Wasted throw away pages in Viper Mag

GTS Bruce

Dec 29, 2000
Reaction score
Orchard Park,NY,USA
Save some mailing money in the future. This issue throw out pages 10 and 11. This article should have been in bikers digest or ricer (kawasaki) and rider. The thing with 2 wheels is not a Viper GTS. The listed specs are not of a Viper GTS and the thing with 4 wheels is not a Viper GTS. Its one of those srt things or something. Obviously the writers let these mistakes slip through because they were focusing on blondies tata's a little too much. Pages 14 and 15. Your tax dollars at work. Instead of selling the car and hiring another law enforcement officer they keep it as a parade vehicle. Pages 24 and 25.At first I thought I was looking at the back end of a corvette. Then I realized it was a cow. Really now occasional tata's are ok but ***********? Page 38 Herb Helbig states the obvious "see your viper tech asap but in the meantine have another beer and call me in the morning" Page 40. Bite my lip and say nothing about where to put the grease. LIfestyles page 49. A 1970's fu man chu, rag head and all the pharmaceutical enhancements one could stand and still be considered human. Page 58,Rub a dub dub. Cruising in a tub. GTS Bruce:drive:


Save some mailing money in the future. This issue throw out pages 10 and 11. This article should have been in bikers digest or ricer (kawasaki) and rider. The thing with 2 wheels is not a Viper GTS. The listed specs are not of a Viper GTS and the thing with 4 wheels is not a Viper GTS. Its one of those srt things or something. Obviously the writers let these mistakes slip through because they were focusing on blondies tata's a little too much. Pages 14 and 15. Your tax dollars at work. Instead of selling the car and hiring another law enforcement officer they keep it as a parade vehicle. Pages 24 and 25.At first I thought I was looking at the back end of a corvette. Then I realized it was a cow. Really now occasional tata's are ok but ***********? Page 38 Herb Helbig states the obvious "see your viper tech asap but in the meantine have another beer and call me in the morning" Page 40. Bite my lip and say nothing about where to put the grease. LIfestyles page 49. A 1970's fu man chu, rag head and all the pharmaceutical enhancements one could stand and still be considered human. Page 58,Rub a dub dub. Cruising in a tub. GTS Bruce:drive:

Bruce you must have missed this thread-it would have fit right in.



Bruce, interesting comments....seriously. I felt very much the same way about the gease article...odd at best. But, having said that, the spectrum was broader in all regards...I'm ok with experimenting. The police car is ok, think about it, the seizure is crazy wrong, but at least they can't put a shotgun in the front or you in the back...at least not in one piece...

I would like to see....

1. Every issue a write up one one of our more colorful characters (VCA members), that would be a real gass. Seriously a two page write up of the cars and who the heck some of thses folks are! To read Plum's explaination as to why his Viper has a mohair interior or shots of Baz's "Elvis Disco Viper garage and Johnny Rotten Pub", are we ever going to see an update of Big Italians project Charger?? Seriously, we are interesting folks, we have great interests (some incredible cars...not all Dodges) and I for one wuld like to know more about what the heck was going on inside Steve Nelson's house that day (last issue..keep up now folks).

2. Miss Viper centerfold, chosen of course by GTS Bruce....as in, if she is a "cow"...well I cant wait, Bruce!

3. Favorite tech tips by all the great tuners that are also members...

4. A detailed how-to every month ranging from service, to custom mods, to detailing, etc...

5. One (1) worthwhile coupon every issue from a Vendor. Even if its a 5% break.

6. Let the VCA members submit questions from HERE>>>ON THIS SITE!

Seriously,I think the experimenting is a good thing....
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GTS Bruce

Dec 29, 2000
Reaction score
Orchard Park,NY,USA
Four times a year we wait with anticipation for the next issue. Open the package. Most of it is really good but some of it just sux. More intresting articles by VCA chapters would be great especialy from our across the ocean members. But PLEASE! No more cows! GTS Bruce


Nov 7, 2000
Reaction score
New Canaan, CT
The only reason I continue to get the Viper magazine is because I have the rest of them. But my patience is running out. This forums has way more information than all the Viper mags combined.

Kenneth Krieger

Viper Owner
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Metro Phoenix
Write to the magazine and voice your displeasure, AND do just what has been posted here by Damn Yankee......give some EXCELLENT ideas as to what WE the readers want to see, not what the mag THINKS we want to see. They don't know unless you tell them. I will put this on my list to ask questions about this very subject at the National VCA meeting on friday. If enough people make waves, someone WILL listen.

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
tampa, fl USA
Pages 14 and 15. Your tax dollars at work. Instead of selling the car and hiring another law enforcement officer they keep it as a parade vehicle.

I gotta say, the thought of cops stealing a car from an American for their own use is appalling and nothing short of ****.

That said, some of you guys complain about everything. Jeeze.

