Viper vs. Z06 1/4 mile time question

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Viper Owner
Jan 5, 2009
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Wellington, Florida
As a relative newcomer to the Viper world I have been watching this with interest. I really don't have an ax to grind with the corvette enthusiast as I am a corvette owner also (although vintage muscle, not new). I have several observations.

1. I think Twister is largely on the money in his analysis. I have been to the tract a couple of times now with my Viper and I am the only one there. There must have been over a dozen late model vettes and 3 z06s I saw personally. Bottom line: there are a lot more vettes drag racing than vipers. Accordingly, the number of passes made in these vehicles are probably 10-20 times the number of viper passes made at drag strips on a cumlative basis. As a whole, this provides far more opportunities to refine the combination to get the best out of it.

2. Of those that do drag race vipers, I have not seen very many really trying to optimize the stock package. Again Twister is right that most mod there cars to make insane horsepower (which is not hard to do) and drag race those. So the pool of owners really spending some time (and having the skills to boot) to optimize a stock viper is not a large group. I happen to have an interest in doing that so we will see (and both my other cars are high horsepower, very limited traction cars on radials also so this is what I am used too). It is also a fact that to optimize a stock viper is more difficult than to optimize a Z because of the torque and powerband of the car.

3. To this end, only Furman and 1BadGTS seem to be the only two 08 viper owners with stockers that have tried very hard to see what this car can do and neither of those are recent. Again, I believe there are legions of z06 owners trying to get a 10 second slip stock all over the country.

4. If I can take a stock 06 and turn an 11.80 at 120 with less than 25 passes on the car I am quite sure I will see an 11.60-11.70 run with somemore time in the car. This puts a stock 03-06 quite close to the average times posted by Jamie (thanks Jamie very complete list) and better than many.

5. So the real questions is why aren't there more 08 owners out there really trying to see what that car can do. With over 100 HP more than my 06 this car should see a 10 second slip under the very favorable conditions Jamie mentioned at 130-132 with a good driver. Period. What is really lacking is the owners efforts to do so, as Twister mentioned, because most Viper owners really don't care about this. But if they did it would surely end this debate.

jamie furman

Nov 15, 2000
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woodbridge va
Speedfreak I can answer your question, because Vipers are extremely hard to bring out of the hole with their gearing and it takes time and patience and most guys just throw horsepower at the problem instead of their driving ability, but the problem is still the same and that is holeshot. The Vette is more forgiving with 3.42 gears and less torque and comes out much better and for every good leave you are able to achieve in a Viper the Vette will give you 5. You mentioned that with some practice you should be able to get an 11.7 with the Viper which is close to the average Z06 which I agree with, but that will be your best compared to only average for the Z06. Because best for Z06 is low 11's high 10's.


Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
Are all these visits to the track and 1/4 mile passes in the 08 you have for sale?...

Just curious....
pS AND if ITS any OF YOUR Business (which its not )the car in question made ALL of 5 runs


Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
Not everyone goes on these boards or posts their best runs so there probably is many more passes that no one ever sees or heres about in a Viper and Vette that are good runs but here are some of the ones posted on the Vette board. They are from all over the country from Md to Tex and Co. I sure there are many other but here are guys that posted their timeslips and the conditions they were running in. And keep in mind ANY CAR, no matter what the make is going to run their best times on a cool day and a sticky track not a hot slippery one so I doubt many people will be talking about how great their Viper of Vette runs in the middle of August at any track in the country. One other common denominator you will notice is 60' time is the key to a good pass and .1 tenth in the 60' usually equals .2 tenths in the quarter mile and the biggest difference you will find in the Viper or the Vettes performance will definately be the DRIVER! I find most of the time the guys doubting the validity or the possibility of another cars performance is usually just a case of if I can't drive that fast you can't either, because they think they are a much better driver than they actually are and probably only about 10 percent of the cars sold actually have a driver that is capable of getting the most out of them, leaving the other 90 percent of the guys dissapointed.

