Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Police

Bad Bee

Viper Owner
Jan 26, 2008
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Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

If there is a lesson here it would be that all the yellow vipers on this page are cool as hell


Aug 20, 2008
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San Jose, CA
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

Many thanks for protecting and saving us Sir. Sounds like you are in that line of work.

As far as im am concerned everything you guys do is right.

I like possibly most here just hate when I have to subdue the thought to get up real early on a Sunday morning to drive my viper in the desert, cause hell, we got 500 cubes and a supercharger, with absolutely no one around and law enforcement has a problem with us say hitting 6000rpm in 4th gear!!!

Other than that, thought, i highly respect everything that you do everyday cause without you allot of good people be killed by not so good people.

You know, I don't care what others think. I've heard it all a thousand times:
"You can't do that, you have a wife and kids to think of!"
"Leave it to someone else; you might get hurt, you know!"
"What are you trying to be, some kind of hero?"
"You don't even know those people; why would you care?"
"Leave that to people who get paid to take risks!"

Out in the country where I live, most of the firefighters are volunteers; so are the EMT's on the local Rescue Squad. Ordinary people, who run to what it's easier to run away from. I can promise every one of you this: one day, your life, or that of a friend or loved one, is likely to depend on someone like that, a volunteer, or just a bystander, doing the right thing, even when that's not the safest thing, or the easy thing. You think it doesn't happen? Remember Jon B.'s thread about the man found beaten nearly to death near his place? You know, Jon called 911, and he could have left it at that; the weather was bad, a storm blowing in. Instead, he went to the scene, and helped. With 30 minutes or more before an ambulance could arrive, he did what he could to help...and though he won't admit it, probably saved a life. He could have fallen, in the rough terrain; he got cold, and uncomfortable. He didn't have to do it; wasn't his job at all....but he went, anyway. That sort of decision comes to more people, more often, than you might imagine.

So for the critics, I have a few questions of my own:
If you are being mugged on the street, do you want me to intervene, or should I just call the cops?
If I see someone forcing your wife or daughter into the trunk of a car, do you want me to follow that car, or should I just wait for the cops?
If I find you badly injured in your wrecked car beside the road, do you want me to give you first aid, or would you rather wait for the police and an ambulance?
If the car is on fire, should I pull you out, or would you rather I let you burn?
If you fall through the ice, do you want me to try to pull you out, or would you rather wait for the pros and the equipment?
If I see your house is on fire at 2am, do you want me to get you out before the smoke gets you, or should I wait for the fire truck to arrive first?
If a tornado or other disaster leaves you buried in a pile of rubble, do you want me to try to find you and get you out, or should I wait until the authorities arrive, or it collapses on you, whichever comes first?

It looks a little different from that perspective, doesn't it? Yet, in every one of those situations, it's easier, and safer, for me to just make a phone call, or just stand there with my hands in my pockets, and look the other way. Don't worry; if I'm around, and I think I can help, I will try. We can argue over whether you approve of my attitude later.
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Jul 25, 2005
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Columbia, SC
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

Just to set the record straight, dipapa, my background is EMS, not law enforcement, however, I've seen enough nasty crashes caused by drunk drivers, to have about zero tolerance for the species. Had I seen what Mark saw, I would have thought, (as he apparently did), "drunk driver" (not "road rage"), and I would have called it in, along with the plate if I could get it; if that driver then turned into a neighborhood, I would have followed, provided I could do so within the speed limit and at a safe distance, until the police clearly had him in sight. If I had video evidence of the offense (as Mark did) I would inform the police of this fact, and give them my contact info in case they needed that, or my testimony in court. If you had seen some of what I have, you just might feel the same way.

As for those Saturday morning blasts you speak of, you might want to think about what happens, if and when you hit a piece of road debris at "6000rpm in 4th". Others before you have done that; the result is often not very pretty. It's not a controlled environment, like a track, where there are flaggers to warn you of oil, debris, etc. on the course. If you want to play, take it to the track, where your odds, and everyone else's, are much better. That open public road, inviting as it may appear, is far more likely to have something on it you can't anticipate, and can't see at speed, until it's too late. Just remember; you only have to be unlucky once.


