When I first got my 06 coupe the wheel hop the spin and fishtail was very bad even in the summer months. I took the Viper out to the country roads for testing and a couple of times I almost wheel hopped & fishtailed into a corn field. Back then I solved another problem I had, when I drove the Viper hard, by wearing depends.
Some changes I made to solve the wheel hop & fishtail
-Motons helped
-Went with the Pirelli 18 & 19" tires- less wheel hop but a lot of spin.
-Went with the Hoosier A6-no wheel hop or fishtail-but very low wear and not good in rain. They do stick like glue.
-Got the 19" Michelin Sport Cups with the Woodhouse mounts and Quaife. Never wheel hops or fishtails even with a SC install but the Michelin Cup tires will spin in the cool weather until I warm them up real good.
-Still keep the depdnds handy
In my case-I think the right kind of tire made a big difference.
The A6 was a unbelievable sticky tire-I really miss those tires.