Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Police


Viper Owner
Aug 3, 2004
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Kansas City
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

I cant speak for Mark...but, many KC members do have conceal and carry permits. That being said-calling the police was the best choice. Glad nobody was hurt.

Kurt E


Aug 20, 2008
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San Jose, CA
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

I lived over 40 years in the 2 most densely populated cities in our country. If we all go pursuing some ******* cause of a fraction of a second wise ass close call we would all need tanks to get to work because all hell be breaking loose and leaving the house wouldn't be fun but real interesting. I'm just saying you gotta let fly **** go on the road.


Oct 26, 2007
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Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

I think that guy had some,

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For Breakfast

And washed it down with some

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Oct 2, 2000
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Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

Dude, bottom line is you have NO IDEA what you may be getting into and you gotta make a real quick decision if it's worth it Cause I don't need to remind you sometimes things can get real ugly real fast and if so you don't just want to have a viper and a video camera for protection to determine the next step in the rest of your life.

Even highly trained cops in teams handle chase scenes which are broadcast almost monthly in Los Angeles with the utmost caution and safety to proctect themselves and the public in the vicinity.

There is a whole lotta action out there if you game for that stuff but by not being careful somebody could get seriously hurt and that what we are trying to avoid.

The proof of the correctness of what you are saying is the fact that the video shows that the officer approached the truck with his gun drawn and pointed right at the driver.


Dec 5, 2006
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Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

Crazy stuff! Scary stuff! First off some alert driving by Mark. I know when I was almost broadsided by a pick-up at 1:30 am a few years ago, coming back from playing late night rec-hockey, I was so scaried I had to stop, get out of my vehicle and walk around because I could not feel my legs. The truck came from the side at well over 100+ mph and just passed right in front of me after I hit the brakes. I would guess maybe 4 feet from a broadside. They were going through that intersection no matter what. No lights on their truck and who knows what else was wrong with them, but most likely a stolen vehicle. I was just happy to be alive without an accident. Saw my life flash before my eyes as there was no one else on the road.

Now I could have tried to follow them and get a license plate but anyone willing to sacrifice all those lives, the hell with them. I just went home.

I definitely condone Mark turning around to get a license plate # which he had at the light, but to continue to follow close made no sense to me as it is provoking and the courts will recognize that. Get the info and report it along with the video evidence, that would have been good enough.

I mean if you were going to kick the guys butt, then follow and provoke so when they get out of the vehicle, you are ready for a fight, but if you are going to just call the cops anyway, then keep a safe distance and call the cops. All around bad event, but the guy in the truck has some issues and balls. I would like to back into some people, but then reality kicks in and you just move on.

Doubt the guy will get charged with anything more than road rage. Way too many idiots and crazy people out there for road rage retaliation. I know if I was with my wife or had a passenger I would have just drove on and forgot about it, then chance a freak encounter that might hurt others.

If the guy is in jail still waiting on whatever, than he probably has priors or other issues. Not someone to mess with. Why chance it? Now you have to worry about someone or his family member keying your Viper if left out. Cops came very quickly which would have never happen in my neighborhood. Some drunk or stoned idiots a few years ago, were playing chicken with some very large earth movers they managed to start at 3:00 am and even after I reported it to the police, it took them 45 minutes to show up and then did not even catch them.
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Jun 1, 2008
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Viper Lane, Arizona
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

I'd like to reply to a lot of the posts individually, but I'm tiring of all the wimps. Mark wasn't following closely, he was just following. He was able to take care of himself in this situation.

All you chicken littles are could've been worse, the dude could've had a gun...maybe a bomb...maybe an guys might as well stay at home locked in your basement all the time. Look, if you feel better letting it fly, letting it go, just moving on, then do it...but don't fault Mark for not being a wimp.

As I've grown older, I've learned to let a lot go...but someone trying to run into me with a vehicle...if I don't make an effort, then who guys certainly won't :smirk:. 'Let them run into the next won't be me.' isn't a great way to live your life, in my opinion.

So don't hate on Mark or my taking up for him...just drive on and feel good about you being the bigger person (if that's what you need to do and believe).


Aug 20, 2008
Reaction score
San Jose, CA
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

Such is your interpretation of life from littletown, Colorado.

Isn't that the town Rambo took over?

No wonder everyone is so tough now over there.

The bigger person? fir something this senseless? Ha. Ha. I don't think that truck guy did anything illegal until he realized mark started following him. Then he really blew up by attempting to ram. You get the idea how it starts?