Aug 20, 2008
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San Jose, CA
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

Wow! EMS. You must have a thick skin and a strong stomach. You make the difference between life and death. That's power!

I wanted to be a DR. but after fainting 2 times during blood tests as a youth I realized medical area was not an option. Well for me, I bailed out after one year of starting a phd in engineering cause I got tired of proffessors telling me what to do.

In any event, to set the record straight, I am really against road rage cause when tempers flare the devil comes out. Im also not very lucky. I lost 2 nice cars due to hit and run drivers, who, as i recall, seemed angry cause of their aparent driving instantly before the accident. They were never caught by the cops, even after a call, because everything happened so quick, nobody reacted. Hell, I don't blame people for not reacting, it's not their crisis, it was mine. That's normal, but some like to be heroes which is "ok" but their is no right answer cause sometimes you can make a difference, sometimes you cant and sometimes it gets worse, so err on the side of whats safe.

The second hit and run, I walked away, by some miracle, after getting fender broadsided and sent spinning through the large island and head into oncoming traffic right between 2 large industrial trucks. If either had hit me my DNA still be in that car. In each case I got out to try and run after the drivers and
attempt get in a fellow drivers car to chase him but no luck there with help. Im still happy and love the cities i have lived in cause I find i get bored if im not there.

I recommend if any live in Little town not to move to the big city cause maybe life won't be so good.

Thanks for the advice. I will defintely try to subdue the thought of 6000rpm in 4th.
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Apr 3, 2006
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Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

If there is a lesson here it would be that all the yellow vipers on this page are cool as hell

Finally, a voice of reason. :D


Aug 1, 2009
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NW Jersey
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

After watching the video again... I found some good Youtubes that put this childishness into perspective..




Apr 11, 2003
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Spring, Texas
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

I viewed the video. Here is what the likely defense will be. He was not trying to hit Mark's car. He was merely trying to get a closer look because he and his kids got excited about seeing a Viper. The Viper then turned around and followed him. He had his kids in the car and became fearful. He tried to scare the Viper off by backing up toward it and that did not work. He was about to go into his house with his children and call the police when the police showed up and the officer approached his truck with his gun drawn.

The prosecutor will probably decide that the case should not be brought to trial and some hand slap will be negotiated.
You really nailed it here. Well said. I found the law really does protect the criminals when my 99 Viper was stolen last year.


Nov 4, 2005
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Greensburg, Kentucky
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

patentlaw,there are 2 drives before the light that he past which would be illegal.Its not allowed to enter turn for the light that early not only that but when I dodged him he went into oncoming lanes behind me.

Bad Bee,

I agree with you. I sort of mentioned it that there was no turns in the direction of the Viper but in the SUV direction there were two.

I also agree that he entered the lanes early, therefore reckless driving, in my opinion, would be an appropriate charge. I am just giving you the arguments here and trying to protect you. Let you know "the ways out" that the other side will try to use.

Your best argument is that only after 20 seconds of driving down the road, he stopped the vehicle and drove backwards after you. Nobody stops their car after 20 seconds of travelling down a road and tries to ram another car.

NONE OF THE COMMENTS ABOVE TAKE THAT INTO ACCOUNT. Again, I will state, that after 20 seconds, this guy stops and drives after you. That is not ordinary activity.

I find it hillarious that in other threads, especially in Texas, people spout off and say it is ok for a next door neighbor to come outside, see his neighbors house get robbed, pull out a gun and shoot the felons in the back. That level of involvement is ok. But for you, driving legally on the road near your own house, about 30 miles per hour, you should have ignorred the situation.

Again, the second incident shows that this guy was a problem. It speaks volumes. Your are not in the wrong here in my opinion.


Feb 15, 2008
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Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

I find it hillarious that in other threads, especially in Texas, people spout off and say it is ok for a next door neighbor to come outside, see his neighbors house get robbed, pull out a gun and shoot the felons in the back. That level of involvement is ok. But for you, driving legally on the road near your own house, about 30 miles per hour, you should have ignorred the situation.

