VERY FRUSTRATED!!! HAVE one last post before i loose it.


Jul 15, 2001
Reaction score

I like to drive my cars a lot - I would be pissed to work on the car all the time to make it run :D :D :D


Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score
Valrico Florida
Got a few moments here on vacation to throw in on this.
1. Need to see the basic VEC program to see if the injector scaling got hosed-up. Me thinks somehow the base load got corrupted. I have seen my individual cylinder trims do some funky things during tuning when the program is running and I'm tweeking things.
2. Put stock RC12ECC in for the time being. Will help with getting a good cylinder burn in closed loop until you get the rich condition straightened out. Not good for final tune but you aren't even close yet.
3. Do not run without the VEC hooked up. No way to scale the 42lb injectors with the stock PCM running the show. Need these injectors with the ROE scaled right (around 64% to start) to get it started. "Put the stock injectors in and try it" can't be done. Apples and oranges.
4. Your front 02s are probably shot if they have been saturated with raw fuel. Need to see the ODB-II data stream to see their outputs.
5. IAC can play havoc with the idle. I have a 98 PCM I picked up "cheap" and it sets the IAC CEL when I try to use it. I think it has a fault in the PCM since the IAC works fine with the 01 PCM. Can't get it to idle AT ALL with the 98 PCM.
6. Check the operation of your bypass valve on the blower manifold. If its blown (or the line is off...), that will complicate matters since the VEC MAP is tied into it as well. No MAP vacuum in the VEC, the VEC will sense zero vacuum and dump fuel. No vacuum at the VEC MAP will also mess with the IAC function as well. Might be something as simple as this...
7. The "clean" plugs are of a concern. If they were all just pig rich as the others are, then that simplifies the equation. Got some isolating to do on that CELS is a good thing but what is causing the misfires...Hummm. Maybe just a broken insulator on the plugs during install, wires, injector...injector plugs (did you use the stock connectors or upgrade them with the replacements?) If upgraded, did the pins come loose or get pulled in some manner?

The Board will get this sorted out with you. Just work with us and through a process of elimination, we'll get there. Don't throw in the towel just yet!!


Aug 5, 2007
Reaction score
No one likes someone with double standards. Like you.

Yeah, just *** does admitting an addiction to **** have to do with fixing the car.

Keep your perverted habits to yourself. That is not what he asked for.

Yes, double standards dave
I posted one comment to Joe's joke,
then my next post was some insight to Nate's question.

What have you added to this thread?
What possible help has come from your ramblings?
so keep your opinions on modifications to yourself
and go add some stupid poser mod that has no use whatsoever to your car and let the adults talk
ok? :cool:


Aug 5, 2007
Reaction score
Eric is right, you cannot replace the Roe injectors in the s/c manifold since they are top feed and stockers are bottom.
Also, the O2 sensors need to be monitored to see if they are working properly, like I said before. I don't think they are bad, since it is not throwing a code.

Are you sure you replaced all the grounds? especially the motor to frame ground?
Are all the grounds below the PCM tight and no bad wires?

Also, have you tried swapping cards or putting the card back in to see if it will read it?
What does it do when you put a card in the VEC?

Russ M

Nov 1, 2000
Reaction score
LA, California
Oh great I never played around with a Roe air heater, which means I had no idea they are converted to top mount injectors.

Ok then Nate, just remove the Vec it will run rich with the 42's but its only 25% bigger so should still run good enough to see if the Vec is the problem.

Out of curiosity Nate, have you tried calling Sean Roe? I would think he is the master of the Vec world, there have been posts like yours since the invention of Vec units.


Sep 1, 2007
Reaction score
It is obviously a personal choice - mod the engine or not - but those like myself that choose not to partly because of the increased risk of headaches that can come with it, get to do a little ribbing toward those that are having tuning issues.

Kicking you when you're down. Sweet, huh? :D

Face it Dave,You will not mod yours do to the fact that the motor will end up white and thats WAY to much to keep spottless.:lmao:

Oh yea....and its red,the slowest color out there.:D


Viper Owner
Mar 8, 2009
Reaction score
I've got 42s on my NA 510 motor and it is way too rich without scaling it with the VEC. Your car might run without the VEC, but I guarantee it will be horribly rich. The IAC can and will play havoc with your idle thats its function. Need a new one that you know works and stops throwing codes.

I had never tuned before and I started from scratch. I read and read and then read some more on how to go about this. Big thanks to this site I might add. The one thing that really got me started was getting a scan tool and setting the LTFTs. That IS the starting point. Like I said before a scan tool is well worth the investment and will give you the extra info you need to help troubleshoot.