You really sound like the kinda guy that gets a high from seeing who can be the bigger person when it cones to roadrage! How stupid!
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Jun 1, 2008
Reaction score
Viper Lane, Arizona
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

This is my interpretation...please let me know what I missed...

bad guy tried to ram viper
viper followed bad guy
bad guy tried to ram viper
viper called police
police apprehended bad guy
the end

You guys are could of, should of, would of-ing the hell out of this. You sound like you are taking up for the F-150...Mark made an illegal u-turn, Mark was following to close, I don't think the truck guy did anything illegal until...good god you pepople are killing me.

Let me draw a picture of an event...

I'm walking down the sidewalk.
I see a little girl crying.
I ask her what's wrong.
She points to a cat up in the tree.
I climb the tree and retrieve the cat.
The little girl stops crying and thanks me.

If I posted this in a thread...the replies from you guys would look something like this...

Dude, you are crazy...what if...
The people in the house saw you in their tree and came out with a gun and shot you...
What if the girl was abusing the cat and that's why it was in the're causing more abuse to the cat...
What if you fell out of the tree...hell, I would have just moved since getting involved.

Getting involved isn't always bad. Using common sense is good...that's what Mark did. Once Mark confirmed that the F-150 was hostile, he called the police.


Jul 26, 2006
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Lee Summit Mo.
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

I agree with everyone,Mark should have ignored it and let the government take care of it! Not our problem! His kids splattered on someones windshield due to his anger issues is not our concern and the government can and will know whats best for all of us!:smirk::smirk::):)


Oct 2, 2000
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Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

I think Life is Good is ignoring the fact that only one of the vehicles had children it it. If I had been driving the truck and, perhaps inadvertantly, wandered too close to the Viper to get a better look; and, the Viper then made a quick U Turn and followed me, I would have feared for the safety of my children. I do not think that I would have backed up toward the Viper, but I would have called the police via cell phone. The bottom line is that the initial incident was recorded and it only required a bit more footage after that to get the license plate of the truck. Any activity after that was not needed.

The truck driver was at a minimum a bit reckless. Mark was a bit too fired up on testosterone. I do not know whether Mark has a wife and family but, if he does, the extra activity after recording the truck's plate number was not worth the risk to his safety and the integrity of his family unit.

Words such as "wimp", etc, are uncalled for and as used above constitute personal attacks which are against the rules of this forum. The incident described in the initial post has stimulated a healthy debate. Let's try to keep it that way.


Aug 20, 2008
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San Jose, CA
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

Tell it to the judge.

I don't think the truck guy originally tried to ram mark because if he did that really would of happened. It was an intentional close call wise ass flyby sometimes angry people just like to piss off people that have hot sportcars. you learn to deal with some that Cheapshot BS in mixed populated urban areas where large very varied socioeconomic categories exist From spending seriously many hrs on the road in large urban areas filled with tons of road rage and seeing stuff like this happen unfortunately all too frequently the best defense assuming no contact was made is to avoid further trouble. I purchased my viper to look forward to fun driving days, car shows and not to deal with aholes on the road.


Jun 1, 2008
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Viper Lane, Arizona
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

Tell it to the judge.

I don't think the truck guy originally tried to ram mark because if he did that really would of happened. It was an intentional close call wise ass flyby sometimes angry people just like to piss off people that have hot sportcars. you learn to deal with some that Cheapshot BS in mixed populated urban areas where large very varied socioeconomic categories exist From spending seriously many hrs on the road in large urban areas filled with tons of road rage and seeing stuff like this happen unfortunately all too frequently the best defense assuming no contact was made is to avoid further trouble. I purchased my viper to look forward to fun driving days, car shows and not to deal with aholes on the road.'re absolutely the expert and I'm an idiot because I don't live where the ghetto meets whatever else is in San Jose :dunno:. I bow to your great knowledge in these matters :hail:


Jun 1, 2008
Reaction score
Viper Lane, Arizona
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

I think Life is Good is ignoring the fact that only one of the vehicles had children it it. If I had been driving the truck and, perhaps inadvertantly, wandered too close to the Viper to get a better look; and, the Viper then made a quick U Turn and followed me, I would have feared for the safety of my children. I do not think that I would have backed up toward the Viper, but I would have called the police via cell phone. The bottom line is that the initial incident was recorded and it only required a bit more footage after that to get the license plate of the truck. Any activity after that was not needed.

The truck driver was at a minimum a bit reckless. Mark was a bit too fired up on testosterone. I do not know whether Mark has a wife and family but, if he does, the extra activity after recording the truck's plate number was not worth the risk to his safety and the integrity of his family unit.

