While trying to find a draw I must have jiggled a vacuum line because now my A/C works but only on normal setting. When I switch to MAX A/C the vents close on the inside and the A/C is blowing but not in the car. I have no manual so I'm lost. The interior is apart and I think I've traced it to the green vacuum line. That' the only line I can **** on or blow on and it has to vaccum. Does this line go to the pump on the outside passenger side that controls the little door? If i disconnect that line and blow IN that to the car I can keep blowing. If I blow the other way into the pump it creats vacuum.
Is the green tube the vaccum tube for max A/C? Has anyone experienced vacuum leaks like this and where was the problem at?
Is the green tube the vaccum tube for max A/C? Has anyone experienced vacuum leaks like this and where was the problem at?