"It's NOT Your Fathers Oldsmobile"
The Viper chassis is so stiff, that even 4-5 PSI variance across left-right can result in a push to the low side. In effect, it sets up a NACSAR "stagger" with a taller tire. Will also cause a low-side pull under braking.
The same thing happensif you destroy one tire, and replace just that one tire. You have a taller new tire, maybe 4-5-6/32" taller, opposite the shorter used one. NOT SAFE!
I have seen good heads-up results with those Auto-Zone style VALVE STEM INDICATORS, where a green button displays when full, and changes colors to yellow or red as the pressure goes away..... It wont protect against the ***** who put 55 PSI in once, but it could save your butt vs. a slow leak, VERY COMMON!