your stupidity and negligence, you will never see the inside of a jail.
If there's one thing I'm 100% sure about its that the US justice system is an oxymoron.
Hey Brad, you know I like you, but I gotta side with Sellshomes on this one. If you are doing something stupid like streetracing and kill someone's family member, you deserve to die. If there's one thing I'm 100% sure about its that the US justice system is an oxymoron. There is no justice these days except in vigilante form. All our (pathetic excuse of a) system does is protect the guilty and hurt the innocent. You want justice these days? Do it yourself.
Gentlemen. In my thirty plus years of defending people I have heard remarks like the above on many occassions. But a curious thing happens when the person who makes such a remark becomes the target of an investigation. All of a sudden he or she sees the value of a system based on a presumption of innocence. Police are not perfect. Witnesses are not perfect. The forensic process is not perfect. Mistakes are made. Innocent people are, on occasion, convicted and sentenced to prison. Fortunately, our system includes a robust appellate process so that those innocent people stand a chance of being vindicated.
Real life is not the movie: "Death Wish". In real life the vigilante is caught, convicted, sentenced and thrown in with the general population when incarcerated. So, to the extent anyone really thinks being a vigilante is cool or gets them anywhere, they better take notice and think long and hard about it. Because after they act it is too late. All they will have accomplished is the destruction of another life - their own.
well said BobGentlemen. In my thirty plus years of defending people I have heard remarks like the above on many occassions. But a curious thing happens when the person who makes such a remark becomes the target of an investigation. All of a sudden he or she sees the value of a system based on a presumption of innocence. Police are not perfect. Witnesses are not perfect. The forensic process is not perfect. Mistakes are made. Innocent people are, on occasion, convicted and sentenced to prison. Fortunately, our system includes a robust appellate process so that those innocent people stand a chance of being vindicated.
Real life is not the movie: "Death Wish". In real life the vigilante is caught, convicted, sentenced and thrown in with the general population when incarcerated. So, to the extent anyone really thinks being a vigilante is cool or gets them anywhere, they better take notice and think long and hard about it. Because after they act it is too late. All they will have accomplished is the destruction of another life - their own.
Chad, I totally respect your choice not to street race. You don't have to defend it at all.
In fact I wish you would stop. Your arguments are weak and your slope is just getting more slippery.
if you don't want to street race, great, but don't judge those who do.
If you're willing to risk your criminal record, health, etc, thats fine by me. Its risks you know exists and if you're willing to take them, thats your personal choice. But for the "innocent" people on the road who have no idea whats going on, don't put their life in danger because of your actions. If you want to go to Nowhereville and run 200mph+, have at it, just don't do it when innocent people are around.