Viper Tech\'s or anyone HELP!!!
This is about to drive me crazy. Decided to take my 94 for a ride awhile ago. Car ran fine and all of a sudden it popped back and died. Haven't been able to get it started since. Fuel pump primes injectors, starter cranks enging it just won't fire. When the DRB is hooked up to give a code it will not locate the PCM.Ordered an new PCM from DC and installed it, same thing cannot locate it. The DRB has the correct card (works on othe model cars) and is the one used by DC dealerships.Checked with the Chuck Tator and he said it was a new one on him and he never had that problem before. Anyone else ever have this problem in locating the PCM with the DRB????? If so what is the fix.
This is about to drive me crazy. Decided to take my 94 for a ride awhile ago. Car ran fine and all of a sudden it popped back and died. Haven't been able to get it started since. Fuel pump primes injectors, starter cranks enging it just won't fire. When the DRB is hooked up to give a code it will not locate the PCM.Ordered an new PCM from DC and installed it, same thing cannot locate it. The DRB has the correct card (works on othe model cars) and is the one used by DC dealerships.Checked with the Chuck Tator and he said it was a new one on him and he never had that problem before. Anyone else ever have this problem in locating the PCM with the DRB????? If so what is the fix.