EllowViper brings up a good point about the MAP sensor. Make sure your program is set to use the right one and then see if its respondiing correctly. Keep working the problem and you'll get it sorted out.


Nov 9, 2007
Reaction score
Greenwood Village, CO
Ok guys I have two new updates.

1) Now that the car has been started a few times and the oil has been cycled through the enginge I checked it for color and smell. It still looks like regular oil, it isnt any thinner, but it does have a gas odor to it.

2) Im not sure about how he fuel injectors work as far as getting stuck open (do they still need an electric current to stay open?) but I did unhook the connectors to the two rear injectors #9 and #10 to see what would happen. The car started a little rough then smoothed out. It then ran for 2 or 3 minutes without smoking at all. By this point it would have alread been smoking like crazy. I then shut the car off becuase I noticed that I still had the #3 plug wire off from where I was checking for spark lastnight. After reinstalling that plugwire I then started the car back up. It then ran a few seconds 30 maybe and started to smoke a little. It then began to smoke some but nothing like it had been previously. The car then cut off from running out of gas.

I dont know if the air idle control valve will help any of these issues but Im still throwing that code and am ordering one tomarow.

Please let me know what you all think. Also can someone give me a worst case best case opinion on the oil smelling like gas? Thanks

Nate, If you are putting too much gas into the cylinders it can literally wash the oil off of the bore. It ends up in the crankcase and causes the oil to smell like gas. No oil in the bore means that bad things happen. You can quickly ruin the bore or break rings, rods, and other stuff, expensive stuff. I personally would not run the engine very long with this condition. You should do a compression check to see if you've already done some damage. The tool is not expensive but it will tell you if there is some internal problem. All cylinders should be similar. If they're not the ones that read substantially lower have internal problems with rings or valves.

If you swap out the VEC and Roe injectors do not run the car if it still "smokes like a freight train". If it seems to run better with little if any black or blue smoke than you can run it some but do not get on it! If you put the car into boost it will be running too lean due to the smaller injectors and lack of supercharger tune. Net result of that is detonation and that will lead to engine destruction very quickly. I'm speaking from experience here and could post pics of pistons to prove it.

You might also think about flat bedding the car to some reputable tuner. Let's face it while there are a lot of people here trying to help we're not in front of the car or seeing what you're seeing. If you spend several hundred dollars to flat bed it to some reputable tuner several hundred miles away that is still waaaaay cheaper than replacing your engine. Again, speaking from experience here.


Viper Owner
Jun 6, 2007
Reaction score
Sorry, I'm pretty busy right now and have a buddy fishing in my lake right now (his holidays). We have about 6 forest fires around us and most are about 20 miles away from us. Highway in and out of our area is closed so I'm busy trying to find out when it's time to leave ... but

The vec will fuel trim idividual cylinders so the guy that said all vecs run fat on rear cylinders --- the individual cylinder trims are set incorrectly. Nate sent me his cylinder trims and they looked close to the same as mine.

The guy that said Blue smoke is only oil - wrong. Fuel will smoke blue and look like oil smoke.

I had the exact same problem and when I diconnected the #10 injector and that stopped the smoke as well as the flames (after backfires). The engine ran the same because massive injectors at full output/100% spray too much fuel into the cykinder for the plug to fire at low rpms etc.

My roe wiring connector was unhooked from the factory connector that has the Inj driver in it for the box (?). Once I got that connector back into the front left (beside the power steering harness) factory connector I got the individual fuel trims back to working again. Nate try disconnecting the Vec connector from the factory harness and see if it runs exaclty the same. That being the case I'd make guess that's your wiring problem. Unfortunately I didn't instal my vec wiring but bought it that way. The instructions Sean sent me said there is 1 wire wire that comes out of the facotry harness connector and gets replaced with a Vec wire. Then I believe it't the inj. driver box wiring that splices in between the factory connectors. - 1Tony1 do I remember that correctly? That was my problem and it was exactly the same as you are experiencing. It's possible that your inj. box si faulty, but since that's a $300 replacement - checking the wiring may solve the problem for free!

As 1tony1 said the problem is most likely in the intial setup where the MAP reading (Vec internal of factory MAP, 2 or 3 bar MAP) is set etc.



Viper Owner
Jun 6, 2007
Reaction score
My opinion on mods is that driving a stock Viper is like driving my Stealth TT, except slower. Another comparison would be driving a Z06. I much prefer to just touch the throttle and drive away from Z06s like they're the base vettes.

