Any plans for an active rear differential?
New car looks fantastic!
New car looks fantastic!
You had the interior selections at the show (thanks for that), but we didn't have samples of the color selections. The zip drive has a list of the colors, but no samples. When can we get an idea (swatches) of the colors for the cars? Are there going to be any special "intro" colors (e.g. first 300, for your most loyal owners who have many vipers).
Also, it was discussed that we have a hood selection on the GTS, are there pros and cons of which hood one should get?
Thanks for the time, making an awesome car, and a great experience at the NY show.
First off, thanks for taking the time to sit and answer all of our questions!
My question is what was changed engine wise to gain the 40 extra HP? Tuning? Head work? Intake? Exhaust? Just cubes?
Thank you for letting us pick your brains at the Gen V intro in New York. It was nice to meet you guys in person. My question is:
With all the Federally mandated controls now integrated into the Gen V Viper. What data will be recorded in the air bag deployment "Black Box". Also, what tools would be needed to download any such data.
SRT staff great job on the new Viper it met or exceeded what I was hoping for, I have just a question and suggestion.
1. Why 18s on the front 19s all around would be better?
2. Plastic engine covers... a little cheap ... let’s see some nice valve covers like the previous gens.
PS The new GTS interior looks awesome.
The exhaust on the GTS sounds different than the 2010. More "bite". What changed and what were the goals regarding the sound?
What drove the useless near 6th gear in the Gen 4 and what has changed to eliminate it in the Gen 5?
I assumed is was to achieve a maximum MPG and avoid the gas guzzler tax, is the Gen 5 going to exceed the 22.5 MPG required to avoid the tax?
What is the reason for no Fog lights, And will they be installed at a later date or Model.
1. I note that you added a "battery run down protection and vehicle storage mode". Congrats on that. Where is the battery located? Same place as Gen III/IV or different?
2. What spark plugs are being used? Useful life?
3. What is the procedure to remove and reinstall the cross brace shown above the engine for better engine access?
Is there a timeline for a convertable or ACR that you can tell us about? I know the policy about future product so no is an acceptable answer but a guy has to plan ahead when we are talking about a $100k car. Please tell me what you can.
I'd like to know if the Gen 5 still has the same window regulator mechanism that the Gen 3 and Gen 4 has. I've asked the Grail Keeper also if he knows from some of his buddies. I'm asking, not to be a party downer, but to kind of make a point with SRT that they really need to step up to the plate and fix this obvious flaw. There has been so many failures that if the window was safety related there would have been a recall forced by the Feds. I'm still hoping that SRT will step up with a fix and do the right thing.---Dave
Will painting be done in-house? If so what is the process?
Are the wheels powder coated with clear or painted?
The car still has a high coefficient of drag 0.365? Done on purpose for down force? EPA estimates?
Tires filled with nitrogen or air?
Side exhaust decibels?
Standing mile est?
1/4 mile est time and mph?
Top speed? (est of course)
Is the intake manifold on the GEN V ('13 SRT Viper) able to be swapped over to a GEN IV ('08-'10 Dodge Viper)? Also, if this could be done is there any benefit in ding so?
How much cooler will the interior be? Since the new Viper still employs side exhaust will the sills still get as hot as the previous generation?
Great Job on the new car! It looks great in person!
Any plans for an active rear differential?
New car looks fantastic!
1. I note that you added a "battery run down protection and vehicle storage mode". Congrats on that. Where is the battery located? Same place as Gen III/IV or different?
2. What spark plugs are being used? Useful life?
3. What is the procedure to remove and reinstall the cross brace shown above the engine for better engine access?
Will Gen 5 buyers have the option of a color match front grill?
How about a certificate to buy a gen 5 for all the loyal vca members and current Viper owners.
I'm going to order one just like the show car model but with the track pack and glossy black wheels. My wife wants to know if you will be offering a get out of jail and or speeding ticket insurance plan as an option. GTS Bruce
Baiting here:
Will the computer codes to unlock (for tuning purposes) the engine management system be released? Or will the only option for power adders come from SRT?