Words such as "wimp", etc, are uncalled for and as used above constitute personal attacks which are against the rules of this forum. The incident described in the initial post has stimulated a healthy debate. Let's try to keep it that way.'s all good...don't get involved, look out for the family, I get issue is with all the slamming going on for something that happened because someone did get involved...these posters seem to think that Mark was wrong...including you...hey if you see someone getting mugged or ***** the police, drive away, don't get involved...but don't slam those that do get involved.


Dec 5, 2006
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Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic


I happen to live in Littleton and if I followed the "shaken em' down" approach I would need an H1 Hummer with a large push bar on the front for ramming ala the original Death Race 2000.

I agree with standing up for yourself. My point was if you are going to provoke by driving closely like that, as I saw in the video then you have to be prepared to bring it, that was my point. To do what he did, then just call the cops, that is the poor aspect. Why chase him down if you are not going to do anything? If it was the get the license plate number,he had it at the light. Anything beyond that, unless you are going to through the guy a beating, makes no sense.

Sorry Ken, in this case, I don't know what you are driving at considering the events I saw on that video. In the end, there are crazy people everywhere. Still not worth it in my opinion.


Jun 1, 2008
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Viper Lane, Arizona
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

What do you people think about men who decide to become cops, firemen and military personnel? Are they idiots because they are in these professions even though they have wives and families? Some people get involved, they volunteer, they go beyond, they are good samaritans...that may not be for you...feel free to be safe, don't get involved, but don't slam those that do.


Apr 3, 2006
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Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

Words such as "wimp", etc, are uncalled for and as used above constitute personal attacks which are against the rules of this forum. The incident described in the initial post has stimulated a healthy debate. Let's try to keep it that way.

Thanks Deputy Moderator. :2tu:


Jun 1, 2008
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Viper Lane, Arizona
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic


I happen to live in Littleton and if I followed the "shaken em' down" approach I would need an H1 Hummer with a large push bar on the front for ramming ala the original Death Race 2000.

I agree with standing up for yourself. My point was if you are going to provoke by driving closely like that, as I saw in the video then you have to be prepared to bring it, that was my point. To do what he did, then just call the cops, that is the poor aspect. Why chase him down if you are not going to do anything? If it was the get the license plate number,he had it at the light. Anything beyond that, unless you are going to through the guy a beating, makes no sense.

Sorry Ken, in this case, I don't know what you are driving at considering the events I saw on that video. In the end, there are crazy people everywhere. Still not worth it in my opinion.

I don't know what was going through Mark's mind. I've only been posting based on my perception of the video. But if I'm forced to opinion is that he wasn't following the F-150 initially to get his license plate...maybe he was a little mad, but I could also jump into the could-of, would-of stuff and say things like...maybe Mark was worried for the kids in the F-150 that the driver might be drunk, maybe Mark thought the driver was trying to commit suicide...I don't know and these previous posters don't know either....just saying.


Aug 20, 2008
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San Jose, CA
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

Im just messing with you man. Dont take it so serious.

Ive owned at least dozen hot cars and Im VERY against road rage

San Jose is rather quiet compared to LA and NYC.


Jun 13, 2005
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Rochester, NY
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

The F150 could have drifted accidentally towards the Viper possibly texting or yelling at his kids. Kids can be very distracting and the drifting may have been accidental. Why on Earth would someone intentionally go head to head with kids in the car. However, the Viper chasing him probably triggered his road rage. I am not saying Mark was wrong in following him in this case but I am against citizens policing the roads in general.

What if the driver of the F150 did not try to back into Mark but instead called the cops saying there was a creep in a Viper tailgating him for a few miles. Then Mark would have been pulled over for reckless driving.

I am against citizen pursuits because they can easily make the situation worse. If any of you were being followed by a citizen instead of a marked police car then what would you do? Pull over to talk to them, continue driving till you get home with them still behind you, or speed away?
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Jun 1, 2008
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Viper Lane, Arizona
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

As I've already stated...I agree with most of the previous posts. What Mark did could have been very dangerous. I agree. I agree.

I'm sure you guys will be glad that this will be my last post in this thread and maybe it can be laid to rest...but I would like to say that I'm pretty disappointed in the viper nation. Don't take my disappointment personal, but I'm from a military family and I've always believed deeply in being a good samaritan and taking action and getting involved. Please don't get me wrong...I just laugh when someone gives me the finger or tries to goad me into something that I don't want to do. I know there are fights to fight and fights not worth it. Our opinions of the difference between the two just doesn't jive.

Be safe :2tu:.