Bone-Stock on Stock Tires ------*Current Avg. 11.469 secs. @ 124.114 mph 1.841 secs

1----10.981 @ 128.90--1.77---jamie furman------'06. -----Details
2----11.138 @ 127.20--1.76---Ranger------'06. -----Details
3----11.242 @ 122.38--1.68---Dr.Ron------'06. ----------Details
4----11.311 @ 122.89--1.80---BLU-BY-U------'06. -----Details
5----11.349 @ 124.97--1.75---zosix427-----'06. -------Details
6----11.392 @ 124.84--1.92--- C5 Frank------'06-------Details
7----11.443 @ 125.93--1.95---O7zeeO6------'07----Details
8----11.450 @ 125.92--1.88---dgdoc------'06. -------Details
9----11.458 @ 124.13--1.80---layjzay----- '06 -------Details
10---11.488 @ 123.86--1.80---Z06kait-----'07-------Details
11---11.545 @ 123.16--1.83---dpracing-----'07 -------Details
12---11.557 @ 126.68--1.95---Incon306-----'07 -------Details
13---11.560 @ 124.53--1.85---Zlicious-----'06. -------Details
14---11.627 @ 121.67--1.83---BLK BZT-----'06 -------Details
15---11.638 @ 122.46--1.88---Chempwr-----'07-------Details
16---11.641 @ 120.71--1.78---svt2z06-----'08 -------Details
17---11.687 @ 121.41--1.97---linuxrepublican------'08 -----Details
18---11.695 @ 122.44--1.93---vredvet-----'08-------Details
19---11.705 @ 126.13--2.12---dpracing-----'09 ------Details
20---11.709 @ 121.41--1.86---JWGJR------'07 -------Details

******The Current Top 17 Average Bone Stock, Stock Tires Category C6 Z06 Fast List Splits*****

60'.............1.841 secs
330'...........4.980 secs
660'...........7.503 secs
660’ mph.....97.68 mph
1000'...........9.652 secs
1320'..........11.469 secs
1320’ mph…. 124.114 mph

Bone-Stock, except Non-Stock Tires ------*Current Avg. 10.991 secs. @ 128.03 mph. 1.716 secs

1--10.831 @ 130.05--1.70---jamie furman------'06. -----Details
2--10.856 @ 129.50--1.67---Ranger------'06. -----Details
3--10.912 @ 126.32--1.62---Dr.Ron------'06. -----Details
4--11.139 @ 128.68--1.80---dpracing-----'09 -----Details
5--11.222 @ 125.61--1.79---Incon306------'07 ------Details

******The Current Average Bone Stock, Non Stock Tires Category C6 Z06 Fast List Splits*****

60'.............1.716 secs
660'...........7.150 secs
660’ mph.....101.42 mph
1320'..........10.991 secs
1320’ mph…. 128.03 mph
GR 8 ASP what was your exact point again


Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
I see. You only count runs that you like and discount those you do not. As an fyi those runs are typical for the Z06 at that track. It is at 900 ft and not ideal in any way. To get into the 11's you need an excellent run. You need to leave Maryland and visit some of the rest of the country.

In fact I defy you or anyone else to get a 11.5 at that track under normal test and tune conditions (and no they do not apply VHT for test and tune).
Oh yeah thats right.


Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
From the DATA provided by Mr Furman it appears that INFACT there are 11 second runs (stock Z06 )from all over the country.


Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
As a relative newcomer to the Viper world I have been watching this with interest. I really don't have an ax to grind with the corvette enthusiast as I am a corvette owner also (although vintage muscle, not new). I have several observations.

1. I think Twister is largely on the money in his analysis. I have been to the tract a couple of times now with my Viper and I am the only one there. There must have been over a dozen late model vettes and 3 z06s I saw personally. Bottom line: there are a lot more vettes drag racing than vipers. Accordingly, the number of passes made in these vehicles are probably 10-20 times the number of viper passes made at drag strips on a cumlative basis. As a whole, this provides far more opportunities to refine the combination to get the best out of it.

