VCA Member Shot By Deputy


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
Just a question about first impressions, Warfang: When you first see a cop, is he/she automatically a "pig" that has to prove himself/herself to be a "good" cop to you?

Not a slam. Just curious.
Nope. I respect the uniform... have worn one myself, and understand the function that it serves, and the sacrifice that needs to be made. It's too bad the bad cops don't know that their powers are not absolute. Fortunately, those tend to show their true colors quickly. Anybody really think bad cops, whether by corruption or incompetance, should be tolerated? My opinions get stronger as the obvious fellow officers here start defending the indefensible. It doesn't reflect how I feel about cops in general... just the bad ones.

...or are the sensitive ones here really just overly protective of their brothers in blue? "Right or wrong, we stick together?"


Viper Owner
Dec 17, 2002
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San Diego, CA
Swafford, who is a former military Special Forces member, said he was paranoid about his personal safety but enjoyed being a multi-millionaire. "I've become a born-again Christian and God has given me a stewardship of his money," Swafford said. Before winning the lottery, Swofford impregnated two co-workers and married one of them. The women were sisters. "After he won the lottery, he basically paid off one of the sisters to divorce him and she got a $5 million settlement to basically go away," DeForest said.

A rich, immoral, paranoind, former special force guy with a gun. I'm shocked this could have happened!


Quotes by Warfang:

"But if a pig screws up ( and ) The pig just ignored what he said and fired away." and then says......

"I respect the uniform... have worn one myself, and understand the function that it serves, and the sacrifice that needs to be made."

What, were you actually there ? Jeeezuz, you are something else. OK, maybe not sitting on the Left, apology for that, but you are Radical. It's obvious.
You speak as though you were a Witness at the scene, that's how you come across. How can use the word, PIG ( which to me, sounds like saying the infamous "N...." word that you hear in every Rap song these days ) Just seeing you write the word PIG makes me doubt everything else you say. That is an old 60's word that nobody uses anymore. Just you writing it says a lot about you.
And then you write that you Respect the Uniform, worn one yourself !!! Whaaaaat ? You've got be kidding me. There is NO way you understand the sacrifice that it takes. If you did, you would not speak the way you do. We all know there are a few bad Cops in America. You talk as if 50% of them are. You know nothing factual about this case, and you go on a rampage about it. You get on a Soapbox everytime a Cop incident surfaces here. And you bash, and you bash, and you don't let up. What has you so angry about this subject ? You say you wore a Uniform, what happened ? I'm not sticking up for Cops or getting anywhere near that topic. I am saying to you that you are outta control everytime this stuff comes up. And for you to use the word, PIG, then say you Respect the Uniform and you know the sacrifice it takes, is a complete contradictory. Sorry man, all your squawkin just goes out the window when all you want to do is Cop bash. You have NO IDEA what it takes Warfang. People make mistakes, and Cops make mistakes. If this shooting was a "bad shooting", it usually surfaces as just that. You guys who watch too many stupid Cop movies/shows and think they all conspire together is a crock of sh--. If anything, it's the complete opposite. And if you really wore the Uniform Warfang, you would know that. Cops are always pointing out the flaws and wrong-doings of other Cops ! That's a fact. Get outta the 60's and 70's mentality, and quit using stupid words like Pig. And post a picture of your Viper, you've been here long enough.



Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
venms96: You don't know anything about me, right? I don't type in here anything I wouldn't say if we were having a beer together. The difference is at the bar, we can catch each other's nuances and I can quickly correct myself or better explain my side if I see you are not understanding my meaning and vice versa. Unfortunately, on forums like this, we get to monologue until we're blue in the face and resentment builds on the other side.

My responses can easily be seen as radical, but so can yours. To blindly assume all cops are good is pretty radical too. Each city's milage may vary as well... some large cities are full of corruption, while others are rock solid; same with small juristictions. Many cops DO stand up and try to point out bad cops... and many get shunned for it by the others. You can believe what you want, but I've seen it first hand. I've seen the lying, stealing, cowardly and power abuses at ALL levels. But at the same time, I've seen the respect for the community, honor, sacrifice and bravery of many. The bad cops are a minority, but enough to sustain each other's jobs... some are just blinded by their own version of justice. How could you NOT be radical about getting rid of bad cops? The criminal types needs to be put away for good and the inept kindly shown the door. One mistake of that magnitude is too many. You may not feel that way until you're on the bad end of one of their accidents.

If you're offended of my use of the word pig, I'll respectfully refrain from using it... but it doesn't mean we'll be trading spit in the shower. :nana:

I could put my pic up, but I figured you already know what a Viper looks like. :p

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