Bad Bee

Viper Owner
Jan 26, 2008
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Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

Ken is right


Aug 20, 2008
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San Jose, CA
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

I think you have very good points here.

The F150 could have drifted accidentally towards the Viper possibly texting or yelling at his kids. Kids can be very distracting and the drifting may have been accidental. Why on Earth would someone intentionally go head to head with kids in the car. However, the Viper chasing him probably triggered his road rage. I am not saying Mark was wrong in following him in this case but I am against citizens policing the roads in general.

What if the driver of the F150 did not try to back into Mark but instead called the cops saying there was a creep in a Viper tailgating him for a few miles. Then Mark would have been pulled over for reckless driving.

I am against citizen pursuits because they can easily make the situation worse. If any of you were being followed by a citizen instead of a marked police car then what would you do? Pull over to talk to them, continue driving till you get home with them still behind you, or speed away?

Bad Bee

Viper Owner
Jan 26, 2008
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Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

Hi there I am the bad guy in the yellow viper.Here are the real facts.The guy in the pickup admitted to trying to hit head on.if i did not swerve he would have hit me when i looked in rearview mirror he was all theway in my lane in oncoming traffic.I turned around because i thought he was drunk and thats why i did not provoke him in any way.when he pulled over i did so as well so i could call the cops.I was not going to let him get away because if he had killed a family down the road i would have never forgiven myself.I have 3 girls and a wife i could see most of you being like aw its none of my business that why the united states is getting so bad its sad

Bad Bee

Viper Owner
Jan 26, 2008
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Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

I respect all of your opinions but that is exactly what they are.I did what I would want somebody to do for me and my community.And I live in the community he was entering and he did not he came from Arkansas.Me and my neighbors look out for each other thats how we do it here.Even if he would have hit my car its ok i still will do the right thing in the future and help strangers that even if it puts me at risk.And that is my opinion


Aug 1, 2009
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NW Jersey
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

Just out of curiosity...

Did he say why he tried to hit you ? If you had him on video and you had his plate why did you think he would get away ? What did you accomplish by following him other than fueling an already bad situation and giving him another opportunity to hit you ? Why do you feel so compelled to be a Martyr ?

Hi there I am the bad guy in the yellow viper.Here are the real facts.The guy in the pickup admitted to trying to hit head on.if i did not swerve he would have hit me when i looked in rearview mirror he was all theway in my lane in oncoming traffic.I turned around because i thought he was drunk and thats why i did not provoke him in any way.when he pulled over i did so as well so i could call the cops.I was not going to let him get away because if he had killed a family down the road i would have never forgiven myself.I have 3 girls and a wife i could see most of you being like aw its none of my business that why the united states is getting so bad its sad


Aug 20, 2008
Reaction score
San Jose, CA
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

Are Vigilantes BACK? Live and only on the VCA. Got to love it!!

From Wikipedia
A vigilante is someone who illegally punishes someone for perceived offenses, or participates in a group which metes out extrajudicial punishment to such a person. Often the victims are criminals in the legal sense, however a vigilante may follow a different definition of criminal than the local law.

I respect all of your opinions but that is exactly what they are.I did what I would want somebody to do for me and my community.And I live in the community he was entering and he did not he came from Arkansas.Me and my neighbors look out for each other thats how we do it here.Even if he would have hit my car its ok i still will do the right thing in the future and help strangers that even if it puts me at risk.And that is my opinion


Aug 1, 2009
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NW Jersey
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

So what's the meaning of the truck's license plate "GARDIAN" ?

Bad Bee

Viper Owner
Jan 26, 2008
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Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

He said he wanted to teach me a lesson and thats it the police said he was not in the right mind.I have called on drunk drivers before and they were never caught. just because you get license plate and call cops means nothing they do not have gps on them.He was entering into my subdivision no way in hell my neighbors are going to be on their own when I know what this guy is capable of.By the way kids were scared as hell and from what i understand not just from this incident


Aug 20, 2008
Reaction score
San Jose, CA
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

I believe we are approaching an ideal case of the definition I mentioned above. "V"

He said he wanted to teach me a lesson and thats it the police said he was not in the right mind.I have called on drunk drivers before and they were never caught. just because you get license plate and call cops means nothing they do not have gps on them.He was entering into my subdivision no way in hell my neighbors are going to be on their own when I know what this guy is capable of.By the way kids were scared as hell and from what i understand not just from this incident

Bad Bee

Viper Owner
Jan 26, 2008
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Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

I am sorry, but not trying to be mean but the responses i have read on this is very disturbing.When you hear a car alarm most people do not even care.thats how most attitudes are on here it disgusting

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