Usually it's quite flattering when people come straight up to me at every car show and say,"Wow, what all is done to your Viper. It's obviously highly modified from the sound." Then they see the slotted Blue brakes, the Billet polished wheels, etc. I designed and built removable cup holders because I drink coffee like you guys drink beer.

Before a modified Z06 passed in my modified Stealth TT (Duster's much faster) I was happy building all my cars so that they beat stock Vipers. When the Z06 passed me at WOT I decided that wasn't going to happen again, bought a sc'd Viper, hyroplaned, wrecked, next Viper MUCH faster, history and Z06s better go back to stockers if they want to be in front.



Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
My opinion on mods is that driving a stock Viper is like driving my Stealth TT, except slower. Another comparison would be driving a Z06. I much prefer to just touch the throttle and drive away from Z06s like they're the base vettes.

Usually it's quite flattering when people come straight up to me at every car show and say,"Wow, what all is done to your Viper. It's obviously highly modified from the sound." Then they see the slotted Blue brakes, the Billet polished wheels, etc. I designed and built removable cup holders because I drink coffee like you guys drink beer.

Before a modified Z06 passed in my modified Stealth TT (Duster's much faster) I was happy building all my cars so that they beat stock Vipers. When the Z06 passed me at WOT I decided that wasn't going to happen again, bought a sc'd Viper, hyroplaned, wrecked, next Viper MUCH faster, history and Z06s better go back to stockers if they want to be in front.

:rolaugh::rolaugh::rolaugh: you're a riot! Stay safe with the fires around you!


Viper Owner
Jun 9, 2009
Reaction score
Vancouver BC
Sorry, I'm pretty busy right now and have a buddy fishing in my lake right now (his holidays). We have about 6 forest fires around us and most are about 20 miles away from us. Highway in and out of our area is closed so I'm busy trying to find out when it's time to leave ... but


Where are you Ted, Lillooet? If you do have to get out of there you can stay with us in Coquitlam, we have room. Unbelievable how the province is burning, I hope the rain coming this week will be plentiful and no more lightning!



Aug 5, 2007
Reaction score
The vec will fuel trim idividual cylinders so the guy that said all vecs run fat on rear cylinders --- the individual cylinder trims are set incorrectly. Nate sent me his cylinder trims and they looked close to the same as mine.
no, they run rich naturally and you just need to adjust them so that they don't. it is a known fact that the roes don't get even air flow to the rear cylinders, thus they run rich if you set them the same as all the others. but as you said, if set correctly, they will run fine. I was just mentioning that they usually look sootier than the others, not cleaner.

The guy that said Blue smoke is only oil - wrong. Fuel will smoke blue and look like oil smoke.
ted, what are you smokin', cause you need to send some my way (or maybe the forest fires are making you delusional ;) )
this is all subjective, but fuel burns black and looks sooty. oil burns a bluish color, but to the untrained eye, just looks gray/black.
show me anywhere that says fuel burns blue :eater:

My roe wiring connector was unhooked from the factory connector that has the Inj driver in it for the box (?). Once I got that connector back into the front left (beside the power steering harness) factory connector I got the individual fuel trims back to working again. Nate try disconnecting the Vec connector from the factory harness and see if it runs exaclty the same. That being the case I'd make guess that's your wiring problem. Unfortunately I didn't instal my vec wiring but bought it that way. The instructions Sean sent me said there is 1 wire wire that comes out of the facotry harness connector and gets replaced with a Vec wire. Then I believe it't the inj. driver box wiring that splices in between the factory connectors. - 1Tony1 do I remember that correctly? That was my problem and it was exactly the same as you are experiencing. It's possible that your inj. box si faulty, but since that's a $300 replacement - checking the wiring may solve the problem for free!
you're not clear here.
the VEC harness goes to the black box (inj. driver) and then connects in series with the factory inj. harness. I think the wire you are thinking of is to the stock MAP sensor. then 2 more wires intercept the ign. signal from the crank/cam sensor.
As 1tony1 said the problem is most likely in the intial setup where the MAP reading (Vec internal of factory MAP, 2 or 3 bar MAP) is set etc.
yes, he needs to get a laptop setup with the VEC software to read his current tune and make sure all the settings are correct.
just clarifying a few things


Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score
Valrico Florida
The instructions Sean sent me said there is 1 wire wire that comes out of the facotry harness connector and gets replaced with a Vec wire.

This is no longer correct. Sean has updated the conectors to OEM style but he never changed the instructions. Kicked my butt during my install until I sent Sean his instructions and he said those were outdated...still his current instructions but no need to pull that crank trigger wire anymore...Sorry.

