Gen4= Awesome Gen5=AwesomER Nearly every aspect of the Gen5 is an improvement over the Gen4. I can't see anything surprising or bad about that. The previous gen is better argument is so 1971.
May be the typical mag bias or a ringer ZR1. Nine Ball have you had a chance to run a '13 ZR1 yet? After seeing these vids I don't see how a G5 could lose by a second to 150mph to a ZR1 unless it was all in the launch since the '13 ZR1 has the upgraded MPSC's. would be quite interesting to see a roll race with one from the same mph increments as your race with this ACR.
Great informative video. There should no longer be any question as to which Gen is faster in a straight line. This and the other videos clearly show a dominant advantage over the G4. I just don't understand how it loses to the ZR1 to 150mph by 1 second in two different mag tests. The G4 tied the ZR1 to 150mph in multiple tests so how could the G5 lose?
Very nice.
I feel like I'm the only one that isn't mad about that.
............were the cops on their donut break, or what?
He filmed it in Mexico.
Grapes are pretty darned good unless of course they're sour... And Nine Ball and FLATOUT, (a.k.a., Captains Obvious), thanks for the video. Both cars are awesome! I honestly can't understand the riff between Gen anything Viper owners. I did a 50 to 140 roll with a friend of mine who has a seriously built Firebird Friday night in my V and was pretty pleased with the results. That aside, I'm happy with my V even if the IV would have pulled it. Thanks again.
I also do not understand the animosity between Viper owners, related to generation. I had a Gen 3 when the Gen 4 came out, and there was very little feuding about the new model. We didn't see much complaining about how the new Gen 4 didn't really change all that much, except for the engine upgrade and 600 hp. Now we have a completely new Gen 5 car, and some people complain that the car hasn't changed enough. I'm sure we'd all love to see it at 700 hp, but maybe Team SRT has a few tricks up their sleeve for the upcoming ACR?
What these disputes do show, is that there is a lot of passion coming from owners for their respective vehicle generation. That is great. But, don't direct that energy towards others with different generation cars. It doesn't make any sense.
Nine Ball, curious why you went from Gen 3 to 5, skipping Gen 4.
Are you sure that the 2008 ACR Viper did not have his parking brake engaged by mistake when you guys ran the cars ?
Yes, he had the parking brake engaged, rear wing set to the highest downforce setting, full tank of 87 octane fuel, and two dead bodies in the back.
Any Houston-area Gen 4 owners (base coupe, factory stock) are welcome to join me in a re-test. The ACR owner didn't feel his aero hurt him, we weren't going that fast. The ACR wing was fixed at its least aggressive setting for these runs, and these cars are capable of 170+ mph with the aero.
Turn up the radio.Why would anyone keep two dead bodies in the back ? wouldn't that really smell up the cabin.
Turn up the radio.
Tony, I Forgot to mention I installed Belanger headers and exhaust. The reason I had the engine work done was, long story short, due to bad cam sensor. After much analysis Star said to send motor to Arrow for tear down. So, while it was apart went with recommendation to upgrade internals. While engine was out I figured go ahead and get Belangers which led to Mopar PCM.
I found a stock ZR1 to run, might happen this weekend. Guy can drive, too.