It would be fine with me if the whole mag was in the same vein as pages 16-21 "Why Vipers Ruled the Racing World" (great article BTW), but some of you would whine about that.
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Viper Magazine: Contacts

Write away. Right away. ;)
Mark and Fiona may both be in AZ and you can probably talk directly with them about the magazine and whatever issues or ideas you may have.
For those that are not going to be attending the meeting and have broken fingers for typing to the contact e-mail there is the old phone number 1-800-998-1110.


Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
lol@dd, for the record i LIKE the mohair interior in my car...:)

see Lee, i can be nice when it comes to the magazine.


Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
Spring, Texas
Save some mailing money in the future. This issue throw out pages 10 and 11. This article should have been in bikers digest or ricer (kawasaki) and rider. The thing with 2 wheels is not a Viper GTS. The listed specs are not of a Viper GTS and the thing with 4 wheels is not a Viper GTS. Its one of those srt things or something. Obviously the writers let these mistakes slip through because they were focusing on blondies tata's a little too much. Pages 14 and 15. Your tax dollars at work. Instead of selling the car and hiring another law enforcement officer they keep it as a parade vehicle. Pages 24 and 25.At first I thought I was looking at the back end of a corvette. Then I realized it was a cow. Really now occasional tata's are ok but ***********? Page 38 Herb Helbig states the obvious "see your viper tech asap but in the meantine have another beer and call me in the morning" Page 40. Bite my lip and say nothing about where to put the grease. LIfestyles page 49. A 1970's fu man chu, rag head and all the pharmaceutical enhancements one could stand and still be considered human. Page 58,Rub a dub dub. Cruising in a tub. GTS Bruce:drive:
Very well said and the magazine has always been a lot of marketing 101 stuff. And I surely wont miss Helbigs exit from the tech session with his see your dealer replies.

Steve 00RT/10

Nov 18, 2000
Reaction score
Bruce, interesting comments....seriously. I felt very much the same way about the gease article...odd at best. But, having said that, the spectrum was broader in all regards...I'm ok with experimenting. The police car is ok, think about it, the seizure is crazy wrong, but at least they can't put a shotgun in the front or you in the back...at least not in one piece...

I would like to see....

1. Every issue a write up one one of our more colorful characters (VCA members), that would be a real gass. Seriously a two page write up of the cars and who the heck some of thses folks are! To read Plum's explaination as to why his Viper has a mohair interior or shots of Baz's "Elvis Disco Viper garage and Johnny Rotten Pub", are we ever going to see an update of Big Italians project Charger?? Seriously, we are interesting folks, we have great interests (some incredible cars...not all Dodges) and I for one wuld like to know more about what the heck was going on inside Steve Nelson's house that day (last issue..keep up now folks).

2. Miss Viper centerfold, chosen of course by GTS Bruce....as in, if she is a "cow"...well I cant wait, Bruce!

3. Favorite tech tips by all the great tuners that are also members...

4. A detailed how-to every month ranging from service, to custom mods, to detailing, etc...

5. One (1) worthwhile coupon every issue from a Vendor. Even if its a 5% break.

6. Let the VCA members submit questions from HERE>>>ON THIS SITE!

Seriously,I think the experimenting is a good thing....

All good suggestions Dan. As for our house.....let's just some libating and frivolity occurred ;) .....and then the cops came. My brother wanted his FX35 inserted between the Vipers as the sheriff rolled around the corner. The lights were all flashing. We made him a nice picture for his troubles.

I don't really have any issues with the magazine. (VCA Notes is a different story--I see no reason for that publication at all) Chrysler and JRT are joined at the hip. Of course they're going to showcase their products and company direction. Anybody can buy the magazine for $28 per year. It's been that price for a long time. It also has to be broad based as very few Viper owners actually use their cars for aggressive race purposes. Every issue they ask for people to send in their stuff. There usually is a pretty good lag between submittal and the printed page (this pic is from May,2007). While there is always room for improvement (as goes for anything in life), I think Mark, and staff, do a good job.

Learning important stuff about the car most often happens here. I've belonged to several car forums over the years. All pertinent info related to any of the cars was derived from internet forums. Most every car under the sun has a similar forum these days.




Viper Owner
Jul 10, 2006
Reaction score
I think they try the best they can, but that being said, i think there is room for improvement. I agree that anything they put in mag, has already probably been seen on the forums or internet.

I would like to see more tech articles. While I can see it on the internet, its neat to have printed pics of Viper stuff. Id love to see them post some how too's of a install, say a Paxton or motons. Id love to see wheel gallery thread pics in the magazine. I think they should request more pics from club memebers, from goofy fun stuf to racing and get togethers.


Apr 7, 2001
Reaction score
:crying: WAA WAA WAA. "I can see blondies tatas"

Here's some salt in your wounds Gen2 Bruce


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GTS Bruce

Dec 29, 2000
Reaction score
Orchard Park,NY,USA
SRT 10. You misunderstand. Me likey tata's. The point was the article writers were paying so much attention to the tata's they failed to notice that the 2 wheeler did not belong in the magazine. The listed specs were not those of a GTS and the car was not a GTS. Possibly they got a much better look at the tata's then we did in the magazine. GTS Bruce

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