2. Of those that do drag race vipers, I have not seen very many really trying to optimize the stock package. Again Twister is right that most mod there cars to make insane horsepower (which is not hard to do) and drag race those. So the pool of owners really spending some time (and having the skills to boot) to optimize a stock viper is not a large group. I happen to have an interest in doing that so we will see (and both my other cars are high horsepower, very limited traction cars on radials also so this is what I am used too). It is also a fact that to optimize a stock viper is more difficult than to optimize a Z because of the torque and powerband of the car.

3. To this end, only Furman and 1BadGTS seem to be the only two 08 viper owners with stockers that have tried very hard to see what this car can do and neither of those are recent. Again, I believe there are legions of z06 owners trying to get a 10 second slip stock all over the country.

4. If I can take a stock 06 and turn an 11.80 at 120 with less than 25 passes on the car I am quite sure I will see an 11.60-11.70 run with somemore time in the car. This puts a stock 03-06 quite close to the average times posted by Jamie (thanks Jamie very complete list) and better than many.

5. So the real questions is why aren't there more 08 owners out there really trying to see what that car can do. With over 100 HP more than my 06 this car should see a 10 second slip under the very favorable conditions Jamie mentioned at 130-132 with a good driver. Period. What is really lacking is the owners efforts to do so, as Twister mentioned, because most Viper owners really don't care about this. But if they did it would surely end this debate.
Great points if i may the problem with threads like this is when people with NO or limited Viper DRAG RACING EXPERIANCE offer their opinions that are factually dead wrong.On top of that EXCUSES are made, like its not really considered a 10 second pass (in their eyes ) because it was made at a coastal track in 38 deg weather ***.As you mentioned if more Viper owners would actually get out to the track (instead of bench racing on their computers )Alot OF THIS BS WOULD END.


Viper Owner
Jun 6, 2007
Reaction score
Since the 'vette guys have taken over this thread and BS rules. It seems that it's new purpose is to put down the Viper it's time to close it off - should have been close around page 3.

What is consistent is that the vette guys sure love their Z06s



Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
When speaking of people that are factually dead wrong TED always appears to no doubt speak about his supercharged Gen 2 can bea a New Z06 even though he 500 miles away from a racetrack,a new Z06 or Gen 4 Viper.


Viper Owner
Jun 6, 2007
Reaction score
So, the best you can do is make up insults? Even after I admit that you obviously LOVE your vette?

Since you have to BS to make up insults while you should have taken my comment as a compliment ...

It's pretty obvious who is "people that are factually dead wrong "

I guess I should point out, since no one seems to know any NHRA rules, 11.5 requires a roll bar unless it's a Viper (re: Roadster) thenit needs a roll bar at 13.0 sec.

You're saying that we should all break the rules??? We should ignore the rules and practise breaking the rules? Hey, if I go to the track (200mi. away) I'll get kicked off as soon as I go quicker than 11.5. Unless they get carried away with all the SFI equipment blower restraining straps etc. I don't have on my Street car.

I don't racetrack and it's for a good reason. If I was gonna race, I'd use a race car like the Arrow I built myself.

To take a too fast Street car and brag about a couple thousands of a sec. ...



Jan 19, 2006
Reaction score
Are you having a bad day...

You made six of the last seven posts... You are talking to youself....:lmao:


pS AND if ITS any OF YOUR Business (which its not )the car in question made ALL of 5 runs

GR 8 ASP what was your exact point again

Oh yeah thats right.

From the DATA provided by Mr Furman it appears that INFACT there are 11 second runs (stock Z06 )from all over the country.

Great points if i may the problem with threads like this is when people with NO or limited Viper DRAG RACING EXPERIANCE offer their opinions that are factually dead wrong.On top of that EXCUSES are made, like its not really considered a 10 second pass (in their eyes ) because it was made at a coastal track in 38 deg weather ***.As you mentioned if more Viper owners would actually get out to the track (instead of bench racing on their computers )Alot OF THIS BS WOULD END.