Nates GTS Viper

Jan 8, 2008
Reaction score
First off stay safe Ted and I hope the fires stop soon. Im going to get a scan tool either today or in the mourning so that Ill be able to check my fuel injectors and 02 sensors. Ill let everyone know what I find out. Now as for the people that wanted me to disconnect the vec and start the car I did and it idled ok but didnt run very good when trying to back it up and down the driveway. It still smoked and the exhaust still smelled like gas. When I did first start the car I kept the two rear injector harnesses off and let the car run for a few minutes to see if it would smoke and it did but just a very little. After the car warmed up I then connected the two harnesses back up while the car was running and in a matter of a few seconds the car becan to smoke and pop out of the exhaust. It even puffed out some smoke circles every once in a while. I just thought Id throw that out there. Ill let everyone know what I find out as soon as I find something out.

Russ M

Nov 1, 2000
Reaction score
LA, California

It wont run good because it was rich, but was it better than before you unhooked the vec?
Do you have any additional pumps? Or a boost a pump or something like that?

Did you ever get us a picture of exhaust smoke?

Is it black or Blue?


Where do you get this stuff from? Go play in the forest fire or something, stop trying to help cause you are NOT.

Nates GTS Viper

Jan 8, 2008
Reaction score
Yes I have a msd boost-a-pump and a walbro 255 fuel pump. Ill get the pic of the exhaust on here tomarow. As far as the smoke it was still the same color after I unhooked the vec if that means anything and it seemed like it ran worse after unhooking the vec. Its just kind of hard to tell without driving it. Again after I get the scanner Ill let everyone know what is going on. Thanks again everyone.


Oct 7, 2001
Reaction score
Portland, OR, USA
One thing I haven't seen mentioned.

If you played with your main injector wiring harness connections since the car was running OK, make sure that you have your VEC hooked into the right connectors. It is possible to hook the VEC/load box up incorrectly. I did that accidentally and the car ran similar to what you are describing until I figured out my mistake. I think I had the load box on the input side of the VEC or something.


Dec 19, 2001
Reaction score
Dalton Ga. (Chatt. Tn.)

I may be missing it with all the people chiming in here with useless or wrong info but what happened to the spark plug pictures, exhaust smoke pictures?

If I were you the first thing would be to remove the vec and any form of it put in the factory injectors and start the car up. If it runs fine then you know its nothing mechanical and vec related. But you mentioned that the smoke is blue and if so that is NOT fuel, blue smoke is oil anyone that says otherwise needs to stop giving out advice.


Where do you get this stuff from? Go play in the forest fire or something, stop trying to help cause you are NOT.

Wait a Minute. This shouldn't become a ******* match about who knows more because everyone is trying to help but by tell the man to replace the Roe injectors with stock ones and then criticize others ????

I "could" say: "stop trying to help cause you are NOT"

Sound familiar ??? ;)


Dec 19, 2001
Reaction score
Dalton Ga. (Chatt. Tn.)
Did you ever do the compression check for the heck of it ?
If you get to the point of pulling the injectors I will check them in my machine for free. I don't think you need to do that "yet" but it's something to keep in mind.
Also, I have a spare Roe inj driver box I can send you to try. I used it to confirm that my AEM inj driver box had went bad a while back. Yes, it would run but it was doing some weird much fuel I'm lucky the flames out the exhaust didn't burn my car to the ground.

Like Ken mentioned....Have you confirmed the injector driver box is in the injector harness and not the coil harness ? I have no clue what that would do...but, it's something easy to check.
Once upon a time on my car I confirmed that one will not even crank if you swap inj for coil connectors :D

Nates GTS Viper

Jan 8, 2008
Reaction score
Sorry for not responding sooner but Ive been working the last couple days and work nightshift so ive had little time to mess with the car. I did however buy a good scanner that can read live data and all so that I can check the LTFT's. Ill let you all know about that later this mourning when I get home. Ill also recheck the connectors again to make sure there in the right place. Thanks alot Tony for offering to help and I just may take you up on that offer before this is all said and done. As for the compression test I tried but the tester I had didnt work it would only go up to 60 so I checked it on my Srt-10 Ram and still only read 60 then tried my cousins built 355 and still only 60. I think iis fittings were leaking. I do however have a question.
Should I replace the crapped out plugs with new ones that I bought. I rewrote one of my cards with one of my old vec 2 programs that workd with the car before but It still smoked and smelled alot like gas. Ive also changed the oil wich smelled like gas and was a little thin but at least i didnt have any metal shavings in it for what thats worth. So should I replace the plugs to see if theresany difference? Ill wait for a responce before I start the car and maybe ruin the oil again. Thanks everyone and I mean everyone even the smart asses because without you I wouldnt have had the motivation to finish this out. Im just glad the others are helpful and full of knowledge because without them I would definatly be doing nothing but scratching my head.


