170 mph = cool
170 mph with traffic = not cool
Neat video, however.
"If you don't take risks you'll probably die of boredom..."
That is tghe single and most ******** response ( even if said as a joke ) I have heard in a while. Take a risk with your own life, not other peoples' lives. This " you'll die of boredom " crap belongs on Fast and the Furious style websites...not this one.
Here is a 187mph pass (from the Nebraska standing mile) for comparison purposes.
no way thats 170mph.
how old this guy anyways? I don't think he going that fast because there are so many different reference points to go off of, even if he was zooming in and out.
Get rid of that crappy plastic sorry ass excuse for rock music out of your video...who is that? Lincoln Park, Trapp? they all sound the same to me...but anyways...it's your video...I agree with Francis up there...don't put other's lives at danger so you can look cool.
how old this guy anyways? I don't think he going that fast because there are so many different reference points to go off of, even if he was zooming in and out.
Get rid of that crappy plastic sorry ass excuse for rock music out of your video...who is that? Lincoln Park, Trapp? they all sound the same to me...but anyways...it's your video...I agree with Francis up there...don't put other's lives at danger so you can look cool.
You're bitter because you only look like a middle age, wasted ***** in your viper.
And that wasn't rock music killer.
You answered my question.
I'm not the dick head on the side of the road telling stories of how fast I WISH I would have drove with a mini cam.
You're right, that music you pick isn't rock music...it's something a ***** would like in his inflated *** video.
Let me guess..you're going to defend all the post about your lying ass video right? You're cool!