just more KACHING from the pockets
I hear THAT...
good idea on the leakdown and dropping the pan to make sure of no metal. keep us posted on how it all works out.
just more KACHING from the pockets
This could be that timing gasket easily.
good luck!
Fount it! Tator was right! The water jacket part of the timing chain cover blew out. This is not good. The Pressure of the coolent system is to be 17 pounds and my radiator cap tested at 10 pounds pressure. My radiator cap is bad. Guess when I did my pressure testing at 17 pounds I blew out the gasket. The gasket was weak in this area. I could have easealy blew out this gasket if I would have put a new radiator cap on to the correct pressure of 17 pounds pressure. This gasket material is not holding up to the recomended pressure of 17 pounds. Especialy after 25,000 miles or 9 years. This is scarry.
Pictures to be posted soon.
"that tator guy DOES know what he's talking about sometimes..."
That and he makes Great Deviled eggs! ! ! !
Bolt, thanks for the excellent documentation for the future generations of Viper owners.
I agree. In all my useless contributions to this forum, those pics and documentation are excellent.