I am new here so hello to all....I have a 99 RT/10 with a paxton s/c that was installed several yrs and around 4000 miles ago. It has worked flawlessly and very impressively..that is until the first drive of the year this spring. When it was adequately warmed up I got into it and it performed as usual by roasting the tires thru 1st gear. As the morning wore on, each time I nailed it the performance diminished to the point that by the 5th time it wouldn't even chirp the tires and felt like it had no more than 350 or 400 hp. I took it to the shop that installed the blower ( who I trust very much) and they have not been able to diagnose the problem..in fact when the car was at the shop, we took it around the same block 5 times in a row (did this several times over a week or so) and it keeps loosing pwr. They have changed plugs, O2 sensors, checked fuel pressure, checked the boost which is the same when its working as it is when it looses pwr..around 5-6 lbs. A call to Paxton has been of no help other than they suggest sending them the ecm for them to check out but they say that is never the problem. I thought I'd see if any forum members have any ideas before I start sending parts away. Thanks in advance