When speaking of people that are factually dead wrong TED always appears to no doubt speak about his supercharged Gen 2 can bea a New Z06 even though he 500 miles away from a racetrack,a new Z06 or Gen 4 Viper.


Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
So, the best you can do is make up insults? Even after I admit that you obviously LOVE your vette?

Since you have to BS to make up insults while you should have taken my comment as a compliment ...

It's pretty obvious who is "people that are factually dead wrong "

I guess I should point out, since no one seems to know any NHRA rules, 11.5 requires a roll bar unless it's a Viper (re: Roadster) thenit needs a roll bar at 13.0 sec.

You're saying that we should all break the rules??? We should ignore the rules and practise breaking the rules? Hey, if I go to the track (200mi. away) I'll get kicked off as soon as I go quicker than 11.5. Unless they get carried away with all the SFI equipment blower restraining straps etc. I don't have on my Street car.

I don't racetrack and it's for a good reason. If I was gonna race, I'd use a race car like the Arrow I built myself.

To take a too fast Street car and brag about a couple thousands of a sec. ...

Ted ,what does the topic of NHRA rules concerning roll bars have to do with this topic.My runs of 11.4 was ob tained during a Mag PRIVATE TEST SESSION thats closed to the public.


Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
Ps Ted i have not owned a Vette since 1993 the year i started buying and RACING Vipers.


Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
You have to drive 200 miles to get to a track (BASICALLY you never ,EVER go or race )yet your involved in this topic -TYPICAL


Mar 18, 2008
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Maybe Ted will let me borrow his 440 Duster AKA THE VETTE KILLER untill i can get an ACR.


Viper Owner
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
Wellington, Florida
Speedfreak I can answer your question, because Vipers are extremely hard to bring out of the hole with their gearing and it takes time and patience and most guys just throw horsepower at the problem instead of their driving ability, but the problem is still the same and that is holeshot. The Vette is more forgiving with 3.42 gears and less torque and comes out much better and for every good leave you are able to achieve in a Viper the Vette will give you 5. You mentioned that with some practice you should be able to get an 11.7 with the Viper which is close to the average Z06 which I agree with, but that will be your best compared to only average for the Z06. Because best for Z06 is low 11's high 10's.

I agree and while I have never driven a Z at the strip the evidence suggests you are right. And one more thing that I am sure won't win me a popularity contest buts seems also well supported by the Z times is that it is making more horsepower at the wheels. I am pretty sure that with a short time of 1.8 (like I was running the other night) and better traction in the 1-2 shift my car will turn an 11.6 and surely and 11.7 and will trap around 122. That is a strong car, but the e.t. for a Z running a short time in the 1.8 range is well below that and the trap speed is 124 plus. Now that could actually mean two things - 1. The average Z makes more horsepower than the average Viper, or 2. The Z guys are moding the car and not telling the whole truth!! But given the number of documented fast times in a Z I think it is probably mostly the first and sometimes the second. Again, I am new around here but I am not familiar with any stock 03-06 Vipers traping 125 plus in the quarter, regardless of weather conditions.

But again, this advantage changes with the 08 which is why some people need to get out there and really see what she can do. In many ways its a numbers game. What are there maybe 1000 08 vipers? And of those how many are really drag raced by anyone that can drive? With the z06 having been out for years now there are probably 10-20 times as many on the road and more importantly on THE TRACK.


Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
I agree and while I have never driven a Z at the strip the evidence suggests you are right. And one more thing that I am sure won't win me a popularity contest buts seems also well supported by the Z times is that it is making more horsepower at the wheels. I am pretty sure that with a short time of 1.8 (like I was running the other night) and better traction in the 1-2 shift my car will turn an 11.6 and surely and 11.7 and will trap around 122. That is a strong car, but the e.t. for a Z running a short time in the 1.8 range is well below that and the trap speed is 124 plus. Now that could actually mean two things - 1. The average Z makes more horsepower than the average Viper, or 2. The Z guys are moding the car and not telling the whole truth!! But given the number of documented fast times in a Z I think it is probably mostly the first and sometimes the second. Again, I am new around here but I am not familiar with any stock 03-06 Vipers traping 125 plus in the quarter, regardless of weather conditions.

