I would never take my car to a car wash, I dont care if it was ******* girls, or super models. I enjoy washing my viper
Even I havent done the ******* girl carwash thing

I would never take my car to a car wash, I dont care if it was ******* girls, or super models. I enjoy washing my viper
Do you guys think I still need a lawyer?
i wouldnt be that ******* the guy. he stated he wasnt going to allow them to run it through the machine wash and was paying the difference to get it handwashed. if you been to a jiffy lube or similiar place to get your oil changed you know they never allow you to pull your own car over the pit or pull it out of the bay when exiting. if the guy wasnt comfortable driving the car then he should have stayed out of it. I have had people at shops resposible eough to tell me that they wouldnt dare get behind the wheel of my car and I respected them for that. unfortunatly you have people fully aware they cant hadle the car but because many view it as an opportunity that comes very rarely or never as a chance to fulfill a dream.
Thanks for all the kind words and offers to help with the value of the car. I will let you guys know. How do I post pictures on here? I managed to post some of the car in my member gallery but don't see how to post here. (It must be because I'm a half idiot as suggested)
the pics dont look that bad. (not downplaying the situation at all)
i am seeing replacing a rear window and a nose job. is the car a "total" loss because the airbags went off?
If he hit something with the front.......what the heck happened to the back glass?
that's what you get for being a lazy dumba$$.
"Lesson learned"?? Hmmm...should I toss my keys to some kid at a car wash?...hmmm....
Has the VCA sunk to the level where these kinds of degrading, sarcastic responses are accepted?