Jay Herbert
It's that time again..... VOI!
For info on past VOI's be sure to visit the VOI Experiences From the Past Forum.
I'll start things by saying VOI is worth every penny of the event fee. The food is fantastic, lots of goodies, great access to folks from Chrysler and Team Viper, fun driving activities, fun non-driving activities, lotsa neat things to buy at the Supplier Showcase too..... The fact it is in such a fun place only ads to the excitement.
For info on past VOI's be sure to visit the VOI Experiences From the Past Forum.
I'll start things by saying VOI is worth every penny of the event fee. The food is fantastic, lots of goodies, great access to folks from Chrysler and Team Viper, fun driving activities, fun non-driving activities, lotsa neat things to buy at the Supplier Showcase too..... The fact it is in such a fun place only ads to the excitement.