But again, this advantage changes with the 08 which is why some people need to get out there and really see what she can do. In many ways its a numbers game. What are there maybe 1000 08 vipers? And of those how many are really drag raced by anyone that can drive? With the z06 having been out for years now there are probably 10-20 times as many on the road and more importantly on THE TRACK.
Exactly go to a test and tune night at any MAJOR track in this country and on any given night you will see AT LEAST 5 NEW Z06s .


Viper Owner
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
Wellington, Florida
I agree and while I have never driven a Z at the strip the evidence suggests you are right. And one more thing that I am sure won't win me a popularity contest buts seems also well supported by the Z times is that it is making more horsepower at the wheels. I am pretty sure that with a short time of 1.8 (like I was running the other night) and better traction in the 1-2 shift my car will turn an 11.6 and surely and 11.7 and will trap around 122. That is a strong car, but the e.t. for a Z running a short time in the 1.8 range is well below that and the trap speed is 124 plus. Now that could actually mean two things - 1. The average Z makes more horsepower than the average Viper, or 2. The Z guys are moding the car and not telling the whole truth!! But given the number of documented fast times in a Z I think it is probably mostly the first and sometimes the second. Again, I am new around here but I am not familiar with any stock 03-06 Vipers traping 125 plus in the quarter, regardless of weather conditions.

But again, this advantage changes with the 08 which is why some people need to get out there and really see what she can do. In many ways its a numbers game. What are there maybe 1000 08 vipers? And of those how many are really drag raced by anyone that can drive? With the z06 having been out for years now there are probably 10-20 times as many on the road and more importantly on THE TRACK.

Woops! I forgot about the weight difference between the two cars. So actually the power levels are similar.!


Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
In regard to Gen 4 Vipers there is probably less than 1000 of them on the road in the world (alot STILL ON DEALER LOTS UNSOLD ).Out of that 1000 very few are raced.Jamie had an excellent point in regards to ET when he said people throw horsepower at a problem instead of learning to drive .Any body that has driven a Gen 4 Viper in weather under 55 degrees knows just how hard it is to hook it up bone stock thats why you see 127 PLUS mph trap speeds and high 11 second ET


Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
In regards to the Gen 4 posting a 10 secnd run stock on Pilots it can be done but all of the conditions have to right and the owner flat out has to be resigned to the fact that he has to beat on his 80 grand car.The last time i was at the track with my GEN 4 it ran 11.3 at 129.7 in 70 degree weather (1.9 short time )Smith was convinced he could have gone 11.2 BUT thats with driving it extremely aggressively .The barametric horsepower index indicated there was no way that day he was going to run 10s so i pulled the car after the 11.3 (second pass of the day.)When it gets colder the car is going to make more power BUT on Pilots the catch 22 is its going to be tough to hook up.

jamie furman

Nov 15, 2000
Reaction score
woodbridge va
Since the 'vette guys have taken over this thread and BS rules. It seems that it's new purpose is to put down the Viper it's time to close it off - should have been close around page 3.

What is consistent is that the vette guys sure love their Z06s


Actually I don't love my Z06 or my Viper they are just cars! I love my family, cars are cars period. Maybe when you figure that out you won't take things so personal and will realize it doesn't matter who makes them because you sure didn't, and they are what they are and they run what they run, just metal and fiberglass is all they are!