Again, the second incident shows that this guy was a problem. It speaks volumes. Your are not in the wrong here in my opinion.




Jun 29, 2007
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Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

Holy Yellow Vipers batman...this post is on FIRE!

Mark...I am glad you are ok. 90% of the people that comment here have not been involved in anything of the sort and are clueless to how they would react in said can think they would act a certain way, but once they are in that situation, adrenaline kicks in and one may react completely different (raises hand), so let's just all chill out and go out and drive... :drive:

Now, if the truck's tag said: I8AVPR, then it would be on like donkey kong and there should be plenty of intent on that bisssh.


Nov 26, 2002
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Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

I think Mark did the right thing. People are nuts now days. My wife was driving me around one night and some rednecks in a jacked up 4x4 started hitting the brakes in front of her. She passed them and then cut off on our country road. They followed us with bright lights on our bumper harassing us. She stopped, I bailed out with Mr G and boy did they book.
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Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

Bad Bee,

I agree with you. I sort of mentioned it that there was no turns in the direction of the Viper but in the SUV direction there were two.

I also agree that he entered the lanes early, therefore reckless driving, in my opinion, would be an appropriate charge. I am just giving you the arguments here and trying to protect you. Let you know "the ways out" that the other side will try to use.

Your best argument is that only after 20 seconds of driving down the road, he stopped the vehicle and drove backwards after you. Nobody stops their car after 20 seconds of travelling down a road and tries to ram another car.

NONE OF THE COMMENTS ABOVE TAKE THAT INTO ACCOUNT. Again, I will state, that after 20 seconds, this guy stops and drives after you. That is not ordinary activity.

I find it hillarious that in other threads, especially in Texas, people spout off and say it is ok for a next door neighbor to come outside, see his neighbors house get robbed, pull out a gun and shoot the felons in the back. That level of involvement is ok. But for you, driving legally on the road near your own house, about 30 miles per hour, you should have ignorred the situation.

Again, the second incident shows that this guy was a problem. It speaks volumes. Your are not in the wrong here in my opinion.

20 seconds is a long time if you have your children in the car and you feel threatened. Many years ago while I was driving my then modified Maserati Biturbo E in downtown South Miami, a punk kid was about a foot from my bumper and would not back off. I was far less patient and thoughtful than I am now. I put up with about six seconds of it and stopped the car in front of him. ( I did not slam on my brakes but because of traffic, he had no place to go.) I proceeded get out of my car and go up to his window and let him know in a rather aggressive fashion that I was not pleased with what he was doing and what the consequences to him might be if he did not stop. My behavior at the time was immature and impulsive. No police were involved and other drivers in back of me, who had seen what he was doing, seemed to approve. I only tell the story to point out what can happen and how fast it can happen. I think that Bad Bee did the right thing but there was considerable risk involved in what he did. As pointed out above, the truck driver could have gotten out of the truck and started shooting instead of just backing up.


Aug 20, 2008
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San Jose, CA
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

made me think of this....From U2..the band

"Here come the man
With the look in his eye
Fed on nothing
But full of pride
Look at them go
Look at them kick
Makes you wonder how the other half live

The devil inside
The devil inside
Every single one of us the devil inside

The devil inside
The devil inside
Every single one of us the devil inside

Here come the world
With the look in its eye
Future uncertain but certainly slight
Look at the faces
Listen to the bells
It's hard to believe we need a place called hell"

Holy Yellow Vipers batman...this post is on FIRE!

Mark...I am glad you are ok. 90% of the people that comment here have not been involved in anything of the sort and are clueless to how they would react in said can think they would act a certain way, but once they are in that situation, adrenaline kicks in and one may react completely different (raises hand), so let's just all chill out and go out and drive... :drive:

Now, if the truck's tag said: I8AVPR, then it would be on like donkey kong and there should be plenty of intent on that bisssh.