Dec 19, 2001
Reaction score
Dalton Ga. (Chatt. Tn.)
Sorry for not responding sooner but Ive been working the last couple days and work nightshift so ive had little time to mess with the car. I did however buy a good scanner that can read live data and all so that I can check the LTFT's. Ill let you all know about that later this mourning when I get home. Ill also recheck the connectors again to make sure there in the right place. Thanks alot Tony for offering to help and I just may take you up on that offer before this is all said and done. As for the compression test I tried but the tester I had didnt work it would only go up to 60 so I checked it on my Srt-10 Ram and still only read 60 then tried my cousins built 355 and still only 60. I think iis fittings were leaking. I do however have a question.
Should I replace the crapped out plugs with new ones that I bought. I rewrote one of my cards with one of my old vec 2 programs that workd with the car before but It still smoked and smelled alot like gas. Ive also changed the oil wich smelled like gas and was a little thin but at least i didnt have any metal shavings in it for what thats worth. So should I replace the plugs to see if theresany difference? Ill wait for a responce before I start the car and maybe ruin the oil again. Thanks everyone and I mean everyone even the smart asses because without you I wouldnt have had the motivation to finish this out. Im just glad the others are helpful and full of knowledge because without them I would definatly be doing nothing but scratching my head.

Sounds like the gauge on the tester is broken. But just remember, you don't need a wrench....only hand tight by turning the hose makes for a good seal. There should be an o-ring on the fitting that seals against the head/spark plug hole. Even with the o-ring gone it would be better than 60 because the threads create somewhat of a seal.

You "could" have fouled the plugs. If so, the only way to know "if" the different tune fixed the problem is to put new plugs in. If you paid a bit for the plugs, you could go buy the closest type plug that would the 99 cent plugs at a local discount parts store.

Don't forget to check the resistor box (little black box)
When the vec fried, was the black box replaced too ?

I hate to say it but the issue you have......looking at LTFT isn't going to help. With what your car is doing I can tell you they are going to be way off and until you get the problem fixed they will not be correct.


Jul 18, 2007
Reaction score
Explaining Viper things to you
Yes, double standards dave
I posted one comment to Joe's joke,
then my next post was some insight to Nate's question.

What have you added to this thread?
What possible help has come from your ramblings?
so keep your opinions on modifications to yourself
and go add some stupid poser mod that has no use whatsoever to your car and let the adults talk
ok? :cool:

And I post a comment about modding or not and you think I'm a babbling baby. Your reliance on double standards continues. Which allows you to ramble with impunity here in your own vision of how things would be if it was all up to you. Which it is not. There is no Bottlefed forum. Sorry.

Now, to review what I have added to this thread. Let's see here... I do read most every thread in the Gen 2 forum. Mostly to satisfy a curiosity about the technical aspects of engine mods, but it also reinforces a belief I have that the more you mod the engine, the greater risk you will have of a failure of some type. Or at least the complexity of said failure.

So, while you childishly attacked that stance, which did start all of this scrapping about it BTW, there are others that might read this thread and find value in a comment like I made. They might also see the point that they don't want to ever have to deal with problems like in this thread and many others.

Speaking of stupid poser mods, hows that 3/8" plywood holding up? :eater:

Fatboy 18

Jan 16, 2008
Reaction score
Surrey, United Kingdom
Yea, we want to know whats happening :) I just wondered if you could get a friend to film the car running, then post a video up on YouTube so we could get an idea what this smoking thing is :dunno: I'm no mechanic, but I do wish you the very best with this, Good luck

Nates GTS Viper

Jan 8, 2008
Reaction score
Well for everyone still interested I may have found the problem. While talking with Sean and Mikewe thought the first step should be to test the vec 3. So I mailed out both the vec2 and the vec3 to them. Mike who deals with the wiring harnesses said that both harnesses were in bad shape from people adding wire. Then Sean who deals with the vecs themselves let me know that the vec3 had one of the main injector boards burned out in it that was probly caused from a bad install. So Mike is making me two new harnesses and there going to fix the vec3. So hopefully when I get them back the car will once again run the way it should but ill let everyone know.

Something I have learned from this is not to trust everyone when buying used parts. I did get a great deal on the vec 3 and even after repairs it will still be cheaper than a new one but I should have still sent it to Sean to have it checked out. They are great guys and Im never going to hesitate asking there advice again. Ill give an update once i get the vec hooked back up and thanks again for all your help.

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