Viper Owner
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
Wellington, Florida
I just thought about something else too. Isn't the Z offered in an automatic? If so this is yet another inbread advantage as consistency and traction go up with this as well. Frankly, the more I think about this the more impressed I am with the VIPER. Lets see:

3.42 gear vs. 3.07 - advantage Z
Auto vs. Stick - advantage Z
3100 pounds vs 3380 pounds - advantage Z
7200 redline vs. 6000 redline - advantage Z

With all of this going for it the Z should be winning. The fact that the viper is competitive and even wins a fair amount on an average to average car/drivers speaks volumes about what an impressive car the VIPER is. If you evened up the gearing and weight I think the VIPER would consisently walk all over the Z. Add and auto and it would be even more impressive.

jamie furman

Nov 15, 2000
Reaction score
woodbridge va
I just thought about something else too. Isn't the Z offered in an automatic? If so this is yet another inbread advantage as consistency and traction go up with this as well. Frankly, the more I think about this the more impressed I am with the VIPER. Lets see:

3.42 gear vs. 3.07 - advantage Z
Auto vs. Stick - advantage Z
3100 pounds vs 3380 pounds - advantage Z
7200 redline vs. 6000 redline - advantage Z

With all of this going for it the Z should be winning. The fact that the viper is competitive and even wins a fair amount on an average to average car/drivers speaks volumes about what an impressive car the VIPER is. If you evened up the gearing and weight I think the VIPER would consisently walk all over the Z. Add and auto and it would be even more impressive.

Z06's only come with manual transmissions. Both cars are better than the other in some respects but the bottom line is they are BOTH AMERICAN ICONS! Some prefer the Viper and some prefer the Vette and some of us prefer both. Each without the other wouldn't be the car it is today! Anyone that bash's either one is a chump and must have a bad case of (If I own it its the best syndrome) and the guys that bash the Vette I wonder what they were driving before Vipers came out in 92, I guess they all had new Labaron's or K Cars. The Viper bashers probably just wish they had one.


May 28, 1998
Reaction score
Originally Posted by GR8_ASP
I see. You only count runs that you like and discount those you do not. As an fyi those runs are typical for the Z06 at that track. It is at 900 ft and not ideal in any way. To get into the 11's you need an excellent run. You need to leave Maryland and visit some of the rest of the country.

In fact I defy you or anyone else to get a 11.5 at that track under normal test and tune conditions (and no they do not apply VHT for test and tune).
Oh yeah thats right.

Yes, that is correct. What is not correct? If you dispute something at least communicate what you dispute instead of acting like a 2 year old and saying "yeah thats (sic) right." Again I challenge YOU to beat a 11.5 second run at that specific track.

Note also that TWO, exactly TWO, of the 20 times listed are for non coastal locations. And neither of them were below 11.5. Wonder upon wonders!

Tracks indicated for each of the 20 times posted:
Mir Raceway Budds Creek Md
Maryland International Raceway, Budds Creek, MD
Atco Raceway
Moroso Motorsprts Park, Florida
Maryland International Raceway
Capitol Raceway
State capitol raceway
New England Dragway
Moroso motorsports park South Florida
Sacramento Raceway
Mid-Michigan Motorplex
Byron Dragway, IL
Maryland International raceway
California Speedway
Houston Raceway Park
Maryland International Raceway
Palm beach Intl. raceway
Cecil County Dragway, MD


Viper Owner
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
I just thought about something else too. Isn't the Z offered in an automatic? If so this is yet another inbread advantage as consistency and traction go up with this as well. Frankly, the more I think about this the more impressed I am with the VIPER. Lets see:

3.42 gear vs. 3.07 - advantage Z
Auto vs. Stick - advantage Z
3100 pounds vs 3380 pounds - advantage Z
7200 redline vs. 6000 redline - advantage Z

With all of this going for it the Z should be winning. The fact that the viper is competitive and even wins a fair amount on an average to average car/drivers speaks volumes about what an impressive car the VIPER is. If you evened up the gearing and weight I think the VIPER would consisently walk all over the Z. Add and auto and it would be even more impressive.

The Z06 does not have an automatic option.
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