VCA Venom Member
Nov 12, 2000
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Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

I think goldcup was being facetious, satirical.
"SERIOUSLY" goldcup??? And not take him off the road before he gets his kids hurt/killed or another person???? COME ON!!!! It came out for the better I think in this particular situation! No harm came to anybody and it could have prevented a worse situation later on! By this happening he'll think twice (hopefully) before he tries this stunt again. Good job Mark!!! :2tu: You could have saved a life somewhere down the line!

Mark gets my vote for having some character, in the face of risk.

Sometimes, my insecurities gnaw at me, and I get agitated beyond what is warranted for the situation. When I was younger, (20s) I was ********** at somebody almost ALL THE TIME, always getting into road battles and fights. I lost my cool all too easily. But as I get older, (49 now) it gets easier. I'm more secure in myself now, less threatened by the world. Its kinda of a balancing act.

I have had two different drivers, (different days) with whom I had had no contact, no run-ins, not even drove alongside them within hundreds of feet, when out of nowhere, they decide they dont like Vipers, or Viper owners, or they feel slighted by my presence as they drive their 1982 Ford Fairmont home from a long frustrating day of flipping burgers, then they decide to swerve at my car, so I have to serve out of my lane so they dont hit my beautiful car, and they knew I would, cuz they got nuttin to lose, but I do. I got even with one of them one time, but I didnt even feel good about doing so. They hit my button, I reacted, got my pound of flesh, but afterwards I only felt childish, rather than vindicated. I've got a new plan now, that sorta works for me so far. When someone acts stupid around me, I just let it go, and try to keep my personal composure. For me, this is the victory, in that I dont lose my cool. THats the character development point I am at. Keeping cool makes me feel like a winner, instead of that insecure hot head I was in my 20s, that reactionary fool that always felt slighted at the slightest provocation, and always had to over react. (This statement of my personal experiences does NOT have anything to do with Mark's actions, as each case is different) Mark did what any man would do.

Two songs to check out, that deal with these issues-
Tightrope, by Stevie Ray Vaughn.
FreeFall, by Robin Trower

Bad Bee

Viper Owner
Jan 26, 2008
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Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

Goldcup was just playing around he's mu bud

Bad Bee

Viper Owner
Jan 26, 2008
Reaction score
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

I think I held my composure very well I did not even curse one time.I stayed calm even after the second attempt.I could not believe what was going on it was surreal

99 R/T 10

Jun 4, 2001
Reaction score
Enterprise, AL USA
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

I think we can close this thread. Mark did what was right in his situation. Another situation might be different, but you have to evaluate each situation on its own merits. I say, good job Mark, just next time, carry a small .40 just in case............ :2tu:


Viper Owner
Jan 19, 2010
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Vancouver BC
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

+1 in agreement to bad bee, I would have done the same thing.

got to laugh at the people who say just call the plate in to the cops... they would do absolutely nothing... I have been hit by someone who refused to stop so I phoned in with the plate number and they said theres nothing they can do if they don't know his location.


Sep 20, 2009
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Downingtown, PA
Re: Viper drive that starts with Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter and ends with Polic

I can fully understand and appreciate the actions Bad Bee took.

In my frat days, I was known as Batman......
There was a convenience store not far from where I lived that I used to frequent (bad ice cream habit). As a frequent customer, I sort of knew the employees. One night I pulled up and was getting out of the car as 2 guys came running out, odd thing was the second guy had the cash register. The store clerk came out and said they were being robbed, I told him to call 911 and grabbed a protective device from the car and chased the guys down. The guy with the cash register dropped it, picked up a baseball bat and started coming at me .... for some reason, he backed down and the cops rammed their getaway car as it was exiting the bank parking lot across the street.
In the trial, the driver of the car who was parked in a vacant bank parking lot, in the back corner tried to pull the old ... I was just sitting here and these other two guys jumped in my car and told me to drive....he got more time than the guys who were actually robbing the store as they were admitting their crimes and he was trying to play games

Way to go Bad Bee

Batman ......

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